Author: Max Lepley

My parents weren't too keen on me having the sorts of pets that would run around the house. I ended up having pets like hamsters and gerbils, but my favorite were freshwater fish. Actually, I had just as strong an interest in freshwater plants as I did fish.
At first my interest was typical of a child's. But over the years I began to explore ways to optimize the freshwater environment to grow plants faster and bigger. I constructed a CO2 injection system at one point that worked amazingly.
I've got a little less time these days to devote to the care of my aquariums, but they remain my number #1 hobby.
Fish Perceive Their Environments Via Special Adaptations
The Juvenile: Stage 2 of a Freshwater Fish's Life
How Fish Use the Environment to Survive
Freshwater Fish Can Learn and Demonstrate Intelligence
Predators of Freshwater Fish Eggs and Fry: It's A Tough Life
Daytime Fish Behavior
Specialist Feeders: Some Freshwater Fish Have Found Food Niches
The Changing Seasons: Freshwater Fish Must Deal With Different Challenges
How Fish Use Camouflage to Avoid Detection
How Do Fish Detect Sound?
Aggression and Stress in Freshwater Fish
Catfish: The Vacuum Cleaners of the Freshwater Fish World
Freshwater Fish Parasites: Attacked From Within
How Schooling Works Among Freshwater Fish
Social Learning by Fish
General Recognition: Not All Freshwater Fish Are the Same
Surviving in Harsh Environments: Some Freshwater Fish Are Undaunted
Specific Recognition: Freshwater Fish Can Distinguish Individual Identities
How Fish Find Food in Freshwater Environments
Flying Food: Some Fish Will Happily Eat Insects
Chemical Defense Mechanisms Used By Freshwater Fish
Wild Cichlids: Specialized Algae Eaters
Amazing Facts About Freshwater Fish
Nighttime Fish Behavior
Chemical Messages Between Fish
Marsh and Ditch Habitats: How Freshwater Fish Survive In These Environments
Freshwater Fish Can Communicate Through Behavior
Lake Habitats: How Freshwater Fish Have Adapted
The Rainy Season Transforms the Freshwater Fish Habitat
Pressure Detection: In Darkness, Freshwater Fish Must Sense Changes to Survive
Predators of Adult Fish
Orientation: How Do Freshwater Fish Not Get Lost?
How Freshwater Fish Communicate Through Color
How Fish Use Electricity to Hunt and Communicate
Prey Fish Avoid Predators By Hiding
Piranha and Pacu: Big Teeth and Powerful Jaws
Feeding Time: The Foraging Cycles of Freshwater Fish
Synchronized Swimming: An Impressive Display By Schooling Fish
In Murky Water, A Freshwater Fish Must Rely on Taste
Hidden from Danger: What Options Do Freshwater Fish Have?
Living on Land and in Water: Some Freshwater Fish Cross the Boundary
Fish Instinct and Learning From Experience
Fish Feeding at the Substrate
Freshwater Fish Larva: A Dangerous Time
Things You Didn't Know About Schooling Fish
Invertebrates: Yucky Bugs to Us, Yummy Morsels to Fish
Adult Freshwater Fish: The Final Stage
Freshwater Fish Must Not Only Find, But Often Fight for Food
How Freshwater Fish Eat: Usually in One Go
Rhythms of Underwater Life
Fish Diets in the Wild: What's There To Eat In Freshwater Habitats?
The Killifish Life Cycle
Fleeing from Danger: Swimming Away Is Often All That a Fish Can Do
Safety in Numbers: There's a Reason Freshwater Fish Form Schools
Freshwater Fish Can't Always Avoid Predators
Freshwater Fish Use Chemical Messages to Communicate
Egg Development of Freshwater Fish
Techniques Used by Freshwater Fish to Evade Predators
Defensive Armor in Freshwater Fish
Behavioral Defense: Freshwater Fish Strategies To Avoid Predators
The River Habitats of Freshwater Fish