Cyber Threats & Your Business: The Best Steps To Take

Knowledge is power, and in the fight against cyber threats knowledge is the first preventative measure you can take. After all, if you know what the trending cyber risks and attacks are you are more likely to avoid them. This applies to all hacks and scams, even ones that occur in real life. In the digital world, a well-dressed email could convince you to accidentally download a virus that then encrypts your data and holds it for ransom. In the real world, you might be billed for hundreds of dollars for calling a suspicious number back and being held on the phone for false reasons.

The best way to combat these threats is to know they exist in the first place and know what to look out for. The second way to combat these threats is with software and security measures in place that will both prevent them from coming your way in the first place and from taking root if you do fall for them.

Most Common Cyber Threats

Some common cyber threats include:

1. You Use the Same Passwords for Everything

If you or any of your employees use the same password for everything, then there is risk. Your employees should have a unique password that they use to access their login or your company's Cloud account. This way if their personal password as stolen, hackers cannot use it to easily access your business' data.

2. You or Your Employees Fall for Phishing Attacks

One of the biggest risks in any company is the employees. Untrained employees could accidentally download a file from a phishing email or suspicious website, and suddenly your entire business is held for ransom. Never underestimate how dangerous ransomware is. Ransomware, as explained on, can shut your entire business down if you do not comply with the hacker and pay up.

3. You Do Not Keep Your Software Updated

Update all software – even the ones you don't use often – to minimize the risk of being hacked. Most software updates involve a security update, and not installing it puts you at risk.

4. You Do Not Have a Security Strategy

As a business, you must invest in your digital security. This means putting a security strategy into place. Have software to protect your endpoints. Create tiers of security for your Cloud account so one user cannot access everything. Enforce unique passwords, train your employees, and so on. Create a comprehensive strategy that is as preventive as it is defensive.

5. You Do Not Know The Trending Security Threats

Stay up to date with emerging cyber threats so you can adjust accordingly and put up your defenses before this new threat attacks.

Steps to Take

Some smart steps to take to avoid these cyber threats include:

  1. Train Yourself and Your Employees
  2. Invest in Cybersecurity Software
  3. Keep Your Software Up To Date
  4. Keep Essential Information Backed Up Offline

If you don't take a proactive stance against hackers, you run the risk of becoming victim to one. Don't be added to this list of the worst cyber-attacks in history. Instead, beef up security, train your employees, and make contingency plans now.

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