Free FTP Server

I recently wanted to backup a large number of files while traveling. These files also happened to be rather large (hi-resolution photos) so simply e-mailing them to myself wasn't going to work. This wasn't the first time I've wanted to send files to my home PC while on the road, but it was the first time I decided to find a good solution to the problem.

Typically file transfers from one computer to another are done via FTP (file transfer protocol) so I decided to seek out a decent and free FTP server solution that I could run on my home PC. I wanted something simple to use, yet solid enough not to suddenly allow every anonymous person to remotely access my computer.

Once again Google came through and after some research I came across a free FTP server software package called FileZilla. True to the instructions, this program was a breeze to setup and configure. It has one quirk though that I wasn't able to figure out. Once installed, FileZilla will startup every time the computer starts up. That might be handy for some, but for me it's unnecessary as I only need an FTP server every couple of months. Aside from that, I wholeheartedly recommend the program.

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  1. Setup what programs you want to start automatically by running msconfig.

  2. I work for a small company with no tech staff. I tried setting up an ftp site with IIS and failed miserably :( Filezilla does look easier. I will give it a try. But the consensus here is we're probably better off with a hosted solution.

  3. There is another very good free FTP Server. Xlight FTP Server at It is free for personal use and very powerful even in the free version.

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