Middle Ridge United Methodist Church, Pennsylvania: Tiny Yet Picturesque

If you're driving on scenic U.S. Highway 6 through north-central Pennsylvania, I recommend a short side trip from Wellsboro to see the tiny and picturesque Middle Ridge United Methodist Church.
Built of hemlock blocks and painted bright red, the house of worship looks like an early New England church. It originally stood a few miles from here, but was moved here 107 years ago. Inside, marvel at the beautiful stained glass windows that include the names of the founders–including my parents!
The 35 members of this well-maintained church welcome visitors for 11 a.m. Sunday worship. You can visit anytime, though; just sign the guestbook.
Wellsboro is located where Highway 6 meets State Highway 287, about 50 miles north of Williamsport. The church is on the northwest side of State Highway 660, about 6 miles west of Wellsboro and 2 miles east of Leonard Harrison State Park, the “Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania”.
There's no telephone at the church; for further information, call the Tioga County Visitors Bureau at 1-570-724-0635.
All of our family live in Wellsboro, PA. 16901
Hi Allyson,
I don't know when this article was published but it was the only info I could find on this church. My husband and I visited Wellsboro a week ago and this church really caught our eye. I don't think I've ever seen another one like it. I wish I would have tried the door but I just assumed it would be locked. You mentioned that it was moved to this site 107 years ago but do you know when it was originally built? Also, did it have a cemetery at the original location?
Harmony, PA
August 19, 2013
I have been pastor of Middle Ridge Church the last three years and am impressed with the number of visitors we receive. I would be interested in knowing the history of this article? We continue to receive many visitors.
Though there is no church phone number we use my home number (570) 724-6544.
Rev. C. Franklin Helt
199 Tioga Street
Wellsboro, PA. 16901
Rev Helt,
There was a picture posted of our Methodist church in Port Allegany on Facebook recently, and I commented about the wonderful experience I had as a youth in that church while you were the pastor. I also remember babysitting for you and Mrs. Helt on a regular basis. I would love to reconnect and find out how your family is doing. Please contact me if you would like to.
Happy new year!
Kim Bishop Wolf
Hello Kim,
I didn't realize this information and article was posted until this morning February 12, 2018.
We have lived here since 1990.Our two daughters are Amy Helt DeCamp who lives here in Wellsboro with her husband and three children: twins, Catherine and Julia and Jenny. Daughter Amy has been a High School English teacher.
Our younger daughter Kristin lives in Emporium and is a Licensed Practical Nurse.
Linda and I are quite well. We are raising grandson Tyler who is cousin Jenny's age. We are in the fifth grade. Tyler was born at one pound twelve ounces and still receives physical speech and occupational therapy. However he is in regular 5th grade classes and continues to make the honor role. How about your family?