Bar J Chuckwagon Supper and Western Show, Wyoming

Against a backdrop of the stunning Teton Mountains near Jackson, Wyoming, our family enjoyed a wonderful evening filled with great food and wholesome, top-notch entertainment at the Bar J Chuckwagon Supper and Western Show.
The rib-stickin' meal was first-rate. For $16 to $24, you get either barbecued beef, chicken, pork ribs or a big rib eye steak, accompanied by a baked potato, beans, homemade biscuits, applesauce, dessert and a beverage (no alcohol). The price is only $6 for children age 8 or younger, or free if they sit on your lap.
It may sound hard to believe, but they can serve more than 700 people here in 25 minutes. After the meal comes 90 minutes of outstanding cowboy music and comedy by the Bar J Wranglers, some truly accomplished musicians. Among them is a fiddler who's a two-time U.S. national champion.
Best of all, it was good, clean family fun — positive and uplifting. In fact, when we were there, the leader of the group received a standing ovation after reciting a poem about patriotism, strong families and sound values. How refreshing!
Jackson is in northwest Wyoming, just south of Yellowstone National Park on U.S. Highway 191. The Bar J Ranch is about 6 miles northwest of Jackson, just west of State Highway 390. Dinners are served rain or shine from Memorial Day through September 28. Reservations are suggested.
For details, consult or call 1-800-905-2275.
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