A Guide for Chinchilla Pet Owners

This section is dedicated to all things chinchilla (formerly this content lived on a separate site called Chinchilla Planet). To help new chinchilla owners, we've identified certain posts below in a certain order we think makes sense. For those of you familiar with blogs, you'll notice that with the exception of his homepage, the rest of the site works like a traditional blog. Of course you can also browse the categories on the right or use the site's search facility. Feel free to submit comments at the bottom of any page. We'll do our best to answer your questions.
Things to Consider
Although not critical to their care, check out the history of chinchillas. Then start learning about chinchillas with our article on chinchilla basics which will give you a good overview about chinchillas. If you're not sure whether a chinchilla is right for you, think about the reasons of why to have a chinchilla along with why not to have a chinchilla as a pet that we've identified.
Still want a chinchilla? Great! You'll want to start thinking about the kind of chinchilla cage you'll want to buy or build. Also evaluate your house and make sure that you can provide the ideal environment for chinchillas. If you'll be getting more than one chinchilla from different locations, be sure to prepare ahead of time by reading about our experiences with introducing chinchillas.
For supplies, check your local pet store to make sure you have a ready source for the appropriate chinchilla food, bedding, and dustbath. If not, you may want to look into web-based stores, but be prepared to incur shipping charges.
When you have all the necessary items and are ready to have a chinchilla, consider the color you might want. Keep in mind that the rarer the color, the more expensive the chinchilla.
After Your Chinchilla Arrives
Once you have your chinchillas, you'll want to observe their behavior so that you get a feel for what is normal and what isn't. In particular, pay attention to the sounds chinchillas make and associate them with what is going on in their environment. And once you are comfortable with your new pets and they're comfortable with your presence, work slowly to build their trust so that you can handle them.
You should make yourself aware of various health issues so that you can be on the look out. Chinchillas are generally healthy animals, but they can sometimes have problems with their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. They may also suffer from digestive problems and heatstroke. Once you know the signs of heatstroke, familiarize yourself with some emergency cooling techniques that we've used in the past.
Also in the category of planning ahead is knowing how to care for your chinchillas when you're away. Don't wait until the last minute to discover that you've forgotten something.
More Information
And if you still don't think you know enough about the care of chinchillas, check out some of the books we've read and recommend. Still want more? Well we have some chinchilla facts you might enjoy.
Training Chinchillas
How Do You Keep a Chinchilla Cage Clean?
Ideal Environment for Chinchillas
Chinchillas on TV
Are Chinchillas Nocturnal?
Breeding Chinchillas: Quick Facts
Getting Another Chinchilla… Or Two
Chinchilla Death from Stress?
Why Does My Chinchilla Have Soft Stool?
What Breed Of Dog Gets Along Well With Chinchillas?
CareFresh Harmful to Chinchillas?
How Should I Introduce a New Chinchilla?
Handling Chinchillas
Chinchilla Health: Diagnosing Sickness and Other Ailments
Baby Chinchilla Questions
Safe Wood for Chinchillas
Chinchilla Movies and Videos
Chinchilla Cages
Digestive Problems
How Do I Get Rid of Flies?
Chinchilla Ailments: Symptoms and Causes
Chinchilla History
Chinchilla Care While You Are Away
Various Chinchilla Owner Polls
Chinchilla Dust Bath
Chinchilla Books
Chinchilla Respiratory Problems
How to Adjust to a New Home
How Can I Tame My Pet Chinchillas and How Long Does It Take?
Chinchilla Basics
Chinchilla Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Mouth Health
Chinchilla Medications and Treatments
How Do I Stop My Chinchillas From Barking At Night?
Can You Explain Why My Chinchillas Died?
Traveling with a Chinchilla
Can Chinchillas Be Trained? Do they Scratch?
Chinchilla Color Genes
Feeding Chinchillas
How Do I Pick Up and Hold My Chinchilla?
Emergency Cooling
Chinchilla-Proofing Your Home
Chinchilla Colors
Why Not to Have a Pet Chinchilla
Chin-Chiller: Will It Really Cool Your Chinchilla?
Chinchilla Toys
Introduction to Chinchilla Genetics
Chinchilla Chew Toys
Chinchilla Harness by Setco Enterprises
Chinchilla Bath House
Chinchilla Harness and Leash
How Do You Serve Hay To A Chinchilla?
Chinchillas as Pets
Melamine, metal, and other issues
Where to Buy a Chinchilla
Safe and Unsafe Food for Chinchillas
Chinchilla Genetics Definitions
Chinchilla Facts
Chinchillas are Prone to Heatstroke
Chinchilla Exercise Wheels
How Much Does a Chinchilla Cost?
Water Bottles and Food Dishes
Can Ferrets And Chinchillas Play Together?
Chinchilla Bedding Materials: Not All Are Safe
Chinchilla Pictures
Chinchilla Breeders
Chinchilla Treats
Introducing Two Chinchillas
Chinchilla Teeth
What Should I Do About a Bloody Chinchilla Tail?
Breeding Chinchillas – Mating and Pregnancy
Breeding Chinchillas – Development of the Young
Chinchillas in the Wild
Chinchilla Clothes
Do Chinchillas Kill Each Other?
How Does a Death Affect Chinchillas?
How Can I Tell If My Chinchillas Will Get Along?
General Chinchilla Care: Tips for Keeping Your Furry Friend Happy
Fighting Chinchillas Need Help
Are Raisins Safe for Chinchillas?