First Aid: Yes, You Can Save a Life

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Would you know what to do if a co-worker was having a heart attack? Could you help, or would you just stand there and watch helplessly?
Why learn first aid? Because it's one of those things you'd wish you knew when the time comes. And chances are you will need it sooner or later. When an emergency happens there is very little time to act. Your actions during the first few minutes of an emergency can mean life or death.
Take for example respiratory and cardiac arrest which can be caused by many existing medical issues. In all cases, vital organs can begin to die from the lack of oxygen in just a few minutes. Waiting for paramedics may not be best option in such situations as this damage is permanent. In other emergencies such as choking, poisoning, drowning, heat stroke, and bleeding death can occur within minutes. Starting first aid immediately can and often does mean the difference between life and death.
It is vital that you know what to do, through proper training, so you can act quickly and competently during an emergency. Get trained and be ready. Here you'll learn the basics of controlling severe bleeding; dealing with breathing emergencies; helping heart attack casualties; recognizing the signs of secondary drowning; and much more.
Not only will you be able to help other people, but statistics show that being trained in first aid drastically reduces the chance of needing first aid simply by being better informed.
Please note that although we've taken great care to ensure the accuracy of all the information on this site, it is not meant to replace the advice of a physician. Also, reading about first aid procedures here is not equivalent to the training you would receive from a first aid and CPR course taught by a certified professional. However, we do feel the information on this site makes for a good reminder of previously learned skills and can even be used to prepare for certification.
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Bradycardia: Extremely Poor Blood Circulation Can Kill
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Asthma Attack: What It Looks Like and How To Help
Cardiac Arrest: CPR Could Prevent Death
Jaw Thrust: Best Suited When a Neck or Spine Injury Is Suspected
Convulsions: How to Use First Aid to Help
Fire Ant Bites: First Aid When Bitten
2 Types of Choking Emergencies and How to Help with First Aid
Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)
Pressure Related Injuries: Most Commonly A Result of Not Following Diving Protocol
Free First Aid and CPR Manual
Secondary Drowning: The Danger Exists And There Is Little Warning
Allergic Reactions to Latex Gloves: Immediately Seek Medical Help
When to Call EMS (9-1-1): When In Doubt, Call
Tachycardia: Faster Heart Beat, But Less Blood Flow
Heart Attack: When and How To Respond With First Aid
Head Injuries: Don't Delay, Seek Medical Attention
How to Call EMS (9-1-1)
Anaphylactic Shock: Serious Condition That Can Come On Suddenly
Hypothermia: Tips For Preventing and First Aid For When It Happens
3 Types of Skin Burns and How To Treat Them With First Aid
Bone, Muscle, and Joint Injuries: How To Treat With First Aid
Stoma: Although Rare, First Aiders Encounter Someone With One
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Hyperventilation: Too Much of a Good (Oxygen) Thing
Triage: Maximizing Care With Limited Resources
Emergency Action Principles: These Will Maximize Your Efforts
Diseases and Infections: We Are Constantly Battling Viruses and Bacteria
Legal Issues in First Aid: The Law Is (Mostly) On Your Side
Spinal Injuries: It's Worth Taking Extra Precautions
Hemorrhaging: How to Apply First Aid
First Aid for Poisoning
Cardio-Cerebral Resuscitation (CCR): The New CPR?
Severe Bleeding: Take Immediate Action with First Aid
10 First Aid Myths and Mistakes
First Aid For Snake Bites: Refuting The Advice of Movies
Blisters: The First Aid Is Counter-Intuitive
Breathing Emergencies: Recognize the Signs of Respiratory Distress and Arrest
Sport First Aid Kit: Keep It Stocked and Handy
First Aid for Electric Shock
What Is The Longest Amount Of Time Someone Has Had CPR And Survived?
Rescue Breathing: A Core Skill for First Aiders
Clinical Death and Biological Death: They're Not Quite the Same
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The First Aider's Role In An Emergency
Heat Cramps, Exhaustion, and Stroke: An Escalating Series of Warnings
Hands Only CPR: Maximizing the Value of CPR
Workplace First Aid Kit: Having One Is a Legal Requirement