What Should You Do After Car Accidents?

Did you know that car accident is one of the leading causes of death across the globe? In the US alone, the average number of car accidents each year is 6 million. A whopping 3 million people get injured from car accidents each year and 2 million of these people suffer from a permanent disability due to their sustained injuries. Car accidents can happen anywhere and anytime, that is why it is better to always be alert and prepared. Whether you are a passenger or a driver, you put yourself at risk whenever you get in a car. You always have to brace yourself even in the worst-case scenario. Here is a guide to help you cope in case you get involved in a car accident:
Remain at the Scene
After a car accident, do not ever leave the scene until authorities have cleared out your case. This is especially important if you are at fault and someone gets injured or killed. Driving away from the scene will make you face criminal liabilities and a hit and run charge.
Notify Local Authority
Immediately call 911 to notify the local authorities about the accident. This will quickly and easily generate a police report, which you will need later in making an insurance claim. Apart from that, letting law enforcement know about the accident will not only send out the police to investigate but also deploy emergency medical services if needed.
Exchange Information
Collect as much information about everyone involved in the accident as much as possible. Make sure to get the other party's full name and contact details, their insurance company and policy number, their driver's license and license plate number, the type, color and model of their vehicle, and the location of the accident. It is also discouraged to discuss with the other driver who is at fault to avoid arguments. The adjusting reviewer of your insurance company will determine who was at fault anyway based on the police report and supporting documents.
Legal Consultation
Aside from contacting the police, you should also seek legal advice immediately. Legal professionals from https://www.hamparyan.com/san-diego-car-accident-attorney/ strongly recommend consulting a lawyer to discuss your case and legal option. This is important if you are facing any legal dilemma or do not have a clue about your insurance policy. In fact, specialized lawyers are available to talk to you anytime and can even come to the hospital or anywhere convenient for you to provide legal advice, favorable settlement, and maximize the compensation that you and your family deserve, and legal representation at trial if needed.
To protect yourself and to help support your claim, you have to keep pertinent documents from the accident. Make sure to get the name and badge number of all police officers involved after the accident, as well as a copy of the police report, photos of the vehicles involved including the other driver's plate number, names and contact information of all witnesses. If you have hired an attorney, they will keep the records for you. Other things needed to make an insurance claim are medical records, tickets related to the car accident, medical bill, work schedule for time missed, health insurance card, and your car insurance policy.
Check for Injuries
Unless it is very severe, car accident injuries tend to not show up immediately. Nevertheless, after a car accident, you should know if you are injured or not. Common car accident injuries are soft tissue injuries, concussions, head injuries, whiplash, back injuries, and broken bones. If you cannot move, get your phone and contact the local emergency services or you just let a bystander call 911 for you. After securing your own health, check on the welfare of your passengers or the other drive.
Contact Your Insurance Provider
You have to contact your insurance provider as soon as possible to streamline the process of claiming for insurance providers. It is important to know what your insurance does and does not cover. Also, remember, do not settle right away. Sometimes the insurance company of the other party involved may entice you to sign a release of a claim right away. You should wait until you have consulted your lawyer and evaluated by a medical professional before signing an agreement.

Car accidents are a terrifying and common occurrence in our everyday lives. It can happen even to the most careful drivers. Do not let post-crash shock distract you from taking care of your business and legal obligations. Just stay calm and stick to the facts.
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