Author: Clayton Schug

What you won't find much here in the way of camera, camera accessories, or software reviews. There are plenty of sites that already do that quite well. Not to mention that I don't have the budget to keep buying such toys. Instead, you'll find my particular view on the world of nature photography along with the occasional tutorial describing techniques I've learned chasing critters around while holding a digital SLR.
As a hiker, I come in to contact with the natural world quite frequently and I try to keep my camera handy for such encounters. More often than not though, I carry my camera around for hours without finding anything to take a picture of. But sometimes I get lucky. It is those lucky times that have resulted in the photographs in this section of Infolific.
My current camera is a Canon EOS 40D. It's a digital SLR and it is fantastic. Since purchasing it, new models from Canon have been released and by the time you read this my camera will probably be several generations behind.
I have three lenses: 100-400mm L IS USM, 24-105 L IS USM, and 17-40mm L USM. All have served me well and make for a good set. I don't use much in the way of filters except a B+W polarizer and UV filter (more for bad conditions to protect the lens than to cut out UV)
I hope you find something of interest and feel free to post a comment or question at any time.
Orchid Pictures
Be an Ethical Nature Photographer
Camera Lens Filters: An Introduction
Nature Photography On Your Own
Squirrel Pictures
Birds of Prey Pictures
Chipmunk Pictures
Monarch Butterfly Pictures
Tiger Pictures
The Importance of Light for Nature Photography
Insect Pictures
Waterfall Pictures
Snapping Turtle Pictures
Flower Pictures
Butterfly Pictures
How to Travel with Your Camera Gear
Photography Resources
Tree Pictures
Tripods, Monopods and Other Camera Supports
Harbor Bird Pictures
Moon Pictures
16 of the Best Animal Photo Captions You'll Ever Read
Bird Pictures
Elk Pictures
15 Funny Animal Signs
Camera Exposure: An Introduction
Use Photography to Document Your Travels
How to Take a Good Picture of a Snake
Crocodile Pictures
Florida Everglades Bird Pictures
Aerial Photos
How to Take a Good Butterfly Picture
Death Valley Pictures
Lizard Pictures
A Guide to Camera Lenses
Composition: An Introduction
Underwater Pictures From a Florida Snorkeling Trip
Horse Pictures
Photography Books
Carrying Your Camera Gear
Camera Flashes: An Introduction
Turtle Pictures
Landscape Photos
Deer Pictures
Fish Pictures
Rabbit Pictures
A Collection of Frog Photos
Plant Pictures
Snake Pictures
Attract Hummingbirds And Butterflies To Your Garden
Sunset Pictures
Tour Group vs. Photo Tour Group
Dealing with Weather and the Environment
Taking the Best Nature Photographs
What to Photograph When You Travel
Using a Flash Outdoors
Moving from Adobe Bridge to Lightroom