Clyde's Cider Mill, Connecticut: The Only Remaining Steam-Powered Cider Mill

While traveling through Old Mystic, Connecticut, my husband and I ran across B.F. Clyde's Cider Mill, the last steam-powered cider mill in the United States.
Benjamin Clyde established the mill back in 1881. Today, his great-great-granddaughter, Annette Miller, uses an 1897 screw press to produce up to 500 gallons of cider per hour in late summer and early fall.
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Clyde's sells its cider, a variety of apple products and other gift items at a country store on the mill grounds.
Old Mystic is where State Highways 27 and 184 meet in southeastern Connecticut, about 12 miles or so northeast of New London and just north of I-95 (Exit 90) on Highway 27. From Highway 27 in Old Mystic, turn right onto Main Street, and then take another right on Stonington Road to the mill, a short distance up the road on your left.
Clyde's (129 N. Stonington Rd.) is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily from August to New Year's Eve.
For details, call 1-860-536-3354.
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