Deer Pictures

Many people in my area consider deer to be a nuisance. This opinion usually comes about shortly after someone's prized begonias become a deer's dinner. Not having a garden of my own, I still like deer. And the also happen to be fairly easy to find especially in the hours around sunset.

There's one particular park near me where herds of 20 or so are easy to locate. Strangely, most of the deer I see are females and I've yet been able to get a really good picture of a male deer with multi-point horns. I do have the one where the horns are still growing. I can tell this because the points are rounded indicating that the skin that feeds the horns is still in place. And yet, I've managed to come across one deer's horns that had fallen off after the last year's mating season.

Two Deer Grazing

Two Deer Grazing
Deer Running

Deer Running

Deer with Antlers

Deer with Antlers
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