Birds of Prey Pictures

I like birds of prey more than any other class of birds. I think in large part that's because they're bigger than most other birds. And it doesn't hurt that they have that air of power that comes with having sharp beaks and long talons.

These pictures come from all over including Rockefeller State Park in New York; a campground in Ontario, Canada; Joshua Tree National Park in California; and the Everglades in Florida.

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-Tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk

Red-Tailed Hawk
Bird of Prey on Tree Branch

Bird of Prey on Tree Branch
Bird of Prey with Fish

Bird of Prey with Fish
Red-Tailed Hawk on Ground

Red-Tailed Hawk on Ground
Hawk on Tree Branch

Hawk on Tree Branch

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  1. You have a photo on this site called "Bird of Prey with Fish".
    I saw two today, both in the tops of 2 Norfolk pines calling to each other.
    When you have time will you please email the name of the bird to me?
    I'm in Melbourne Beach, FL and haven't seen birds of this kind here before.
    Thanks for any help.

    • I believe you're referring to the Osprey. I'm sure there's a more specific name within in the family, but I don't know it.

  2. We're lucky enough to have some California Condors here in Arizona. About 60 of the 400 condors in existence fly in and around the Grand Canyon. They're so majestic and beautiful... I feel really lucky to have seen some of them. Although I never seem to have my camera ready when they make an appearance, so I don't have the great images I'd have hoped for!

  3. I love Owls & Hawks. The pictures are wonderful. Thank you & keep up the good work.
    Would you be interestd in one that I just took of a Hawk in my backyard? It's a pretty good shot from my kitchen window.

  4. The pictures are great! Hawks are beautiful predators. Please keep up the great work.

  5. Raptors photos are brilliant! They live to cull; sad, but they are important to Nature. Thank you for these great photos, and keep up the great photography work!

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