Powder Brown Tang Care Guide
Any type of fish tank is capable of bringing us immeasurable moments of joy as we watch their living contents swim around its confines. The gentle illumination generated by aquariums seems to add to the elegant effect of different colors presented by various water creatures. One notable example is the fish called the Powder Brown Tang.
What is the Powder Brown Tang?
The Powder Brown Tang is a beautiful fish ever to inhabit an aquarium. They are popular choices for reef tanks and nano reef containers. It is named by the scientific community as the Acanthurus Japonicus and is also termed as Powder Brown Surgeonfish, White-faced Surgeonfish, and Japanese Surgeonfish.

Powder Brown Tangs are represented by an overall brownish body, accentuated by a white mark on its cheek bridging the mouth and its eyes. The pectoral, dorsal, and anal fins are mostly colored dark brown tipped with a sharp electric blue color. This coming holidays, smaller saltwater aquariums make great gifts for kids as you can include the bright colors of a singular Powder Brown Tang as a starter package if they are passionate about fish-keeping and building their aquariums.
The widespread species of Powder Brown Tangs originate from the Indo-Pacific region and are mostly found in warm reef locations of Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines. It adapts better to aquarium habitats than its cousins and is recommended to be housed in a reef tank where aquatic plants can be installed. The dorsal fins of the Powder Brown Tang sports a bright-orange stripe with a full-blue vertical tail and yellow lines running across its brown body.
One of the most famous reef tank fish choices, the Powder Brown Tang, requires generous amounts of effort to sustain and keep. It is a highly sensitive fish that seeks cover whenever they sense threats within its surroundings. If you notice that its rear stripes suddenly change to bright yellow, it is an indication that your Powder Brown Tang pet feels threatened and would immediately seek cover.
Powder Brown Tang General Care
Powder Brown Tangs are widely-known to be a delicate and highly sensitive species of fish. They are quite the peaceful and timid type of fish and are great additions to a community fish tank where they easily tolerate non-surgeon fish species. Brown Tangs caught in the wild are susceptible to stress, diseases, and parasites, and it's best to keep them quarantined by themselves before releasing them with a company of tank mates.
• Habitat
The general size for an aquarium crafted for the Powder Brown Tang fish species requires an ideal 125-gallon fish container. It is recommended to include a cleaner shrimp accompanying your pet Powder Brown Tang to help it acclimate with a new setting. Installing seaweeds known as Nori may make your Powder Brown Tang happy as they enjoy grazing around aquatic plants and hiding behind coral and reef formations.
• Diet
Powder Brown Tangs are known to cause stress to invertebrates for their nibbling and feeding on algae. It is essential to keep your whole aquarium fed with nutrient-enrichments to provide for every marine creature. Powder Brown Tangs may be sustained well by feeding them algae and seaweed-based kinds of seafood.
• Temperature
The Powder Brown Tang gets its name since they are mostly found on the Japanese coast's warm waters. The advisable water temperature for a Powder Brown Tang should be kept under seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit. Tangs could sicken with temperatures between seventy-nine and eighty-three degrees as less-temperature may provide enough oxygen to your fish.
• Handling
Also known as the Japanese surgeonfish, the Powder Brown Tang has a scalpel-like tail attachment that it uses to defend itself against predators. It would help if you took extra precaution when reaching to dip your hand into a fish tank filled with Powder Brown Tangs as they can be easily agitated and cause you harm. It is best to transport them within large containers that secures their scalpel-scythe tail.
The Powder Brown Tang is a notable reef tank fish species for its bright, attractive colors. These fishes are mostly found in the Indo-Pacific region, mainly off Japan's central coasts, the Philippines, and Taiwan. They are great additions to community fish tanks and love to nibble on corals and feed on algae and seaweeds.
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