Author: Travis Burke

Like many saltwater aquarium enthusiasts I started in the world of freshwater. But I always had a fascination with more colorful and seemingly more varied creatures you could only get with a saltwater aquarium.
And so after saving up enough money I took the plunge. Things didn't go so well at the start and I had problems establishing and maintaining the right chemical balance of the water. Still, the learning process was fun and I'm glad I did it.
I'm better with such things now and I'm looking forward to sharing with you some of things I learned along the way.
Marine Fish Larva Development
Reef Predator Hunting Techniques
Defending Reef Territories: Fish Need to Protect Their Food Source
Fish Territories on the Reef
Fish Dominance Hierarchies on the Reef
Seasonal Changes on Coral Reefs
How Fish Find Food in Seagrass Beds
Sharp Minds on the Reef: Are There Intelligent Fish?
Reef Fish Larvae Development
Armor and Spikes for Defense Against Reef Predators
Chemical Messages Underwater: Can Fish Smell?
Advertising Toxicity to Defend Against Reef Predators
Marine Invertebrates: Some Can See and Some Can't
Territorial Reef Fish
Cleaner Wrasses: It's a Dirty, But Necessary Job
Camouflage on the Reef: How Fish Hide in Plain Sight
Invertebrate Use of Smell
Filter Feeders and Anemones
The Coral Reef: Where Do They Come From?
How Marine Creatures Use Sea Shells for Defense
Fish Communicating Through Smell
Juvenile Reef Fish: The Third Stage In a Fish's Lifecyle
How Fish Produce and Detect Sound
Evading Reef Predators When Chased
The Coral Reef During the Day
Coral Reef Ecology
Adult Reef Fish: The Final Stage In a Fish's Lifecyle
Planktivore Feeding Habits
How and Where Reef Fish Hide From Predators
How Fish Manage to Live on a Coral Reef
Poisonous Reef Fishes
Clownfish and Sea Anemone Behavior
Fish Fights: The Lead-Up
Crazy Facts About Marine Fish
Development of a Fish Egg
The Importance of Algae on the Reef
The Impact of Lunar Cycles on the Reef
Fighting Tactics Used by Coral Reef Fish
Shrimps and Gobies Behavior
Outswimming Predators on the Reef
Communicating Through Color: There's Hidden Meaning in the Colors of a Fish
Sunlight: The Start of the Food Web for Coral Reefs
How Reef Fish Recognize Other Fish
Fish Intelligence
Navigating the Reef: How Fish Become Familiar With Their Territory
Can Reef Fish Learn? Are They Intelligent?
Learning From Others
Mimicry: An Effective Defense Against Reef Predators
Butterflyfish and Angelfish Feeding Behavior
Eating on the Reef: An Intricate Food Web
Fish that Eat the Coral Reef
How Reef Fish Defend Against Predators
Coral Reefs at Dawn and Dusk
Rhythms of Marine Life
Fish Fights: Weighing Up the Opposition
Chameleons of the Sea
The Coral Reef at Night
Using Behavior for Communication
Reef Fish Diets: Just What Do They Eat?
Invertebrate Feeding Tactics