Williams Reindeer Farm, Alaska

Near Palmer, Alaska, I discovered a very unique attraction–the Williams Reindeer Farm.
I thoroughly enjoyed letting friendly reindeer eat out of my hand–a gooey experience that was an adventure in itself–as well as learning all about these interesting animals. For instance, I found out that reindeer can't kick their feet backward because of the way their leg tendons are structured, which is why they walk with such an odd, high-stepped gait.
Palmer is where the Glenn Highway (State Highway 1) meets the Parks Highway (State Highway 3), about 30 miles northeast of Anchorage. The Reindeer Farm is located on Bodenburg Road at about Mile 11-1/2 of the Old Glenn Highway, some 7 miles south of Palmer.
The farm is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily from May through mid-September and by appointment the rest of the year; admission is $5 for adults and $3 for children ages 3-11. To learn more, call 1-907/745-4000.
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