Looking Glass Falls in Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina

We first saw delightful Looking Glass Falls, located in western North Carolina's Pisgah National Forest, at midday with an overflow crowd of tourists.
But early the next morning, we visited again and had the waterfall — one of 250 in Transylvania County — all to ourselves. The soft light was perfect for photographs, and for perspective, my husband stood at the overlook (above).
Looking Glass Creek creates the falls as it drops 65 feet — it's spectacular! We learned that the falls is named for nearby Looking Glass Rock, whose sides shine like mirrors when they are covered with ice.
Looking Glass Falls is visible from the east side of U.S. Highway 276, about 5 miles north of Brevard and 4 miles north of the Pisgah Forest Ranger Station. A short trail leads to the waterfall's base.
To learn more call the Brevard/Transylvania Tourism Development Authority at 1-800-648-4523.
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