Scuba Diving: Practice and Planning Makes for a Perfect Dive

15 Worst-Case Scenarios for Scuba Divers (17)
Most divers are cautious and attentive in the way they prepare for and conduct themselves while diving. They know the rules and limits, they check their equipment over carefully, …
I launched this section of to capture my scuba diving experiences from day 1 of the PADI certification to the dive vacations I've taken. Different divers have different interests and to orient you on the sort of information you'll find here, here's the sort of diver I am. First off, I like warm water diving only. I did my open water certification in November in a quarry in Pennsylvania. The aid temperature was in the 50s and the water temperature was just a little higher. Even with thicker suits than you'd use in the tropics, I got cold in the water after just 30 minutes and being hit by the wind coming out of the water had me shivering non-stop.
While I've been down to about 100 feet I'm more of a shallow diver. I find that the light is better at shallower depths which results in better photos. I enjoy seeing “big” ocean life like sharks, sea turtles, and dolphins, but I'm also quite happy to explore the coral nooks and crannies with a flashlight. I've also done a bunch of night dives which make for a different experience as your visibility is limited to wherever you can shine your light. Not to mention that the sea creatures are different e.g. more crustaceans.
I've been in one wreck while diving in the US Virgin Islands, but the bigger wrecks found off the east coast of the US are of no interest to me in large part, once again, because I don't like cold water diving. I understand that dry suits make all the difference in the world, but I haven't tried one so I can't say that I'd end up feeling any different.
Curiously, I'm a diver that suffers from mild seasickness. Pretty funny, huh? I discovered this while bobbing at the surface after one of my first dives when I had sucked all the air before the rest of the divers I was with. I've been good on a vast majority of boat dives and while some did have high waves, once I got in the water the discomfort passed. Phew! Luckily I discovered shore diving on a recent trip to Belize.
I've been buying more and more equipment, preferring to own rather than rent most items. However, I'm still not convinced that owning my own regulator and BCD makes sense. The BCD is bulky and would add to what I have to pack perhaps even requiring a new bag. And the regulator seems to require so much maintenance that there are no cost benefits vs. renting gear from a reputable dive shop. I do have my own wetsuit, boots, gloves, snips, noisemaker, flashlight, mask, fins, and wrist-mounted notepad. I can get this gear and my buddy's gear into a single bag which is quite manageable.
Train Locally or When On Vacation?
Signs and Symptoms of Nitrogen Narcosis
Shore Diving in Bonaire
Bonaire Dive Shops and Operators
Dive Knife or Sea Snips?
Scuba Diving Photos: The Best of Flickr
Belize City Scuba Diving
The Best of Underwater Photography Magazine
Does the Air Volume in a Scuba Tank Change As You Descend?
The Importance of a Good Scuba Diving Buddy
Compact Guide to Bonaire Reef Fish and Creatures
Your Scuba Tank Comes Loose Underwater… Now What?
Tips for Entering and Exiting Surf
Sixty Feet Underwater and Can't Get Air
Are Hoods Really Needed?
Finding Lost Dive Buddies vs. Safe Ascent Procedures
Intova Dive Light Review
Weight Distribution For Wreck Diving
The Latest Research on Nitrogen Narcosis
Real World Diving Tips
Tortola Scuba Diving
5 Questions Every Scuba Diver Should Answer
Bonaire Shore Dives (North End)
Oxygen Toxicity aka Oxtox
Belize Dive Operators
Roatan and Utila (Bay of Islands, Honduras) Dive Operators
Introduction to Nitrogen Narcosis
Scuba Diving Class – Day 3
Nitrogen Narcosis: What Technical Divers Can Teach Us
Dive with Div'Ocean Bonaire
Behaviors of Those Suffering from Nitrogen Narcosis
Basic Scuba Diving Hand Signals
Bonaire Boat Dives
Reducing the Effects of Nitrogen Narcosis
Preparing for the Open Water Dive Training
Dealing With Hypothermia
To See or Not To See, That is the Question
I'm PADI Open Water Diver Certified!
Scuba Diving Class – Day 1
St. Croix Scuba Diving
VIP Diving Bonaire Review
Scuba Divers, Pumpkins and Halloween!
Scuba Diving Instruction Manual and DVD
What Affects Your Health and Fitness for Scuba Diving
Scuba Diving After Heart Surgery
A New Diver's Guide to Underwater Photography
Compass Navigation When Scuba Diving
Dive Computers Make Diving Safer
Scuba Diving Glossary (Humor)
6 Bonaire Shore Dives On the South Side
Scuba Diving Cartoons
The History of Nitrogen Narcosis
The Cost of Scuba Diving (Beginner)
Signing Up For Scuba Training
Underwater Camera for Scuba Diving
Retrieving an Item Dropped at the End of Dive
15 Worst-Case Scenarios for Scuba Divers
Diving Tips for Beginners
Scuba Diving in Belize
Scuba Diving Gear: What You Should and Shouldn't Buy
Witz Waterproof Case Review
Mask Defog Gel or Spray?
Ambergris Caye Scuba Diving
Warm Water Hypothermia
Scuba Diving Class – Day 2
Navigating Underwater Without a Compass
Surface Signaling Devices
Open Water Dive Training – Day 1
Can You Dive With Chronic Sinus and Ear Problems?
The Risk of Lead Poisoning From Scuba Diving Weights