Bird Pictures

Birds are fun picture subjects. And those in flight are a challenge for photographers. A lot of variables have to come together including enough light for a fast shutter; a lens and camera that can focus quickly and constantly; and the ability to pan the camera to match the bird's flight path.

Sometimes I get lucky with such shots. Other times I settle for photographs of birds on the ground or in the water. The swan picture in this set is one of my favorites.


Condors Flying Over the Grand Canyon

Condors Flying Over the Grand Canyon
Soaring Turkey Vulture

Soaring Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture Flying

Turkey Vulture Flying
Grey Heron

Grey Heron
Bird with Red Eye

Bird with Red Eye

White Bird

White Bird
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  1. I saw a bird I've never seen before,I live next to Joliet,I. it is about the size of a robbin, the body was brownisn, the chest white with red under it's face on the upper part of it's chest. Is it a song bird?

  2. I have a songbird that I believe has a nest in a Leland cypress tree next to my house and I have a photo of the bird. Would someone care to Identify it for me?

  3. I love this site. I get all my pictures here and they really help me with my embroidery.

  4. Identifying birds can be tricky. Did you get a good photo of the one you saw? If not, I don't think you'll have much luck with identification. The tiniest features often are what distinguish one bird from another.

    • Hi,
      Yes I took a picture today and can send it to you if I had your e-mail address.

  5. Saw a bird the other day that i thought was out of place cause i dont ever recall seeing a bird of that nature where i live before just wondering if u maybe able to help me identify it.

  6. I think that all birds are beautiful, even though a few years ago i was chased by a peacock at the zoo. Some people don't like them because of their ability to fly away when getting close, but I can pet them. And I loved the pictures.

  7. Really liked the pictures but it would have been good to have the actual name of the birds shown. As a fairly new birdo, I try to learn as much as I can!

  8. Thanks for stopping by Kaylee!

  9. All of the birds look pretty.


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