Eartha, the World's Largest Rotating Globe in Yarmouth, Maine

Maps from the DeLorme Company helped us navigate countless backroads. So when we needed new ones, we headed for their headquarters in Yarmouth, Maine.
We'd only heard a little about Eartha, the world's largest rotating globe, which stands in DeLorme's lobby. But what an impressive sight to watch this 41-foot, 5,600-pound globe, tilted at the same angle as the planet, slowly rotate. The detail is phenomenal; the globe's 792 panels detail ocean depths, mountain ranges, road networks and urban areas — it's fascinating!
We liked the DeLorme Map Store as well. You could lose yourself for hours looking at wall maps, roadmaps, globes, travel books and GPS software. But even if you don't buy a thing, we'd highly recommend a trip here just to see Eartha. Yarmouth is where State Highway 115 meets U.S. Highway 1, about 12 miles northeast of downtown Portland. The store (2 DeLorme Dr.; 1-800-642-0970) is on U.S. Route 1; just take Exit 17 off I-95.
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