Rock City: A National Natural Landmark in Kansas

You should definitely stop and see Rock City if you're traveling in central Kansas near Minneapolis, the boyhood town of George Washington Carver.
Rock City is one of only three National Natural Landmarks in Kansas. It features roughly 200 huge sandstone rock formations called concretions — masses of sandstone cemented together millions of years ago by calcium carbonate borne by seeping underground water, then exposed as wind and water eroded softer surrounding sandstone.
Some of the boulders are as large as 27 feet in diameter; this is one of the world's largest collections of such formations. You can't appreciate their magnitude until you walk among them. They're gigantic!
Minneapolis is on State Highway 106, roughly 2 miles west of U.S. Highway 81/I-135 and about 20 miles north of downtown Salina. Rock City is about 3-1/2 miles southwest of Minneapolis and roughly a 1/2 mile west of State Highway 106 via gravel Ivy Road.
The park is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily from May through Labor Day. Admission is $3 for adults and 50 cents for children age 13 and under. For details, call the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce at 1-785-392-3068.
When I was a young girl, around 1945 or so, my grandparents had a small cafe called Rock City Cafe. I remember the rocks and this area. Could you put me in touch with anyone who might have information on this or archive records? Thank you, Vicki.