Experience the Deep Blue Waters of the Atlantic Through Cruising

The blue expansive waters of the Atlantic are just breathtaking. The experience becomes even more impressive if you leave the shore and move deep into the ocean. If you have never experienced this beautiful natural display of splendor, then you need to make a plan to try cruising the Atlantic. But there are certain considerations that you must evaluate before choosing the right catamaran for your cruising expedition.
Below are 4 key factors you want to consider to ensure that you get all-round benefits from your voyage.
1. Pitching
Pitching can be said to be the comfort factor in the high seas. The sideways and the vertical movement of the boat affect the level of comfort. It also determines how well you will be able to enjoy drinks and other delicacies without worrying that they will fall off the table.
Choose a boat which is designed to counteract the pitching effect. For a catamaran, this can be achieved by designing the ship with the weight distributed at the center and with light loads at the far ends. Such concentration of weight at the center dampens the pitching effect giving you a comfortable experience.
2. Load carrying capacity
The load carrying capacity is the total weight the boat can carry safely and not compromise on other factors such as speed and safety. Go for those catamarans which have significantly high load carrying capacity. This is because you will need to carry lots of supplies to ensure a comfortable cruise in the high seas of the Atlantic.
You will need enough diesel to power the engines and the diesel generator, enough fresh water, and sufficient food supplies. It’s always good to factor in emergency incidences and thus having several lifeboats, life jackets, and first aid gear is quite advisable. Factor all this weight when choosing the right boat for your voyage.

3. Stability
Stability is a key determinant to safety. High stability is essential, especially when the vessel is designed to cruise in rough and stormy waters such as those of the Atlantic. With transatlantic cruise lines, you can be sure that your safety is guaranteed. This is because the engineers and ship experts who design these large seafaring vessels subject them to intensive stability tests before commissioning them. When choosing a catamaran for an Atlantic voyage, ensure that it’s stable enough to withstand the rough waters of the Atlantic.
Different ships are engineered with varied designs to guarantee maximum stability. While some ships use ballast to lower the center of gravity and increase the balance, the catamaran is quite different. It uses a beam and the buoyancy of the hull to achieve stability. The width of the beam is optimally designed to ensure maximum stability while still keeping the beam at manageable breadth.
Go for a catamaran that combines a reasonable beam width, but it’s not too wide to make it unmanageable. The recommended length to beam ratio is 50%, though this figure may vary slightly from one ship to the other.
4. Bridge-deck clearance
The bridge deck clearance is an important consideration when choosing a catamaran. It is the key determinant of the speed of the boat in rough waters. A high bridge-deck clearance will also ensure that water does not get to the deck when the boat is speeding.
During a down-pitching in stormy weather, a high bridge-deck clearance can as well improve safety. It lowers the amount of water getting into the deck which is effective in increasing the deck stability and preventing it from diving into the storms at a dangerous position.
The deep blue waters of the Atlantic embody fun, magical experience, and breathtaking beauty. Cruising through the Atlantic is one of the best ways of getting the authentic feel of this natural beauty. You will not only enjoy the cruise, but you will feel more rejuvenated and revitalized than never before.
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