Is It Possible To Work and Travel At The Same Time?
Everyone wishes they can travel the globe and visit exotic places they've only dreamed of. Many of us save the whole year just so we can take a couple of weeks off and head to a desirable destination. However, the 21st century witnessed an influx of people who travel and work simultaneously, causing them to be the envy of others. Thanks to the advancement in technology, and the ability to have access to anyone and anything at any time, any individuals have opted to take their work on the open road. And so, anyone with a passion for traveling has the option of establishing a career that takes them all around the world.
How Doable is it?
Traveling and working is a dream everyone seeks out at one point in their lives. But it isn't as easy as you think, otherwise, we would all be doing it. It can come naturally and easy to some people, while others need to scour the internet for opportunities. Although the internet has made it easier to become a digital nomad, finding the right ways to work and travel would require a little digging and ambition on your part. Building this lifestyle would require constant passion, energy, time management, financial budgeting skills, street smarts, and a whole lot of planning and organization.
So you have the passion and organizational skills, now what? Well… now you look for job opportunities that can take you places. Below are some recommendations to get you started:
Freelance Career

With whatever skills you possess, you can establish a freelance career out of it remotely instead of working at an establishment in your home country. Freelance work provides endless flexibility, autonomy, and allows you to call the shots on when and where you'll work. You can work in any field, according to your skill, whether IT, consulting, photography, graphic design, writing, SEO, and many others. It's the ideal job to take on the road; as a digital nomad, you got your laptop, your smartphone, and your connections and you're good to go.
Teaching Abroad
If you enjoy languages and have a passion for teaching, you don't need to be restricted to a classroom within a nearby school. If you wish to travel and work simultaneously, then you'll be able to find a ton of teaching opportunities overseas outside the traditional norms of education. It would be ideal if you consider teaching English as many educational entities in Europe and East Asia offer you the chance to travel and teach. They can either pay you a set paycheck or provide payment through housing and meals. This is a great opportunity to give back by helping someone as well as a grand opportunity to see the world.
Become a Tour Guide

There are times when we wish to live in a specific destination for a while. Becoming a tour guide will allow that as many tourism establishments that offer job opportunities which will allow you to not only stay at this destination, but you'll also tell others why it's so special. This bonus profession will require some people skills, a knowledgeable background on your destination, and a whole lot of energy.
Start Your Own Business
Thanks to the advances in the digital world, you can now take your work anywhere you please. You can start your own business that won't require you to stay in one location. All you have to do is stay connected, build online client relationships, as well as provide a product or service that will catapult you to success. You can follow up on your day-to-day tasks wherever you like.
Become a Blogger
Traveling and working through blogging is a dream that many have but only a handful are so lucky to have achieved. Blogging isn't easy, but it's doable if you plan it right. You need to be able to create a good website with an untapped theme as well as take endless instagramable pictures and, needless to say, you should also be an excellent writer. Find your market and aim at getting you sponsors. The more success you have, the more you'll be able to travel the world through your blog.
Living the Dream
Becoming a digital nomad has its risks, but it also has endless rewards. All it needs is a little planning and a desire to see the world. There are endless opportunities that you can do to see the world and get paid for it. Just be sure to stay safe and work with trusted business entities.
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