Crocodile Pictures

If you've ever been to the Florida Everglades, you know that crocodiles are so common there it's amazing the park is open to the public. You'd think they'd lose more hikers than they do. Perhaps the crocodiles are so well fed that they can't be bothered to chase down humans.

Our National Parks, a book by Reader's Digest writes this about the crocodiles. “Roaming the mangrove creeks, its knobby, clay-colored back rising formidably above the water and its tapered snout studded fangs, this reptile, when it wants to get other animals out of its way, needs only to give the water and angry slap with its tail. The crocodile rules its kingdom, confident and supreme, though its authority goes unnoticed by most human visitors.”

I have to admit that the added danger of having a crocodile attack makes for some exciting picture taking. Fortunately, in my case, the crocodiles didn't flinch. Mind you I used zoom lens for all of these shots so I didn't need to get that close. My favorite picture is of the crocodile head and eyes just above the water surface. There were also some alligator sightings, but I didn't manage to get any pictures of those.

Crocodile Sneak Attack

Crocodile Sneak Attack
Crocodile Swimming

Crocodile Swimming
Crocodile Sunbathing

Crocodile Sunbathing
Crocodile on Rock

Crocodile on Rock
Crocodile Cooling Off

Crocodile Cooling Off

Crocodiles are much more impressive in person than they are on TV. And even if you're not a morning person, consider signing up for an early morning canoe tour. You're almost guaranteed to have some good crocodile sightings. Don't drop your camera in the water when you start taking pictures!

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