What is MVP and How It Helps Mobile App Development

Let's say you've got a great idea of a mobile app and know well how to make it, but is that enough? First, ask yourself two questions:

  • Will the app satisfy the audience's needs?
  • Will it solve their problems?

How can you know the answers before you kick off the full-version product? At IT Master Soft, we are convinced that the most efficient way to test your application is to offer it to real users as early as possible. Here comes MVP (Minimum Viable Product), which is developed as an initial version that entails the key functions of the end product and is able to practically verify if it will work. Stay with us and read what MVP means and why it is so essential for mobile app development.

MVP explained

Almost a decade ago, Eric Ries reconceptualized the conventional approach to startups, MVP being represented as the core idea. The chief aim of an MVP is to receive user feedback ahead of developing the final product. Basically, with an MVP, developers eliminate failures and get insights on which improvements the application needs.

An MVP performs only the major functions of the final product, having its minimum but key features and is developed following the standard app development cycle. Still, that's enough to test the performance of the mobile app and identify its potential.

There are two common methods to launch your early version: you can offer it to a smaller circle of users or release it into the market. In either case, after a while your team will be able to draw a conclusion about the product's efficiency. Yes, successful results at the MVP phase mean that it's worth going on to develop the full-version product. On the flip side, if the early version doesn't produce a desirable effect upon the users, it's advisable to reconsider the idea and check if the roadmap followed for mobile application development is correct.

Today, building an MVP is a common practice in many IT companies. It's proven to be wholly beneficial for app development. Why? Let's jump right in.

How MVP Facilitates Mobile App Development

There exists a point of view that MVP is an unfinished product, so why spend cost on it? However, this position is totally wrong: an MVP is a workable solution that meets the customer's major need. Starting with an MVP can offer a range of advantages to your business.

1. You'll save time and budget

Spending a great deal of time and costs on the full-version product might be quite risky, as you can never guess how users will react. That is especially true for startups or cases when business is on a tight budget. Taking advantage of an MVP helps to make a prediction whether the final-version of the application will attract users and produce revenue. You invest less but get valuable feedback to direct your further actions.

2.  You'll see how the app works in practice

You might have a bright idea of an application that is very likely to provide a solution to a user's problem, the one which other apps fail to resolve. However, we'll disappoint you: not each and every idea that looks innovative and attractive will impress people. It's easy to check out. Just look through the most popular categories in App Store or Play Market. The services abound with similar apps offering home training tips, recipes, travel guidance etc. However, only a few become real hits and drive whopping amounts of downloads. So why not start with an MVP and get convinced that your idea is worth pushing forward?

3. Launching an MVP facilitates quick market entry

As we've mentioned above, you can release your early version straight into the market. Apart from testing the product for the audience's response, you grasp an opportunity to grow your brand awareness. Not to mention, if your application is truly successful, you'll start generating revenue before the full version is released. Amazing, right?

4. An early version assists in collecting necessary data

Before you create your multifunctional and complex final product, it's essential to understand some important details. First off, you need to correctly identify the target demographics. Secondly, you might hesitate over certain functions, and an early version can help you figure out if they really fail. In essence, employing an MVP is a reliable approach to test out your hypothesis and eliminate the risks.

5. You'll get the best variant of the end product

An MVP is the ideal option if you focus on tailoring the app that will best meet users' needs. It gives an opportunity to analyse your target demographics and their preferences and use this data to upgrade the app and add functionality. In other words, launching an early version is the most effective way to sustain users and make sure that your end product will perfectly address users' needs.

6. You'll attract investors earlier

Let's say you've got a concept of an interesting project and you're eager to kick off with generating revenue right away. It's obvious that if you want to drive investments, you need to present a viable solution to assure investors that your project has potential. Therefore, when you create and launch an MVP, you prove that your app reflects current needs and trends of the market, and also show that your product works.

The Bottom Line

To wrap it up, developing a simplified early version is a sensible approach to save your resources. You'll spend minimum time and effort to test your idea, instead of examining the full-version product, when the resources are used with no guarantee that the application will seamlessly run and generate income. With an MVP, you can start improving the app only after you've seen that it's been approved by the audience. It's a no-brainer that if you add on functionality and adjust your app design relying upon the feedback of the authentic users, your end product will be attractive and popular.

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