Add Any Extension to Pages for WordPress

Add Any Extension to Pages Plugin

Coming soon…

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  1. Hi,

    we are using your plugin for years and does exactly what it should, great! However, we now installed WPML to create release different language versions of our website and there seems to be an incompatibility. We cannot open any of the translated pages. The error logs say the following:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function using_permalinks() on null in /home/novustat/live/wordpress/shared/wp-content/plugins/add-any-extension-to-pages/add-any-extension-to-pages.php:111 Stack trace: #0 /home/novustat/live/wordpress/releases/20210525061551/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): aaetp_no_page_trailing_slash('/en', '') #1 /home/novustat/live/wordpress/releases/20210525061551/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters('/en', Array) #2 /home/novustat/live/wordpress/shared/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/classes/utilities/class-wpml-slash-management.php(82): apply_filters('user_trailingsl...', '/en', '') #3 /home/novustat/live/wordpress/shared/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/classes/utilities/class-wpml-slash-management.php(52): WPML_Slash_Management->user_trailingslashit('/en') #4 /home/novustat/live/wordpress/shared/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/classes/url-handling/converter/strategy/class-wpml-url-converter-subdir-strategy.php(120): WPML_Sla in /home/novustat/live/wordpress/shared/wp-content/plugins/add-any-extension-to-pages/add-any-extension-to-pages.php on line 111

    Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this? We contacted the WPML team initially but they suggested that the problem is caused by your plugin and that you would be able to assist us better in resolving the issue.

    • I don't use WPML so I'm not in a position to investigate a fix.

      I would argue that, if you've paid WPML, they owe you a year's worth of support. And if they want to keep you as a customer, they should investigate the incompatibility with my very simple plugin.

      • Hello Marios,
        thank you very much for your very quick response. I have shared your response with the WPML team and for full transparency I am also sharing their response here:

        "Hi There,

        Thank you for sharing the response from the "Add Any Extension to Pages" plugin author.

        To achieve compatibility with WPML, there is a systematic approach that needs to be followed. The plugin author would need to join our Go-Global program, where they can submit their plugin for a compatibility test conducted by our dedicated compatibility team. During this process, our compatibility team can provide guidance on achieving full compatibility with WPML. We highly recommend that the "Add Any Extension to Pages" plugin author consider this route to ensure their plugin works seamlessly with WPML.

        It's important to note that while we are committed to providing support for any issues arising from our WPML plugin, the fatal error you're encountering originates from the "Add Any Extension to Pages" codebase. As such, it is beyond the scope of our support to fix issues caused by third-party plugins.

        We encourage you to share this information with the plugin author and suggest they join our Go-Global program for the necessary compatibility testing and recommendations. It will benefit both their plugin and users like yourself who rely on WPML for multilingual functionality."

        • Thanks for sharing. That's good to know. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to jump through their hoops especially with their caveat that in the end they might not actually do anything. They make money on their plugin and mine is free so I need to prioritize where I spend my time. There are other plugins that do things similar to mine. It might be easier/quicker for you to try others.

  2. Thank you for this really needed plugin!

    It is so useful as I converted an old HTML site to Wordpress and by using your plugin I am able to keep the URLs of the pages, which many people have bookmarked, exactly the same as on the old site.

    My best regards to you!


  3. Hi,

    This plugin is work fine for my parent pages but not for children pages. It's return Page Not Found when I walked through children pages, any suggestion?

    Thank you,

    • Sub-pages are supported and should work fine. Do you have any other errors? From what you've described I can't tell what the issue might be.

      • Hi,

        I got only "Page not found" error. My setting as below:
        Permalink: Custom -> %category%/%pagename%.html
        Plugin: .html

        Do I need to change any thing on .htaccess file?

        Thank you,

        • WordPress needs access to make modifications to your .htaccess file, but you don't need to make any changes yourself. Other than saving settings, you shouldn't have to do anything.

      • Do my setting correct?

        • Yes they look fine.

  4. Hi,

    Due to various glitches the URLs of my 1,300 pages site end in .html (except for the homepage) BUT all the page links to those pages (15,000 or so) have lost their .html suffix, so they're all broken. Can I use your plugin to fix them?

    Thanks (hoping for positivity/creativity!)

    • It sounds like you need some sort of redirection plugin to handle incoming links.

      • And your arsenal of IT weapons doesn't include one of those I guess Marios?

        • I haven't created a redirected plugin. I think the space is well-handled by others. I'm sure something already in the WordPress repository will help.

  5. This plug-in seems to work just fine. My only issue is with Wordpress I think.

    I have added .html to the end of all my pages which is fine.

    Wordpress removes this extension when someone visits the homepage of the site. That is OK but when people navigate around the site and then return to the homepage the html extension is removed once more.

    Is there any way of showing the extension?

    I have tried cloning the homepage and calling it index.html but wordpress keeps adding -2 to the permalink so I get index-2.html

    Any idea how I can fix this?

    • I believe you could accomplish this in 2 steps. The first step would be to add a rule to your .htaccess file that would translate requests for index.html to the URL normally used for the homepage. I don't have the rule for this off the top of my head.

      The second step would be to replace all occurrences of the homepage (/) to /index.html. There are a couple of ways to do this including editing your theme files.

  6. This plug in is not what I was looking for and now it will NOT DELETE

    • I'm not sure what you mean by it won't delete. There's nothing in the plugin that prevents it from being deactivated and then deleted.

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