Author: Chris Needham

Wilderness survival is a strange hobby. I learn all of this stuff that I will only need to use in an emergency. And I'm constantly torn between the desire to actually be in a situation where my skills would come in handy and, of course, the desire to not actually be in trouble out in the wild. Ah well, let's leave the philosophical discussions for another day.
So my interest in wilderness survival started as a kid when I was camping. I always had a fascination with starting the campfire. The harder it was to get going the more fun it was. Matches were for wimps (or for when I got tired)! I've done a lot more reading and practicing since then and yet starting a fire by rubbing two sticks together still seems like the most valuable skill there is.
How to Find Subsurface Water in a Survival Situation
Emergency Survival Shelter
Bear Grylls vs. Les Stroud
How to Purify Water In Survival Situation
BlastMatch Fire Starter
Surviving in Cold Water
Canadian Boreal Forest Survival
Snow Based Survival Shelters
Eating Bugs for Survival
Which Way is North?
Mountain Survival: Les Stroud Shows How to Get Out Alive
Surviving a Fall Through Ice
Distilling Water in the Wilderness
Emergency Water Supplies – Rain, Snow, Ice, and Dew
How to Choose and Use a Survival Knife
Survival Stress
Jungle Survival in Costa Rica
Surviving When Lost at Sea
The Doomsday Prepper’s Guide to Self Storage
Scorpion Stings: Painful, But Not Usually Lethal
WetFire Tinder
Surviving After a Plane Crash
Tarantula Bites
Desert Survival
How to Find Water
How to Remove a Leech
Plants as a Survival Food Source
Start a Fire with a Gun: Is it a Myth?
S.U.R.V.I.V.A.L., The US Army Way
Prioritizing and Improvising for Wilderness Survival
Surviving in the Canyonlands of Utah
Animal Traps
The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook – Travel
How to Find Surface Water
Surviving a Tsunami
FM 21-76 Survival Book
Arctic Survival: Skills You'll Need in the Harshest of Environments
Man vs Wild, Bear Grylls, Fakes Situations
Wilderness Survival Book
Survival in the Sonora Desert
Tree Based Survival Shelters
Is It Legal to Live In The Wilderness?
Swamp Survival in Georgia, USA
Surviving a Sandstorm