International Living Magazine Review: More Hype Than Substance?

International Living Magazine Cover

Kudos to International Living's marketing machine. You can't possibly do any research online related to retiring abroad without coming across their main site or an article sourced from them. You see they've hit upon a winning formula. Every year they publish a listing of the top retirement places around the world. This list then becomes a free download if you're willing to exchange your e-mail for it. At the same time, a whole bunch of media outlets, hungry for content, repurpose the list which increases International Living's exposure. It's a simple formula that works.

I was one of those that traded an e-mail address for the list. And from then on I received daily updates from International Living about other great opportunities. Nothing I can complain about after all I did sign up for these updates. I also received offers to become a paying member. These offers became increasingly better (i.e. lower cost) until my curiosity got the better of me and I subscribed. In addition to the printed magazine and an archive of previous issues, I also received access to member-only articles.

Unfortunately, it didn't take too long before the shiny veneer began to wear off of International Living. Every article seemed to be the same rose-colored view of retirement in paradise. Real estate deals abounded, food was cheap, and people were all nice. Ummm… really? How could this possibly be true in so many places around the world?

And every e-mail or article included some pitch for a tell-all expensive ebook, conference, or service. Now I get that people need to make money to pay the bills, but there's also the need to maintain editorial integrity. And unlike the NY Times, I couldn't help feel that the advertisers had far too much influence on the content. How else can you explain the near lack of anything negative?

As my suspicions grew, I started to look into what others had written about International Living. Sure enough, posts emerged describing the exaggerations and, according to some, the lies that International Living propagated including glossing over difficulties in some countries, overstating the cheapness of real estate, and an overall lack of balance in their content.

So after a relatively short period as a member, I decided I would cancel. Guess what? The online customer service form didn't work. I thought at first that it might be down due to maintenance, but it didn't work over the course of several days. Next, I called customer service. I didn't get a human on the other end. Instead, a basic IVR system guided me through the cancellation process. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that International Living is actually just one guy in his basement with a bunch of freelance writers sending stuff in for him to publish.

Not all was bad with IL. There were some articles that were truly useful. For example, the one on moving to a state with no income tax prior to moving abroad to save on state taxes was pretty interesting. Unfortunately, the signal-to-noise ratio was just too low for my liking. The good news it that with enough digging there are plenty of trustworthy sources on the web and I'll be sharing those in other posts.

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  1. I had international living for several years.
    Never helped me as everything was always roses and peaches.
    I think they are a rip off.

    Glenn Smith

  2. I for one have had a positive experience. i am in the Panama conference right now and have found it extremely valuable. there are many expat attendees and speakers with detailed local knowledge. there is a consistent effort to remove your rose colored glasses. quite a bit of stark reality in my mind. I've had no problems with the organization. yes I don't agree with some of the vendors and sponsors. I've found that at every other conference I've been to anywhere. I suggest you actually attend a conference where you are interested in migrating. its easy to criticize from behind a computer screen.

  3. sounds like IL is not all it's claiming to be. I'm ready to make a move but I'm vert cautious and look for Good Solid information, help.

  4. Hi All,

    I came across a promotion for a writing contest from IL. This contest required answering a few travel-related questions and allowed the writer to expound on those questions as if writing a column for the magazine. The winner would win a month in Costa Rica with a stipend for the month.

    After submitting the small project, I thought it was strange that I didn't receive an email that my submission was received. After waiting a week or so I inquired about the status of my entry. I did not receive a response from IL. After waiting several days more, I sent another email. Once again, no response. That was a couple months ago and I have not seen anything in their emails or website or advertising that pertains to a contest of any kind.

    I feel that this was never a contest, and that IL was looking to use entries for their own advantage. Has this happened to anyone else out there?

  5. Selfish indeed...I couldn't agree more, Jackie. I listened in yesterday to IL guru Jeff Opdyke's take on all things economic/political, and he is genuinely a fossil fuel champion and in the "drill baby drill" camp. In doing a deeper dive into his writings, he is an apocalyptic fear-mongering journo who dog whistles relentlessly about Wokeism, Biden, organic farming, and anything regarding concern for climate change. Opdyke is a wealthy, middle-aged white guy who doesn't have a problem expanding his wealth while the rest of society suffers generationally. His thinking is the very reason I want to expatriate from the is BECAUSE of this same lily-white, egocentric, wealth-at-any-cost 1% mindset. If he were to read this, he'd just shrug his head and say, "So what?...Not my problem...more for me!" He and his ilk are gladly willing to benefit from hyper-capitalism in the now with no regard to the long-term ramifications that will cost the rest of us for generations to come.

    Opdyke doesn't care about the world his kids and grandkids will inherit. FYI, I too am a middle-aged white guy but differ in that I am deeply concerned about my kids' and grandkids' futures as well as the rest of the planet.

    • Hi Scott,

      I thoroughly agree with your comments about IL. I too fell for the subscription for 6 months, even though I live in the most beautiful part of Spain. I was just curious about their point of view. First, I live near Portugal, and after travelling extensively around the country, there is no such thing as 300 euro 2 bed apt in Porto for example. Porto is a very expensive city and having terrible housing problems, mainly because of AIRBnb. It is shameful to lie to people who are interested in living abroad about the real costs of housing etc.
      I finally canceled my subscription and feel IL does a huge diservice to innocent people.

    • I subscribed to IL for several years. I eventually let it expire ‘cause the articles became repetitious and that they continually emphasized “luxury” accommodations. I’m from Kansas, and luxury isn’t a desire. Further, the “cheap” accommodations they wrote about were higher than houses in expensive towns in Kansas. It was obvious that the editorial position included some pretty dense rose-colored glasses.

  6. I am looking on feed back from anyone who has dealt with "Ian Bond" and this, or any other programs introduced by International Living listed below.

    My experience with International Living has been less than spectacular.

    I received a "postcard email" from IL inviting me to the "Online Income Engine Workshop"

    After I sat and watched this...These are the "Findings".....

    IL stated in a, "Post Card," email that the, "Online Income Engine," Workshop is Free.

    That is a LIE...In fact after watching the whole video presentation (30 or so minutes of hyperbole) in the beginning, he says it is a "Free Workshop" and IT IS NOT....

    At the end of the video he says, "that it is not $5000.....Not even a $1000.00,,,but only $759.00!!(?)"....I wonder how much more you and Ian Bond are going to continue to "milk" seniors out of their hard earned cash?

    SO,.....This is NOT free....and just like all other scams I have listened to over the years from IL....I had to again sit and listen to this BS all the way through to find out the REAL COST.
    Again, International Living is just another scam magazine rag company only interested in profits over SENIORS again.
    Good Job!......and that is why, I have not, and will not and have not re-subscribed to your elitist trash rag....QUIT LYING TO THE PUBLIC!

    The SAD and UPSETTING thing is this, Ian Bond claims he makes "Thousands of Dollars" a month with his system.....SO, WHY would he turn around and ask seniors on a FIXED income to pay for a course that he should give away FOR FREE or at least under $100 if claims he makes all this other money......Again....TOTAL GREED!!...Plus, he doesn't even have to travel any distance or have a special building to have this course....He can and probably does it right from his home!....And another thing....It disgusts me when a presentator has to "read a script" to even explain "Their" system....LOSERS!

    Also....This Workshop....Has been presented under a different Title.... "The 21st Century Storefront: How To Build A Portable, Hands-free Income From Anywhere In The World."......AND marketed under different prices!!!
    There is link to it at "Professionalwebsiteinvestors" online still.

    So, Why the name change? Why the deceptions?
    International Living has been around for many years....BUT, the information, articles, so-called 'workshops" and other hype is always the same info. Just re-worded to sound better! That's it!

    I am sure I won't get a response. That's ok, I will just keep posting this email to everyone in my social organization, friends and family so they don't get scammed by your company....I am now your worst nightmare and will continue to reveal what IL is all about....Since I have tried to contact IL....and have sat on the phone without anyone answering. Customer Service? Nonexistent!"

    So, that was my response.

    I am 63, single, forced onto SSN due to Co-vid fiasco and (hopefully) will receive a very small pension by 65.
    I have no other retirement savings or other income. Period.
    I just want to be able to live peacefully and I don't need "things" to make me happy.
    I would love to comfortably on less, safely and no extreme weather or Governments.

    Am just looking for two things:
    1) A way to make a living working anywhere in the world (if I chose)

    2) And no requirements to have "a large sum of money" in the bank to be able to live or enter a Country.
    It doesn't matter if it is still here ( I live in the NW U.S.) or....another country (preferably).

    I will not go into details with my experience with IL and canceling things. We'll just say it has been all negative.

    So, have you taken this "workshop" and if so....the outcome (so far) on even getting a "refund"?

    Thank You All and Safe Travels

    • I signed up before I read STEPHEN CRAWFORD sober DEVASTATING review.
      I have been seriously scammed 3 years ago and had to pay cc bal + cc interest FOR NOTHINC.
      I believed International Living is global co w BIG NICHE and assume they would NEVER risk a reputational melt down impossible to reverse
      I also assume they would not risk their name w any conference they sponsor
      BUT THEN he describes LAST YEAR presentation of SAME repeatedly promoted as FREE and at last moment interested party HIT w fee of $500 plus
      This is kind of business practice leading to LEGIT NEG REVIEWS. I paid $799 + tax for same conference to be given in 2 days.
      IS THIS COURSE LEGIT AS INTRODUCED FOR A VIABLE BIZ? I can tolerate the bait & switch if it does what is claimed. I’m only looking for a fraction of his targets- 25%.
      And I’m ok even 10% 20% of his 3 mo & 6 mo target REASONABLE MO INCOME is ok bc biz has ZERO overhead.
      I HOPE NOT THE LATER- as another retiree on a modest increasingly inadequate SS, I can’t live through another catastrophic scam nightmare.
      Fact that presenter & INT LIVING are operating overseas means US can’t legally do anything to protect us. WHY AM I SUDDENLY SCARED.

      Asking for others’ experiences-more the better- CAN BE GOOD BAD AND IN BETWEEN. Thanks so much

    • He is up front that Ian Bond is a fabricated name. Once he stated that my "red flags" went up. I may be old-fashioned although to state the obvious, I do not conduct business with anyone who cannot be vetted!

    • Hi Stephan,

      I feel your frustration and injustice of these types of 'scams'. Most people who offer overpriced classes online about how to get rich online are not actually rich because they are actually doing what they are teaching, they get rich by teaching and/or scamming people on what they claim they are doing to get rich. There is plenty of free information out there on how to generate passive income online by legitimate people who don't charge $100s or $1000s to share their knowledge. A great book is called Passive Income Aggressive Retirement by Rachel Richards and is only $15.99 investment on Amazon, free for Kindle and just one credit on Audio Books. (

      I have used clues in some of International Living's (IL) info to do my own free research on digging into places to retire and have also lived in some countries that they claim are great places to retire. For example - a recent IL article on "The New Europe" made this place sound, once again, like heaven on earth, but to find out where it was, you had to pay for a subscription. It took me all of 60 seconds on google to find it! I used a monumental clue in photo IL had posted in their article that showed a mountain that looked like Mt Fuji on a lake with a European looking town. I googled "mountain that looks like Mt Fuji" and vwa-la - found it! Mt Osorno in Chile! The beautiful town is Puerto Varas. It does look beautiful and easier and cheaper to retire than some countries. However, what the article left out is that Chile has 2,900 active volcanoes! So if you want to live in a more environmentally stable country, maybe Chile is not the right fit.

      I hope you find your niche and become a happily retired digital nomad, living in a place you love and thrive in!

      All the Best to you!

      • I think the New Europe is actually Slovenia. I just googled IL’s “New Europe”

        • Chile is probably a better guess. The IL teaser says that it is 9000 miles from Europe. Slovenia is a little closer than that.

      • So from my perspective, there are two companies in this ‘business’. One is International Living (IL), the other is Live and Invest Overseas (LIOS). If I remember correctly, the founder of LIOS, Kathleen Pedicord, previously worked at IL, and left to start LIOS with her husband, Leif Simon.
        There’s an ever growing market of people interested in retirement overseas, and I truly believe there are opportunities to live places outside the US, where the cost of living is lower. Both organizations offer annual reviews based on multiple factors including the cost of living, infrastructure, language requirements, and healthcare among others. You have to realize what you’re getting: A perspective to interest you in clicking/subscribing to learn more about the location(s) offered. For those who have available resources, they both use Ronan McMahon (owner of RETA), who has a large group of followers, allowing him to go to locations and make deals with developers, where he can leverage his clientele to get better rates to purchase properties in the “Path of Progress” locations (including for himself).
        I still maintain my subscription to IL, as it occasionally has an article of interest about a new location I may be interested in. I have to admit, I drank the kool aide, and bought a property in Bocas del Toro Panama, after looking at places in Mexico and Portugal. I did my own due diligence, and bought at a place I would love to visit or live in, even if it never rented. I have been to one of the LIOS conferences, but attended virtually. All three of the entities listed above leverage their clientele to help them acquire paid advertisers, and/or investors in their side businesses, ie agricultural investments, real estate offerings, and the various ‘Conferences’. They may also receive commissions if their clientele makes a purchase.
        As always caveat emptor applies, ‘let the buyer beware’. Remember, you either get what you pay for, or pay for what you get. All my opinion of course. ’

    • Stephan, thanks for sharing your experience. This Bond guy sounds like a con man to me. He's got this other website where he peddles this program called No Nest Egg Retirement Plan. I presume that's probably where you don't save up money for retirement, and instead have this this magical part time gig that produces all kinds of money. So this No Nest Egg this is probably the same BS as the Online Income Engine. But the No Nest Egg program is $199 instead of $759. So you'd lose less money going with No Nest Egg versus Income Engine.

      I suspect Mr. Bond is really making his money selling these programs. He doesn't come off very well in the sales video, in my opinion. His eyes are shifty and he's obviously reading from a script.

      Also, the name Ian Bond is curious. It sounds made up, using Ian from Ian Fleming and Bond from James Bond.

      • One more thing. You know how Ian Bond/James Fleming claims he nets $10K per month? Early in his video, he showed a slide with annual sales from six of his companies (he claimed he has nine companies). Those sales added up to $841,721. I'm just going to ignore the other three companies which probably didn't have many sales, otherwise he would have shown them. I'm also going to round the sales down to an even number - $840,000. If Bond/Fleming's annual net is $120,000 and annual sales are $840,000, that tells me his annual costs are $720,000. I presume he probably has a big line of credit to cover these costs of sales for his internet storefronts.

        So, okay, his net profit is 14%+, which isn't bad. But in retirement, do you really want to be on the hook like that? I sure don't. I'd rather be debt free any day of the week.

        So I'm suspicious of Bond/Fleming. I also don't have much trust in International Living being that Ms. Stevens, the chief executive and probably the sole employee, would promote him.

    • Thank you.

      I think you just saved me from a lot of hardship. I cannot live without an additional $1,000 a month; not interested in a ton; and thought this could be my way out, but my red flags were blowing in the breeze when he said that you need $1,000 to start out and then charges more than half of that for a class.

      Then he follows up with something like: If you can afford it then you don't need to be here which led me to think: Is there another venue to go and learn this before you begin investing where someone else isn't baiting you as well?

      Also, if he's making all this money, he should have someone else on the video who doesn't need to read every word of his presentation! Hmmmm.

      Thanks, Stephan


    • Thank you Stephan for your comments. It confirmed what I already thought. I do believe that drop-shipping can indeed be a stream of income and I wish I would have stuck with it 30 years ago and learned by trial and error.

      This Ian guy certainly makes a point of letting everyone know how much he makes and how wonderful his life is in Cyprus, but if he really wanted to help the many who are less fortunate, why not charge a lot less for his workshops? Total greed is right!! We are not asking for handouts, but you and I would do a lot more to help others than he is willing to offer, that's for sure.

      All the best!

  7. I wanted to attend an upcoming conference and wanted more information on it. There is no email or online support only an "events" phone number. I have left 5 messages over the past week with no response. There is NO WAY I am going to give them my credit card to register. What if I ever had an issue, no one will pick up the phone or return a call. HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!

    • Hi Sean, I attended the Going Abroad Bootcamp in Denver Sept. 2023. Seriously considering moving to Europe but not after this conf! It was filled with conflicting inf about taxes, citizenship, etc. It was a mess. They advocate use of risky tax moves that I think would land one in trouble. One speaker would say something that another would dispute in the next session. The materials were shoddy and not considered reference. It was a huge was of emotional energy. I did not renew but they keep sending me links as if I am. My experience with their office..very slow to reply if ever. After many years, now done w intl living.

      • Thank you! I was considering going to the Vegas conference in 2024 and now I see that my instincts were correct.

        I wanted to go to Denver last year but I thought it was expensive and if their conference is as spammy as their emails, that it also would be a huge waste of time or even worse, a sales presentation asking for MORE money for even MORE "exclusive information".

  8. We have been IL subscribers for a couple of years now. It's a marketing machine, to be sure, but that does not mean that the information is all useless - you just have to be willing to do your own research with the leads you get from sources like IL. Overall we enjoy the magazine and the articles about various destinations we may have never considered.

    My biggest problem - and its a big one - is the "affiliate" emails - I am not sure which of the IL services has sold my email address to these extremists, but I have a suspicion. At least once a day I have to "unsubscribe" from one of these damaging and malicious "publications".
    Just one example - the other day I got an email alleging that Biden was going to do away with the US dollar in favor of his own currency. This is the flavor of crap that I get pretty regularly from entities who got my email address from IL.

    2 problems with this -
    1 - our country is hanging by a thread and lies/misinformation demonizing "the other side" is a big reason why. Why would IL want to be associated with that?
    2 - the reputation of IL is attached to these entities - IL, we are trying to defend you against the postings that you "lie" and "are only a marketing funnel with no real information", etc - but it makes it harder to defend you when you associate with extremists who take your members' email addresses to propagate this BS. PLEASE, PLEASE, International Living, do some vetting before you sell or share email addresses. It reflects on you.

  9. As I am interested in relocating to Portugal, I bought the first set of videos and found them very informative. A second set, covering more practical aspects of moving and living there, was just advertised and I purchased it. I can’t, however, access it and can find no phone number for customer service. Anyone have any idea?

    • International living is based out of Ireland. There’s a toll free number to call customer service and found customer services to be excellent. You can find that number on their website.

  10. I have been a subscriber to International Living Magazine for many years. I admit that the claims for the price of rental properties is overly optimistic. However, I enjoy the magazine immensely and look forward to each new edition.

    I think it gives some pretty good information that is helpful. Of course no one should buy property until they have personally investigated it. Generally they advise that you rent in the area before committing to a purchase to see if you really like the area.

    I find that the individual correspondents are very good at replying to your emails asking for information. Each correspondent for a country has their email address listed in one of the front pages of the edition.

    I think you have to keep in mind that the prices of property may not be as cheap as they say and every country can not have the nicest people in the world.

    The only real complaint I have is that in the last two magazine editions, May and June, they have cut the size of the magazine down from 35 pages to 28 pages. I am not happy about that. All and all, I think the enjoyment I get from reading the magazine is well worth the $ 49 per year subscription fee.

    • I agree and have read International Living for years and reading about the other countries gave me goals to see these places-East-West-Carribean-South America. If not for this magazine, I would have never thought-what if-and explored the world. Yes, things do appear rosy; however, no one tells you all the negatives when you buy a car or house. There are probably bargins all over and Mr McMahon probably gets major discounts on his unit price.
      That's free world enterprise.

  11. Add my name to the list of people who can agree with most of the feedback being posted here about International Living.

    IL, to give credit, is masterfully engineered as a glossy ‘Sales Funnel’ enticing you into an unending variety of add-ons, upgrades, classes, tutorials, etc.

    Certainly there is useful information to be gained on their site, however it’s difficult to read any of their content without suspicion of a ‘Sales Funnel’ lurking nearby ready to vortex you into purchasing more of their content.

    Reminds me of the prolific late night infomercials on Cable TV. ‘Call now’, ‘Availability Limited’, ‘Be One Of The First 500 Callers And Get…’. So, what IL is doing, my hat is off to then, they do it very well. But it’s not for me.

    Is there a general consensus for a more transparent, genuine and respected alternative to IL?

    • I totally agree.
      Had I known of their wild interest in promotion of real estate I would never have signed on. I am older .and perhaps wiser, but this is definitely not what I need. Well it does not look as though I am wiser: more like a sucker.
      How do I get my money back?

    • Yes. Live and Invest Overseas founded by Kathleen Peddicord.
      She was the original editor of IL over 10 years ago.

      • Nope, she is even more hype-y and dishonest than International Living. And her (Live and Invest Overseas) customer service is worse. The investments she promotes are less transparent and won't provide due diligence.

  12. I really appreciate this article and the comments. I was thinking about subscribing to IL but the $99 voucher raised a yellow flag to me. I look forward to your other articles and would love a link to them.
    Thank you

    • I've subscribed to IL for several years and even sent 16,000 euros to the Portuguese immigration attorney that they hosted in a webinar format for people serious about immigrating. What a mistake. We so overpaid it is shameful. Plus we just had our consulate meeting in San Francisco to apply for a visa and the clerk there told me her name was infamous at their office! So much for IL vetting the people they promote. For $137 I joined Expats Portugal and got truly wonderful, professionals in every single needed service to help with our move as well as a forum for questions and real people to respond both professionals and expats who've done it. For the next few days, there's a 20% discount on membership for their 18th anniversary if anyone wants to join. They have weekly webinars covering every aspect of moving to Portugal with humor, seriousness and expertise. Wish I'd found them instead of IL. I also resent the fact that in all the promo of buying real estate abroad, no one mentioned that you cannot get a mortgage in the EU if you're over 65, so don't bother looking if you don't have cash.

  13. Thanks for the review. I wish I had read it last year, before I subscribed to IL. At first the daily emails and postcards contained useful information. But, over time, they became repetitive. I did notice that IL makes it seem as if anyone can make thousands, with no experience, doing all sorts of things.
    The final straw:
    I signed up to receive emails about living abroad in other countries. I did NOT sign up for emails offering me to listen to long, scammy sales pitches and waiting for the BIG REVEAL. The latest two are "#1 Step to Prepare for Biden Presidency?", with a long sales pitch by Porter Stansberry. It is full of dog whistles and fear mongering. The other is "The one BIG vaccine fact they're not telling you", with another bunch of dog whistles and fear from Amanda Angelini, Director, The Institute for Natural Healing, trying to sell her products. It's shameful that IL is sending out misinformation just to make ad revenue. Both of these sales pitches contain phrases that inspire conspiracy theories and fear. It's pathetic and NOT what I signed up for.
    And it's enough to make me drop my subscription to IL.

    • I feel exactly the same about their latest obvious departures from giving advice on moving out of the country. Big disappointment for me. I am cancelling my subscription as well.

  14. This organization seemed legit at first, if not a bit pie in the sky, about living overseas. Recently they have shown their true colors by promoting rightwing pro-Trump propaganda through their "post cards". I can imagine that he and his cronies benefit from the "investment advice" they give out. I'm done with these types. Giving more tax breaks for the 1% is guised in many places and apparently they're just another one.

  15. I have a question and an opinion and look forward to hearing from others who feel the same and/or have had similar issues.
    Have been a RETA member for a year and through this whole Covid debacle decided to jump in and purchase a property. On two occasions I have tried to purchase a property and sat on my computer waiting for that email to send my info in order to receive the 2nd email with the call in number. The first time I was unable to get the unit size I wanted and they offered me a bottom floor unit at the price of a penthouse which was not the price quoted. I said NO but if a penthouse unit became available to please call me back. For the next week I received Emails and a couple calls trying to sell me a unit I had already stated I did not want. Annoyed... a little, but definitely thought that next time or if what I want became available I would hear back. Obviously, a penthouse did not. No worries next attempt. Caracol Panama property..
    Again on my computer, received the Email, replied with my info then called the number received. All in less than 90 seconds. The phone rings and Im excited thinking maybe I will be one of the first 5 to get through.. I wait then after 60 seconds of rings I am automatically put through to a voice mail and have to leave a message. This completely takes me out of line and my chance at purchasing not to mention I never received a call back. They have no issue with taking RETA members $400 a year fee and I do appreciate the prices but if only a select few which could be friends or investors who do this for a living so kickbacks come into play then it is absolutely unfair to the majority. I have cancelled my subscription and hope Ronan chokes on his $400 a year fee ..

    • Are you Dr. Gene Snyder by any chance?

  16. My kudos to Marios Alexandrou for writing such a balanced, objective review — so rare these days. Totally free of any snarky, clever zingers, righteous indignation or hand-wringing angst, just the facts and his experience. Please consider writing for the American political scene.

  17. I generally agree with the perspective of this article/review.

    There can certainly be useful bits of info provided, if you're interested in the destination being profiled. So there is definitely potential value there for those who are researching those destinations.

    But the repetition, frequent lack of substance, and surprisingly poor copy-editing, can get tedious, especially after reading it for a few years.

    Also, while I do appreciate that IL is a business - and therefore will understandably promote its related products (conferences, special events, etc) - the constant shilling for businesses/services by the same gang (under the poorly veiled guise of 'content') really comes across as an insult to readers' intelligence.

    So, in general, despite the genuine value of some of the info provided, readers should also be prepared to wade through a lot of superficial, repetitive, and self-referential content.

  18. I just listened to Ian Bond's IL video regarding a business opportunity for Online Dropshipping. This sounds great but I am very cautious that this is too good to be true.

    I checked to see if there were any reviews for the 21st Century Storefront program but couldn't find anything.

    Does anyone have experience with this opportunity? I would appreciate your input before I spend the $199.

    Thank you.

    • Hello, yes I did too. I also did not take up the IL offer. I did spend some time looking at dropshipping and reviews online of this business. My opinion is that the toolkit is probably a step-by-step to build your first site that you can find online elsewhere but that the online support of the program may be the most valuable part, explaining some of the common pitfalls etc. I came away with the thought that irrespective of how the program was to work, successful dropshipping depends a lot on the product selection and that most niches are filled. I am wondering if to try it out I would go for a try of a t-shirt business, not much margin, not much longevity (designs and fads that are not copyrighted come and go quickly) but at least I would practically understand how to do it.

      • I agree David that the value was in the FB group and Ian Bond's mentoring. Ian's teaching is still on my mind but it would sell me on the program if there were some reviews available.
        BTW I think it's a great idea to learn with a simple modifiable product like the t-shirts.

    • I found this comment trying to do my due diligence before buying into the drop shipping course and Facebook group. The price I'm seeing is $697-797 not $199 that you mentioned, care to share where you found that price?
      In my poking around about the feasibility and success of a drop shipping business, most places I see talk a LOT about lots of trial and error. So, a course like this could be very valuable if it eliminates a lot of the guesswork and mistakes etc. I'm still not 100% yet, would love to hear any feedback. This guy Ian Bond has a solid reputation and he seems knowledgeable and credible, but???

      • The money is not in drop shipping -- it is in selling drop shipping courses. You can find a lot of people online who've been burned by it. There's a subreddit, also.

      • This is what I found online under Ian Bond. A 30 minute phone consultation is being quoted at $199. The lengthy infomercial on his course was today supposedly reduced in price to $597.00, from originally 1,000.00, then $797.00.

        He seems to be flogging the course quite often? Googling, it looks like it's been since 2018.

        Imagine International Living gets a cut from each registrant too.

    • I just listened to it too. Granted, February 2023 and it's $597 USD for his 5 hour course.
      For a person who loves to help people, someone easily earning $10,000/month, how did that course become so expensive?

      It's why I came to this site to find out if it was truly worthwhile. Being in Canada, that becomes a CAD 850 course for me, which is an investment.

  19. I had subscribed to International Living over 40+ years ago for one year, but never bother renewing it. I did notice whatever countries they were promoting back then are the same countries they are promoting in their free newsletter to this very day.

    • Yeah, listening to this long winded marketing pitch right now and because it’s so overwrought, open a new tab to find reviews. Thanks but no thanks to the subscription now. They should cut this pitch down; its longer than WWII.

    • I am a lifetime IL member for years. I enjoy the magazine-although it has gone digital. For me it did broaden my international traveling to places I would have never considered-like Asia and Malta. You pay about the same per year for fitness or travel magazine subscriptions. My friend-who had never left the state-is now living in PV, Mexico because of this magazine. Are the RETA deals good..agree with what others who have posted--maybe not unless you do your due
      diligence and look at what other realtors have to offer.

      I now live overseas several months a year since retirement. Would not have considered this if not for the IL magazine. Yes, there are negatives but you find those in NYC and Chicago, too.

  20. Hi All

    I too was having trouble unsubscribing to IL Magazine however I did eventually find out where to email and where to click on the customer service page to send an email to them. So I thought I would share, the first link is

    You will then see,

    Subscriptions and Products

    IL Magazine, Products and General Inquiries
    Forgot Username and Password

    Click on products and general enquiries. This will take you to a page where you can email them.

    To her credit Helen Daly from customer support did also post her email in here, which you can also use as a double edged sword. I certainly did. I hope that helps and stay safe everyone.

    • Hi all,
      I was recommended to buy property in Brazil, Villa Do Porto through international living conference, was looking for any other American or Canadian citizens who bought land in this development. There had been major delays and setbacks and was looking to find other owners since information is nearly non existent to get any updates. I am posting here since this was the organization that brought this project to light and recommended it was a solid investment.
      I know it was our choice to buy and am just looking to share updates.
      Thank you in advance.

      • I am very interested to find out how this investment goes for you. Your comment doesn't come with a date so I'm wondering if the inability to get updated information is related to covid-19. I hope it is. It would be a bit distressing to find out that it's not easily available otherwise. What made you decide on Brazil? Have you been there at all? Was there a conference specifically on Brazil that influenced you? Having actually purchased property on the recommendation of international living, you're one of the few people to turn to for feedback.

        • 7Feb21 I have been to Brazil, but only to the temperate South. Fortaleza, in the tropical North, is near the equator; you may wish to research the climate. It is also one of the less economically developed coastal cities ... you might consider that to be an advantage -- or not. English may not be as widely spoken as it is in Rio and Sao Paulo.

          Brazil is a magnificent country with a lot of natural beauty. Iguazu Falls was spectacular! I found people to be very friendly, and I hope to return. But it also has issues with crime and with economic, government and social instability.

          I subscribe to International Living, and I like the magazine. But I believe their cheerleading needs to be taken with more than a grain of salt. You'll rarely see truly unbiased information there.

          You might also want to do a web search for "Ronan McMahon."

    • I am tired of IL endless marketing ploys. A membership should afford more than a tip here & there. The empty promises upfront about actual *tangible* advice and leads are really lead ins to pay more for said promised content.

      I personally have had it... & have literally grown past tired of it to downright angry!

      Alistair, Thank you for this valuable information!
      I have been wanting to cancel my membership!

    • Hi Alistair, thank you for your helpful post. I want to let you and IL subscribers who want to cancel, know that Helen Daly is no longer with IL as of January 17, 2024 per the reply I received after emailing her. I had submitted a request to cancel my subscription using the customer service form on the IL website and also sent Helen an email to ensure it is cancelled.

      I am canceling IL due to the excessive emails I am receiving from them pushing other products, etc., which began after I purchased IL (alone) a month ago. I am concerned about IL's overly rosey real estate and other gilded claims about living abroad, many of which my subsequent extensive research showed were inaccurate. We still want to live abroad, but am going to do our own research and find reliable sources of info.

      I think the final nail in the IL coffin was the intensely fear-mongering, economic apocalyptic infomercial I just listened to from Jeff Opdyke about the upcoming US dollar devaluation (per a conspiracy b/t Russia and China), which he says could happen on Feb. 26, 2024, and that we must buy all his "dossiers" and newsletters to avoid economic disaster/annihilation. UGH!

  21. I have enjoyed my International Living magazine and have shared it with others. After several years of my subscription, I have now been to several places in Mexico to check out possible retirement options. I also have reservations to go to Panama in the fall. I do see a lot of repetition and shallow information in the articles...but all in all, I would have never considered retiring elsewhere had I not started with International Living. I will continue to subscribe and maybe someday go to a Bootcamp.

    • Dear Renee,

      Thank you for your comments we would be delighted to have you at a Bootcamp conference. We look forward to meeting you at one sometime in the future.

      Kind regards,

      Helen Daly
      Customer Service Manager

      • Hi Helen,

        I called the number on my VIP IL membership acknowledgement today, May 1, 2023 thinking I was going to reach "Helen" as stated in my "VIP" liaison email.

        However, I ended up at a call center that never answered and I ended up in a voice mail, several times. Then a loop telling me to enter my pin #.

        As a new IL VIP member, I have requested access to the VIP Facebook group several days ago. I have yet to receive that access.

        Ive reached out to Customer Service via the website contact form, a minimum of 3 times now since my membership began over 7 days ago. I have yet to receive a response on any of my questions.

        Can you help?

        • Good luck Roberta. As a new IL VIP member,I had the same silence on the line experience earlier this year, in addition to difficulty accessing material purportedly posted to my account. Moreover, special VIP attention you are lead to believe as “one of them” does not readily happen.

      • I attended a conference in Panama in February, and am attending one in June in Costa Rica. I spoke to a gal at International Living at 2:00ish west coast time on May 17, 2023, and was flat out lied to. I wanted information on the real estate tours so I could make my reservations, and she told me there were none in Costa Rica. I had been having trouble opening up the link to them on both my laptop and cell phone, and needed the information so I could reserve my spot and make my hotel and flight reservations accordingly. I told her I knew there were tours, but she said that there was no mention of tours in the email, and basically hung up on me when I persisted. It says you record conversations, so somebody needs to take a listen, as this gal is not helping customers. I went back to the conference confirmation email, and it clearly states that I should review the tour opportunities before making my flight booking, to allow for extra time in Costa Rica. I called back and got someone who found the link. If I had not already gone through this in Panama, I wouldn't have known any better. How many other people is she lying to?

        When I spoke to someone prior to the Panama conference, there was a special group of people dedicated to the conferences, who were very knowledgeable, but they have apparently gotten rid of that group. Big mistake.

        I will be canceling after the Costa Rica conference, because of political nonsense that your finance guy has spewed lately. I refuse to continue to support anyone who is OK with destroying the planet because money is all that matters, and putting down others for having no knowledge of finances, when he clearly has no knowledge of science. Waiting for our kids and grandkids to fix the problems, as he suggests, has been going on since the late 60s, and we can't wait any longer. These people who don't care, because they will be dead before things get too bad, have no problem ignoring the accelerating hurricanes, tornadoes, wild fires, rising ocean levels, and temperatures in the 115 range for a week in the Pacific Northwest. People who once inhabited beautiful islands, have been displaced because they are now under water, and many oceanfront cities in the U.S. will be under water in the next 50 years. But by all means, let's wait a while longer, so you can make more money. I can't stand selfish, ignofa t people.

    • Hi Renee,

      I, too, am looking at Panama as a place to retire. I am a former high school teacher and Microsoft software trainer and I am intrigued by all that Panama seems to have to offer to American ex-pats. Do you think we could correspond and share the information that each of has? That would be very welcome and much appreciated!


      • Hi Christie,

        I spent 8 years of my childhood in Panama. I have returned numerous times since the 1990s, and love it each time that I visit. Feel free to contact me.


        • is international living a really legit magazine you can put any trust into? they are having a conference coming up in Panama there in February 2025, seems kind of expensive. what will they do for you down there? I just get the IL emails.

  22. I subscribed a few weeks ago, but after being deluged with email after email filled with endless marketing drivel I decided to ask for a refund. The "you can make money as a writer working remotely" is what put me in the done column. I'm a copywriter. Telling people that it's possible to make money in retirement as a writer when you have zero professional writing experience? What a complete scam.

    So far, no response through the website form. I've never received a single issue and will be dealing with this through my credit card company.

    • Dear Donna,

      Please contact me further and I can look into the cancellation for you.

      Kind regards,

      Helen Daly Customer Services Manager

      • I always been thinking subscribe it but never did but I want trave abroad and even have retirement place. I decided read what people have said and even though u can please everyone, I try find best substance from someone who realistic about magazine and I find your information honest from heart rather than people who seem be impulsive, inpatient and maybe over reacting. Thanks information. Did u find social security information to be valuable for retires? My email: ( thanks sean

  23. I have been an IL subscriber for more than 7 years now. I have found it to be most beneficial in expanding my possibility mindset and as a springboard for learning about living in different countries. Yes some of the information is repetitive, and a lot of their communication style drives me crazy. But I cut through and use IL as a compass, and a portal to world's beyond my own.

    There are many nuggets of information and insights that I would otherwise never have been exposed to. Foe example I now benefit from a fabulous international mail service that I would not have know existed.

    When I hone in on a country I have found the Country Profile reports to be valuable. And in truth an inexpensive way of delving a little deeper without over investing. The information on residency for example definitely a great shortcut to understanding whether the country remains an option. The residency overviews I have found to be correct on further investigation. The profiles of the different areas within countries also helpful as an assessment tool. I have found little towns I would never have known existed, and have visited them.

    As far as customer service goes. I have always received answers to my emailed questions through the customer service portalYes, sometimes I have had to send more than 1 email. I have always received refunds as promised when I have rejected something I didn't find of value. And on the occasions I have spoken with customer service my issues have been resolved quickly and with a helpful manner.

    I think we are lucky to live in an era where we can look beyond our own borders for a better life, because the country we were born into isn't going to provide a quality of life we were hoping for in retirement. IL provides a resource, and yes it has its faults but I think the value outweighs the downside.

    • Hi Stacy I’ve done the same thing myself it does help me to navigate around the world to find a country that I want to retire and I find sometimes they are given more expensive numbers to places that are cheaper but I need to be on the good side of their clients, I have traveled to five continents and I have decided to retire in the south of France but it all started because I got a subscription to international living magazine! I have read all the articles and a lot of people are misguided about what this magazine does but I have found it to be really good myself now that I know more I don’t need the magazine anymore but they open my eyes to possibilities I never knew existed before! So good luck to you

      • Hi Jennifer, how did you qualify to move to France? We are considering this as well.

        • Hello I have done my research and I know what I have to do when I move there I’m going first to live for three months and make sure I like it just Google it Google living in France and retiring Francie and get all the information you need! I also bought several books on the topic.jj

        • It sounds like being able to Google the information you want makes international living a bit redundant according to what Jennifer is saying. I also wonder what was meant by her comment about "Staying on the good side of their clients". You obviously don't qualify or she might have been a little bit more helpful, no?
          There's another website that will inundate you with info and sales pitches but that does have information on France as one of their more favoured destinations. It's headed by Kathleen Peddicord and I would give you the actual website if I wasn't afraid of losing this comment. If you Google her name, I'm sure it will show up in the top 2 or 3 responses. (International Living will undoubtedly be first. Lol.) I referenced Google just to be funny. She used to be the editor of international living but now has her own thing but is often called upon as one of the top experts in overseas retirement. It's another whole onslaught of marketing Etc but because it has information on France, it might be useful for you as it is, as I said, one of their top recommendations. Hope that helps.
          Have you been there? Whats influencing you? I'm interested in Old World architecture and cafes in the street but thought to check out Portugal, Italy, and Malta as well. I wonder how soon travel will be possible.
          Best wishes in your adventures

    • I have always wanted to live overseas . I started traveling to Europe when I was 15. From Paris to Germany. As American we are so limited because we only speak one language( in my mind.) I started subcrbing to IL in my late 40.
      Panama was always on the top of their list for retired American who wanted to live overseas , low cost of living n the best weather with friendly people. I had been to Spain twice ,loved it. With a train pass u can ride down to Italy. U had to do ur homework if ur traveling.
      I'v move to Panama , no longer need IL

      • Hi Trudi,
        my husband and I are thinking of Panama for retirement also, could you give any insight on living there ? Thanks so much. we are also IL subscription holders, which have also given us the thought of retiring outside of the country.

    • I agree with you. If you are receiving a healthy pension and want to get away from this overly crooked country (U.S.) THIS magazine can paint a basic COMMON SENSE guide to check places out. If you are the type that needs continuous breast feeding of EXACT INFO then this is not for you. i know one thing... retiring in Connecticut at 5,000 a month is a JOKE. If you do this in ANY WHERE IN can live like ELVIS.

    • Totally agree, Stacy, with your comments. I have been an IL member too for almost 10 years.

      The magazine does tend to be redundant but in a way that is means the countries discussed have not changed much either.

  24. Thanks, you just saved me money and a lot of time.

    • Dear Debbie,

      We do honour our Money Back Guarantees with no issues at all. You can call or email using the customer service tab on our website.

      Kind regards,
      Customer Service Manager @ International Living

      • Really? Well I had a subscription that I'm trying to cancel and I have found you very unresponsive. I emailed twice through the website and have had no response. My credit card has been charged and right now it has wasted a significant amount of my time.

        • Hi Kaylene,

          Just an update your cancellation was completed on January 8th after your emails of January 4th & 6th, 2020 and an email sent to you.

          Kind regards,

          Customer Service Manager @ International Living

        • Just to update. IL did process my subscription cancellation after I posted here.

  25. I have been trying to cancel my subscription. The phone is a dead end and they don't provide anyway to cancel. So, if you subscribe with them, be prepared to subscribe forever.

    They will tell you it's as simple as going to their website. Try it! There's no place to cancel. There's no email. There is no box to check to cancel the account. You must do it by phone, but they don't answer their phone or it's jammed with other people also trying to cancel their subscriptions.

    • Dear Ron,

      The contact form on the website leads directly to our emails so you can cancel this way and will honour it from the date sent to you - or by hone also its up to the individual which way they would like to do it.

      Here's the link for the contact page on our website:

      Kind regards

      Custoemr Service Manager @ International Living

      • Really? This has NOT been my experience. As Ron noted canceling is not as simple as you would expect from an honest company (which is leading me to believe that maybe that isn't what you are). I had a subscription and decided your magazine wasn't for me.

        I did cancel using the website. Twice in fact. The first time I got no response but I hoped it was just happening somewhere in the background. Then, when a charge for subscribing appeared on my credit card I went through the process and tried again to cancel. Still no response. Now I'm out $70 (AUD) and a chunk of my time as I still haven't been able to get any response from IL. So I'm wandering around the internet, looking for places like this to leave reviews in the hope that I will get someone to respond to me.

        My only hope is that the typo in the response above is hopefully a sign a human is writing the responses and not a chatbot.

  26. Good luck trying to cancel the automatic renewal on subscriptions. I've been on the phone for 30 minutes now trying to cancel since you can't cancel online. These are very poor business practices but not surprising from International Living which is more fluff than fact.

    • Dear Mike,

      You can email us using our contact form on the website rather than calling?

      Kind regards,

      Customer Service Manager @ International Living

      • I just got hit up with a so called 'article' from International Living that appears and reads like an ad for "The Magical Serum That Will Make You Young - Again" or "Lose 100 lbs in Just 10 Days" or closer to home, "Love, Eat & Pray for Your Retirement Dream". You know, the ads that go on and on and on and on and on and on, with lots of colored print, fonts & italics to punctuate the repetitive "hype"?

        It's really pretty funny because the more you see these ads, the more you realize it IS not only "hype" - it's so STUPID.

        Do the companies that write these never-ending, 'wait til we do the BIG REVEAL' ads think we're all that stupid?! Or are they too stupid to realize their ads are really stupid? They say "stupid is as stupid does". Personally, I KNOW they are shooting themselves in the proverbial foot with these stupid ads. They don't...and that IS stupid.

      • Wow! Not even a valid email address!

        • Dear Gaynor,

          I'm sorry I missed your response, this is a form that will go directly to your account so we can answer you accordingly and keep records for you together in one place.

          Kind regards,
          Customer Service Manager @ International Living

    • I agree with Mike. There is no place to cancel. I'm going to try to call them.
      Also you are overwhelmed with emails from them every day.
      And I dont see where I can give a star rating on this site.
      Really scum practices.

      • Dear Anne,

        You can email us using our contact form on the website rather than calling?

        Kind regards,
        Customer Service Manager @ International Living

        • That is not a valid email address; I just tried it

        • Dear Helen,

          I have just followed that link and there is nowhere at the end of it that leads to a simple – or, indeed, any – ‘unsubscribe’ as is found on the website of every single reputable company or service worldwide in operation today, January 7 2020.

          Any protestations to the contrary, this is clearly a scam. If it walks like a duck and it squawks like a duck...

        • Hi All,

          The email comes through from the contact form on that link, this links to your account with us so we can respond accordingly and correctly and notes can be used in the future if you have any further queries - so this is a valid link used daily by International living customers and customer service representatives.
          The unsubscribe button is on the daily postcards you receive by email or you can email from the link above - go into IL Magazines, Products and General Inquiries and choose unsubscribe to whatever you wish to unsubscribe to - we will unsubscribe that for you.

          Kind regards,
          Customer Service Manager @ International Living

        • Lindsay
          Maybe leave the “800” number as well
          Some people are not comfortable with email or have no access to it.
          Also have your IT crew put a clear refund tab on your site for those who are not computer savvy, thanks

      • Dear Anne,

        You can cancel using the above link just choose what you wish to cancel and the email comes direct to the customer service representatives and links to your account so we have a record of correspondence between you and International Living. You can also change the frequency of your emails just et us know we are happy to help.

        Kind regards,

        Customer Service Manager @ International Living

    • I've been in contact with Helendaly for several days now. Today I got an email from her stating my account was already canceled for lack of payment which would be great since I've been trying to cancel for about a week now because of an email stating I'm up for auto-renewal. So what did she do? She re-activated it. Helendaly will you please cancel my account once and for all?

      • Dear William,

        The classified website is a self service website where you registered and set up the recurring payment, and have full access to the your payments and your advertising on this website. The system suspends the account when there is a non payment and tries again after 5 days. To help you and for you for convenience we made it active so you can cancel this auto renewal charge and not be attempted another charge, we were helping you with this by dong this for your convenience. The password was reset for you again for convenience so you can cancel the recurring payment you have set up.

        You can log in and go to my account listings and cancel the recurring charge where you have it set up.

        Kind regards
        Custoemr Service Manager @ International Living

        • The constant typos are an indication of a lack of attention. When the typo is in the sign off it is extremely revealing. How many people are writing about not being able to cancel and about faulty links? From all appearances you make it difficult to cancel as a business practice. One last thing. The endless droning on and on, the so called copy writing, is horrible and off putting. Your marketing people need an upgrade.

        • I subscribed for 2 issues when I realized it just wasn't for me, nothing wing with it just not what I needed or wanted, I canceled very easily and got a refund for the balance in about a week. I still read their articles and get emails, most I ignore but every one in a while a decent one pops up

  27. Hi Guys,
    As I keep telling everyone, you should seriously consider South East Asia. Prices for just about everything are a fraction of what they are in the Americas.

    Places to consider are Thailand, Cambodia and Malaysia. Thailand is probably the most exotic. There are any number of resort type towns where you can spend your days sipping martinis on yellow sand beach watching the sunset, but also the least safe. Police here are corrupt.

    Cambodia is one of the cheapest, but less developed. Malaysia is my favorite, perhaps a trifle more expensive, but with good modern infrastructure, diverse and tolerant community, stable government, and almost everyone speaks English, and great Medical and dental care.

    Vietnam is also a consideration, very cheap to live, great people, and stunning landscape, especially the mountains in the North. The main problems are the language, and not possible to drive unless you are a local. In Malaysia I keep a vehicle so I can drive to Singapore and Thailand.

    • Thanks for this info. The deal-breaker for me would be the weather; hot and sticky for so much of the year, and probably mosquitoes, to boot. I suppose I could avoid those issues if I stayed indoors all the time, but who'd want to do that? lol

      Thanks again.

  28. I was looking at retirement in Malta and although I don't dispute any of the positives IL mention about the country, there were 2 big negatives that were not mention. First, there is a non-refundable application fee for the retirement visa that cost over 5,500 Euros. Second, there is reference to a reasonable tax rate of 15% under the special RV program, but in the application, it states that at a minimum each year the tax will be 15,000 Euros. For me, that absolute dollar amount nearly doubles the actual tax rate I was paying when working. The lesson is remove the rose colored glasses and look for the negatives before considering a move anywhere.

    • Dear Tom,

      Thank you for the details, i will pass these along to the appropriate department for review.

      Kind regards,
      Helen Daly
      Customer Service @ International Living

    • I’m glad I did a search of this publication before taking any further action. Thank you all for your input and sharing your subscriber experiences. Unfortunately, I don’t have any direct experience with living abroad purchasing real estate internationally and such but hopefully what I have to share can steer you to pertinent information. The following newsletters have been invaluable and so eye-opening to what’s possible for those who want more out of what this world or their current home (locale) has to offer.

      Travel & Leisure
      Here (Magazine)
      Condé Nast Traveler

      Through these newsletters, I’ve come across content I haven’t found anywhere else including several articles on towns in Italy that will pay people to move there, discount sales of properties in Italy/France with the agreement of renovation in exchange, unplanned nomads finding their way to remote careers so they could live near a beach or on a boat, and a resort brand offering a book lover’s dream job (‘barefoot bookseller’ at Soneva Fushi).

      Basically, you can get the kind of insider information that International Living offers or claims to offer for free with the added assurance of the info being legitimate and up-to-date. Also, check out Dwell (newsletter and site) as they produce some great content on people living and building internationally. While I haven’t seen in-depth info, learning about the people who were able to do it can lead you to specifics.

      Wait a second, look what I found in my saved folder

      I hope you all can find useful info and realize your dream of living abroad.

    • That's very disappointing to hear. I'm interested in Malta. What made you choose Malta over Portugal or Italy Etc?

  29. I am sitting in Orlando at the end of an IL conference. I don’t understand all the bitching. I‘M no dummy or easy mark. I have a PhD in Computer Science and an MS in Economics and Latin American Studies. I thought it was a good experience. No, I was not interested in the gold coins, colored diamonds, or Uruguayan farmland, but I think those guys were on the podium for about 20-30 minutes total and, well, they DID pay for two cocktail hours. They weren’t walking around the exhibit hall buttonholing people and twisting arms, nor were the real estate people. There were real tax, social security, Medicare, and medical insurance experts there on the podium and available for brief one on ones. I had very helpful one-one conversations with the IL correspondents from Ecuador and Columbia. THEY ENCOURAGED EVERYONE TO GET IN TOUCH WITH EXPATS ONLINE. They don’t claim to know everything. They talked about all sorts of pitfalls, and talked about pluses AND MINUSES of different locations. They did say that there are big roaches in tropical beach communities and that water supply can be an issue. They did encouraged people with mobility problems to NOT move overseas.
    Their books didn’t really appeal to me, but I wouldn’t describe them as a rip-off, either. Yes, these days, you can gather a lot of the information yourself on line, but there’s no sin in selling or buying these books, either.
    Clearly their marketing is in high gear at all times, and they sometimes make my eyes roll a bit. But even Consumer Reports is always trying to get me to buy one more newsletter. Someone above commented that there must be some kind of profit motive. Well, duh! Do YOU work for free?
    IL acted in good faith to deliver a good product. There are no doubt other ways to go about this project, like any project, but I’m not regretful about spending some money for this conference.

    • Thanks for providing another perspective to this issue. Much appreciated.

    • I agree. I don't understand all the negativity either! I have been to a conference in Atlanta and Las Vegas, both of which were well presented with good accommodations. The people presenting most of the talks are people that actually live in the country they are talking about, and they certainly don't only tell you good things, but obviously they live there because they like the place and find more good about it than bad. I also enjoy the magazines and find them quite informative.
      It's not that difficult to look at real estate sites in other countries and you can find homes in many price ranges.
      I have found international living to be a welcome addition to my life, but for those people that don't good luck cancelling your subscription.

    • Good commentary.
      I, for one, have gotten IL from the library off and on for years and enjoy reading them, even though their enthusiasm comes off as a little hokey. I would never go and plunk down money based on an IL article, or any other publication, but they open my eyes to parts of the world I had not considered.

    • I agree. I am a subscriber, have been to a conference and purchased a book on the country I am considering for a move. Yes, the marketing is in high gear. No, I don't think all the information is available through Internet searches. And, there is nothing like the opportunity to actually talk to people who live the reality that interests you by going to a conference and talking with the experts, as well as other people who travel. The magazine subscription price per year is minimal and, while there is a decidedly positive slant to the articles, I have learned information that I would not have otherwise gained by being a subscriber. So, lighten up folks. If it's not for you, that's fine. That doesn't mean it is a ripoff or that it may not contain value for others.

  30. These guys gave me all the information I needed to move overseas. Sure they market their products but they are a business and you can unsubscribe at anytime. It's one click to not receive them anymore.

    They made it easy for me and my wife to move to Costa Rica.

    Step 1. Buy the magazine and figure out somewhere you think you'd like.
    Step 2. Get their Country manual that talks about visa, real estate, tax and where to live.
    Step 3. Go to one of their conferences. Talk to their guys living in the country you're interested in.
    Step 4. Travel there. Test it out and rent for a bit. Don't buy.
    Step 5. Get on their Real Estate Trend Alert product by Pathfinder International.
    Step 6. Move and enjoy the adventure.

    That simple folks...

    • Good Info, I love this magazine, They always say go get your, "boots on the ground." I use their info then verify it. I think IL is a great resource.

  31. I am in my second year subscribing to IL Australia magazine. I am sick of the spiel in their postcards etc. But having said that I find that the information in their magazine etc is interesting and points me in the right directions. I have also realised that internet searches will also pull up a lot of invaluable information with which to use in conjunction with IL to get the real picture. They are by no means all inclusive when it comes to retirement schemes or places. Places that I have found on the internet but see no mention in IL Australia are the likes of Nicuraguia and Paraguay etc. If one really looks hard even countries such as Malawi or Zambia have retirement visas. At the end of the day it all boils down to not only ones finances but also what tickles a person fancy. What kind of life one is looking for and if one enjoys interacting with the everyday life of ones adopted place of residence, being it temporary or more permanent.

    My mind has been opened to all kinds of possibilities that I would have never thought of, or would've taken years to discover. I haven't any regrets with them. To me they are just another tool in my tool box.

    As for their bedmates such as Great Escape Publishing, I have obtained heaps of useful information from them as well from Barefoot Consultants. But just like IL, these are just another tool in my tool box. And have no regrets at all.

    A wise person always gleans information from a multitude of sources and cross checks. What information that might be deficient in one source will be found in another (hopefully)

    As for the credit card sagas. I never check that box that authorizes further payments to be made using my credit card and have never had any problems at all with extra charging.

    • They don’t research their information well, recently went to an area they described as one of the premier developers in Costa Rica with so many amenities and luxury at cost...not even close. A good place to buy in and lose your life savings and then some. When a magazine has that much advertisement you gotta wonder. This review is spot on. The expat forums are best. Real life experiences from people who are doing just that-real life.

  32. Beware of International Living magazine special reports. I paid $249 for a report on Costa Rica in October, 2018. In December IL offered the same report for $99. They will not refund the $160 difference in price after discounting the price within two months of my purchase. I have been subscribing to IL magazine for over two years.

    • Hi George,

      Without actually checking your orders I believe, based on the information above, that you ordered Costa Rica 101 and the offer at Christmas for $99 was for a different product The Ultimate Costa Rica Bundle, which includes Costa Rica Recordings and the Escape to Guide.

      If you wish to contact me further please do, I'd be happy to go through this with you.

      Kind regards,
      Helen Daly

  33. I've been a subscriber for 2 years now. Love the magazine and the stories the expats living overseas cover. It seems everyone here is complaining about the marketing emails they send out. I started to get annoyed and put myself on the weekly summary email. That option is there in the unsubscribe option at the end of every email. Problem solved.

    Well worth $49 a year for the information you get.

    • Have you tried to unsubscribe? Did it work? For myself, I have had to get very heavy handed with them and as of yet, they have still not removed me from any lists. I was also lured into subscribing. I even bought a couple "reports", as we are preparing for another international move. We are no strangers to the expat life. What I have found though is that they are a marketing machine. Their ONLY interest is in extracting as much money from you has humanly possible, and delivering essentially the same thing over and over, with minor modifications made. I really question the integrity of the content and the company, as there are too many things that simply don't align. Personally, I also detest becoming a paying customer, only to be bombarded 5x more than I was as a free subscriber to the daily postcards. Once they have your money, they see you as a target and become relentless in their pursuit of your money. I have "opted out", written, them, and called them in attempts to be removed. All to date have gone ignored, but with the hope now today that it will stop, according to the last representative I spoke with. I don't know that I trust it though, as the company's integrity is anything but in tact. I doubt any of the content is genuine and it most certainly is not objective. I have lived and travelled in many of the places they discuss, and while the garden of eden they represent may be possible, it is hardly the norm and as prolific as they make out.

      • Yes the unsubscribe worked. I too was bombarded with emails from them but it was easy to update my settings. If they don't have that option you should call, it's illegal not to have an unsubscribe link or somewhere to edit your account settings.

        The customer service team were very friendly so just ask them directly to ensure you're not on anything.

        I was thinking about how genuine their content was as well but left their conference in Costa Rica convinced. We met Jason Holland who lives there and a 10 minutes chat with him was great.

  34. About 3 years ago I subscribed to IL Magazine on the special $17 introductory offer. I renewed one time for $49, so ended up receiving 18 months of IL Mag. At first, I found the articles very captivating as I didn't know anything about the countries the expats were living in and writing about. After a few months, I felt the articles became very repetitive and painted unrealistic pictures of the recommended countries. At the same time I subscribed, I began to receive the email postcards, which I still receive and sometimes actually read (depending on if I'm interested in the country). When it came time to renew the IL Mag, I just called the number I found (I think online) and spoke to a very nice young woman who immediately cancelled my subscription without questions. I think IL Mag is great if you're just starting to become interested in living and/or traveling abroad and you want to put your toe in the water.

    A few things bother me about IL. There should be more photos in the magazine. People respond to photographs of where they might want to live. I've noticed recently that the email postcards are starting to include more photos. Also, when IL is coming up on one of their conferences, they advertise the heck out of that particular country, like Panama, or Ecuador, or Costa Rica. I have read reviews from people who have attended the conferences and felt they really got a lot out of it, but it always seemed very expensive to me. I agree with others opinions here that blogs or threads like this are way better for learning the truth about living in different countries, and probably the best way is to visit the countries you are interested in. I would never recommend moving to a country without thoroughly researching it first.

    The part of IL that feels "scammy" to me is when they offer specials on programs for real estate or finances or earning a living or the latest one is "dream your retirement project" (only 1 in 400 will qualify, give me a break). First you watch a long video where they are trying to sell their "product" and then they tell you the price, which is significantly reduced if you buy in TODAY! And there is no refund because the price is so low. I have watched several of these and they are no different from the thousands of other scams you see on the internet. Perhaps you will feel like you have received what you paid for. I wouldn't know because I have never bought into any of these programs.

    Overall, I would say that if you are just starting on your investigative journey of living abroad and you get an offer to have the IL Mag for $17 for 6 months, that's a pretty good deal, so why not? I had no trouble cancelling my subscription. There are several phone numbers for cancelling right here in this thread. And if you're tired of the postcards, you can always unsubscribe.

    • I agree overall that there is SOME useful info in the stuff they send out, but as you point out, the programs they promote, are often a lot like scams.

      The most recent thing is the one about becoming a copy writer, and how easy it is to earn thousands of dollars for writing promotional material and direct mail stuff - much like the material you have to wade through that promotes the actual product you are reading about...

      I saw that they want $419 for their "course" so went looking on the internet first - and found that the company "AIWA" is run by a rather dodgy character who has been investigated for fraud and other things, and there was a bunch of other material about the group and the fact that the AIWA "course" provides nothing more than you can find for free or much lower costs elsewhere.

      Also the fact that they promote copy writing as "easy and almost anyone can do it to earn a six-figure income" is utter rubbish!

      So I am not sure if IL Australia know the background of the shady characters they are dealing with, but I hope they look into it, and stop promoting this scam.

  35. Thanks everyone!
    You saved me $49, and likely a lot of future hassle, as well as disappointment! I'll keep the IL email coming for now, but will look for a better source of info.
    Thanks especially to Kanan and those several of you who have lived overseas for sharing your experiences. I have a friend, ESL teacher like me, who will retire to Malaysia, where his wife is from. They are already established there. He encourages me to think about it! Unless I do something remarkable, I won't be able to retire in the US - I'll have to keep on working somehow. Or live a very limited lifestyle . . . no, please, I tell myself! Get motivated and make $$ AND find a place to call home in retirement.

    Good discussion with no flames! Thanks all! And to all, do YOUR research before believing one source! This thread here has several sources - very nice, folks! Very nice!

    • Thank you to everyone who shared the truth about IL. It saved me not only $49 but also the disappointment in realizing their marketing was BS. Saying that you can vacation in Italy or any other European country for free is ridiculous. I have spent summers in Bolivia and Germany and there are no free lunches. Due to governmental changes even South America is no longer cheap if you want worry free living. To all those who have never traveled abroad, don't expect your American comforts or you will definitely be disappointed and miss the real value in traveling abroad. This is true for undeveloped countries as well as developed. I never would have considered half and half for my coffee a luxury.
      I plan on spending every summer in Europe with my family so any advice on how to accomplish this on the cheap would be appreciated. Thus far we have been going the Air B & B route, less expensive but not cheap or luxurious.
      Thanks to all who contribute.

  36. I joined IL a few years ago. I also joined RETA at the same time. I must be the exception here because I had nothing but good luck with them. I cancelled after a year just by calling them, 5 minutes later I was cancelled. I did the same with RETA. I did actually purchase a condo in Cabo thru RETA and have been happy with the deal I got.

    • You are lucky, I have been trying to get rid of this leech of a business for three years...still charging my credit card after informing them that I do not want this waste of paper Have not read one thing of use intheir crap mag...what a scam. I am livid!

      • I feel your pain. I cannot get them to stop sending me emails. Everyone please do yourself a favour andd do not give them your email address by signing up to get info. They are relentless and you can't stop it.

        • Dear Sir/Madam,

          I would like to reach out to you. If you requested we stop sending you emails altogether then we can do this so I would like to take a look into your account and check what's happened?, please email me directly and I can look into this further for you.

          I look forward to hearing from you.

          Customer Service Manager
          International Living

      • Dear John,

        I would like to reach out and ask you to email me directly so I can look after this for you?
        If you have asked us to cancel your subscription we have no issue in doing, all we request in this case is the reason why, for marketing purposes, so i am unsure as to why, if you requested a cancellation you are still being charged?

        I look forward to hearing from you.
        Customer Service Manager
        International Living

      • If you call the credit company to dispute the charges, that is one way. The other alternative is to have the credit card company cancel the current credit card number and issue you a new number.

  37. I am so glad I found this thread and read through these posts. It has saved me a lot of money and headaches.

    It is interesting the real people comments and complaints that ring true in this thread. The obvious things are that IL does not report correct facts in their articles, that most of it is pie in the sky when compared to accounts from people who actually have been to those places, and IL has a bad habit of charging credit cards without notice.

    I found this thread because I was researching a link from a different product. IL is partnering with a brand called Great Escapes Publishing. This gig purports to set you up as a travel writer, getting all expense paid trips to visit vacation spots world-wide. All you have to do is write up your impressions. Of course, you need to sign up for the subscription to learn how to do it and get their resources for $29 per month. And to be ever so helpful, they have even more resources you can invest in. Sounds like the same tactics that IL has been using. They are very aggressive in their emails to get you to come on board.

    Thanks to all those who posted in the thread. Your real insights are very helpful.

  38. It has been interesting reading all these comments since I have been working with and writing for International Living for about five years now. Yes, we are scattered around the world and do all live in the countries we write about. I lived in China for six years, Thailand for three years and now Peru for over two years. The facts and costs that I write about are not made up. They are my day-to-day costs and things I see every day. Some of the places we write about are developing countries. Of course, there are going to be problems. But however you cut it, the cost of living is probably going to be less than the U.S. And it's a fact that the U.S. has one of the worst health care systems in the developed world. ( and and

    If you move to these places, live in a gated community and expect to enjoy the same lifestyle you had in the U.S., and eat the same foods, it is probably going to cost the same or more. Imported goods are expensive. We pay $600 per month (utilities included) for our modern, 3-bedroom condo in Huanchaco on the north coast of Peru. We paid $700 a month for our beautiful large condo in Arequipa about a 5-minute walk from the historic center of the city. We could find those prices somewhere in Canada and the US as well but we wouldn't be in a modern condo in a city center or five minutes from the beach.

    It's also interesting that the comments received by the thousands of participants that have attended our conferences are overwhelmingly positive. It's a business. Of course, IL is going to try to sell you stuff! But it is certainly not a scam.

    • Steve,

      As you're the only person on this thread so far to report a positive experience working with and writing for IL, I'd like to know ... how did you get started? My family member who would like to move to Costa Rica has written professionally up till a few years ago. I expect he could write for IL.

      • Valentina,

        I had a blog for many years about my numerous motorcycle tours around North America as well as our life for six years in China. I was approached by one of the IL editors who was on an exploratory trip around Asia about five years ago looking for contacts to write about Thailand, where we were then living.

        Despite what people are saying here, IL tends to prefer writers who are actually living the expat life in other countries. Many are retired or semi-retired and write about their day-to-day experiences.

        • Take you on your word Steven and respect your integrity, but I have not read anything in IL that cannot be found (in more detail with less gloss) in Expats Facebook forums or their blogs (their are many to chose from for most destinations).
          The good thing about these is that you can ask questions and be assured their responses are not influenced by commercial intent.

          I see IL as feeding the dreamers (in order to grow their circulation = advertising rates), and not addressing the real issues.
          Anyway that's my rant; to each his own.


    • Thank you, Stephen. I think not all people are ready to live in another country. The reality is that it is different. If I move overseas, I don't want to be in America. I don't want to bring the American ways with me. I want to be immersed in the local culture. I've met too many people in Costa Rica and Belize who move there and try to make it like the U.S. I think those are the people who are disappointed.

      • You are so right Ruth. It's not the same if you want to live in a country and expect the same commodities as in the states. The basics yes, but expect differently. To me, that is the exciting part of experiencing other cultures and comforts of life.

    • Thank you, thank you thank you. Yes IL is a business to make money like every other business. Dah. People listen to this guy Steve. its all an attitude and what you can get out of it. IL is NOT a scam

  39. I've been on IL's email list for a few years, but haven't subscribed to/bought anything The marketing does look a bit "bait and switch" to me. However, I have a family member with very limited resources whom I'm trying to help find an expat home, probably in Costa Rica. Has anyone here had a positive experience purchasing one of their conference recordings packages? As long as you really can REACH them to get your $$$ back if not satisfied, it seems low risk.

  40. Yes, I travel all over the world and see places with my own eyes and then make move. Guess my resume after 20 years of traveling--best country in the world is USA--its not perfect, its changing but its cheapest, you know it locally and English widely spoken. Food is not cheap anywhere. Main expense is housing which cost me in Florida for a 2000sq.f. house with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and movie theater 300$ a month in taxes which I pay once a year on a credit card. Yes, I installed security cameras--so what?
    Guys, stop reading and start traveling and you will understand yourself!!!

    • Well to each his own, I have been traveling for over 35 years all over the world but only to four continents! I lived in Equador on two different periods because it was lovely, the locals are the best part of the experience along with the cost of living. I have not decided where I want to live yet. The USA is not where I plan to retire. I love the European way of life, much culture, history and architecture and awesome food, much better quality of life! So I am looking at France, Italy or Spain. So do your research....while I have read International magazine for over five years, it is what it is ....a business for profit, in that respect they will make everything seem better, you have to be realistic about anything you read in a magazine. Let the adventures begin.

      • Hi Jennifer
        I have just read your review and could you tell me about a bonus deal they are marketing called Free Stay Pass?

      • Dear Jennifer
        Really appreciated your honesty. Do you think Equador is safe place for a 75yd old single senior female? Can you name the city you were living in and the approximate monthly costs? Is it a good place to meet trustworthy single males of mostly all married couples and little social opportunities for singles. Your opinion will be greatly appreciated
        Thanks, Diane

        • I am so sorry I did not come on this site for a while but I lived in Cotacachi There are a lot of American ex-pats couples, singles lots of older people that play cards and do all kinds of fun things they have book groups and other things, there’s a lot to do I have found it to be very safe. The cost of living is dirt cheap. When I was there in September 2018 I rented a furnished studio for $150 a month with utilities included I loved it and I can seriously say a person could live there and less than 500 a month, that’s with eating out a few times per week. Fresh veggies and fruits are very cheap. If you don’t go searching for American food. You can live very well and very little in a town that has almost no violent crime. I hope this helps you out.

      • Hi Jennifer, is there a reason you would prefer France, Italy or spain over Equador ? My husband and I are looking for anywhere other than USA to retire ! Thanks so much Jayne

  41. I joined International Living and received their publications and information for a few years. I attended two seminars in Las Vegas and Phoenix. I joined RETA, and in 2015 invested in property recommended by Ronan McMahon, as "deals of the decade" in his "Path of Progress". The project is now 9 months past the Dec 2017 due date, and completion is postponed until February 2019, and seriously in doubt. The project is beautiful and we still hope it gets completed!

    I contacted RETA and International Living to request an update on the project and a recommendation "from the experts" on how to deal with the situation. Their response . . . . nothing, no response. I have even been cut off from their emails and communiques even though I am a member of the "Lifetime Society". Not sour grapes, just facts. I am a big boy, and I understand that there is risk involved in these investments. But to be completely deserted by people in whom one puts their faith, trust and savings unethical, bordering on fraudulent (which is probably why I have been cut off).

    My opinion, they want your money and leave you "high and dry" when things don't go according to plan. My advice, read their "general" information but don't waste a lot of money if you are looking into living abroad.

  42. Randy, you would be hard pressed oto go past Penang in Malaysia. It's super cheap (although Penang is double price generally speaking to the rest of Malaysia and about on Par with Kuala Lumpur) It's the best of both worlds. You have big malls with upmarket restaurants, and great medical and dental.
    People are friendly, pretty much everyone speaks English (old Brittish colony) and you won't be targeted as a tourist. There are many expats living there and the weather is warm all year. Also an easy drive to Thailand and Singapore, Penang is famous for its food.
    As an American you w ill get a 90 day visa on arrival.

    You can also get a 10 year visa if you're prepared to put around $50,000 on fixed deposit... google MY2H

  43. I wrote a number of articles for IL and related publications around ten years ago, they stopped paying around the time they moved to Panama so I stopped writing.
    I read Kathleen Ps book, How To Retire Overseas, much of the info is too general, and like the website promotes places without a lot of specific info.
    In general terms, if you're going to be living overseas, look for a place with other expats, you'll need a support system when you get there, few people can make it completely on their own.
    Don't buy a house until you've been around a while. It can take years to sell a house if you don't like it there, if you can sell at all.
    Close to half of all retired US expats end up in Mexico, it's close, easy to check out, and offers a big choice of places to live in. A big plus is a city with an expat library, that's a big social support network built in.
    I've lived in three cities in Mexico, Oaxaca, Guanajuato, and Queretaro, not for everyone but worth a look.

    • Kathleen Peddicord started her own company called Live and Invest Overseas. She's no longer publisher of International Living. They seem to peddle more real estate and conferences rather than good quality information like IL.

    • What would you recommend for resources? I read that book too and also found it too general. I think one needs a periodical that is more up to date. Laws, health insurance, etc. change regularly.

    • Bob 7 we would be interested in talking to you. We’re considering retiring to Oaxaca, we also just returned from an exploratory trip to Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende. Also considering Puebla. Would love to talk with someone with experience living and in these places. If it’s allowed to post my email address it’s

  44. I just completed reading these various comments on this blog and have to agree that IL Magazine's information on many of the countries they "supposedly" cover is embellised to put it politely. I have subscribed to their magazine at a cost of $49.00 per year for about 5 years now and have avoided getting sucked into the barrage of other products and services they constantly try to get me to buy into.

    I do, however, find the articles interesting and informative. But, as many folks have commented, I don't think they provide a really accurate picture of what "it's really like".. Example:We just returned from a trip to Puerto Vallarta Mexico (one of the places they tout as being a wonderful place to move to, cost of living, food, etc.) We wanted to see if it was someplace we felt comfortable in moving to for our retirement.

    It was a shit hole!!! And nothing was cheap. It was basically the same prices as the US. You get away from the "Resort and Hotel" zones and you encounter some of the worst poverty I've seen anywhere in the world.

    I've traveled to Mexico many times as well as Costa Rica and some of the other countries in Latin America and it's basically the same. Corrupt, poor, crappy water, infrastructure and healthcare services. And not that cheap if you want to live in decent area. Maybe, we're just snobs, and everyone has a different perspective on what "works for them".

    But for alot of us that have retired and are living on a fixed income, the United States is just getting too dammed expensive, divisive and "crowded" It's not the same country that we all grew up in 40 and 50 years ago.

    Unfortunately, IL Magazine may not be your best resource to find a place to live. We are now looking at places in Europe, i.e. Portugal, Spain, etc.. and have pretty much given up on Mexico, Central and South America.

    Also, on a Final Note there's a little company called Monsanto that has targeted the majority of Central and South America as "ground zero" and are committing mass Ecocide by spraying their toxic pesticide "Round Up" everywhere they can and forcing many of these countries to use their genetically modified seeds.

    I would be very concerned about the food you're getting in these countries now more than some of these other items.

    And that folks is something you won't hear about in "IL Magazine".

    • Monsanto are an American company based out of St. Louis, Missouri. Pretty sure they have the same genetically modified seeds in the good ole US of A too.

      San Miguel De Allende should have been your first choice in Mexico. Stunning.

      I 100% agree with you on Europe. I bought the Portugal Owners manual from IL and we're viewing properties there in two months :)

      • Hi Seandra,

        I've been to Portugal Last summer with my family and LOVED it. Lisbon was great. The Algarve was amazing. I want to go back and see the northern region. I can see myself living there for part of the year. Just wondering if I should invest in the Portugal Owner's manual that you got. Does it answer most of your questions?



        • I just went on IL's first trip to Portugal/Spain and received the Owner's Manuals for free. They are like little books, hefty and full of helpful information, including many specific towns and cities and what it's like to live there and what the costs are. I'd say it is worth paying for.

          I agree they tend to sugarcoat things with no downside ever, but I am sold on Portugal. The real estate tours were only in high-end beach resorts, disappointingly, and the tour only covered the Lisbon area and Algarve in Portugal -- too sunny and hot for me. I plan on returning with my husband next spring to tour more of the northern and central parts of the country and hope to make the move in the next couple of years. Learning Portuguese will be fun, though it's hardly necessary. The food and wines are excellent, the people friendly, and the country beautiful.

        • Hi Mark,

          We spent three weeks in Portugal last fall and fell in love with the North. In particular, we loved the city of Guimaeres, but we hear Braga is lovely as well. It is green, lush and considerably more rain than the south. Something to consider if you're wintering there. I'd highly recommend it, along with looking out in Evora in the Alentejo region. Another historic city that we loved.

          We are planning retiring someplace in Portugal and are exploring the Algarve next. The cost of living, the people, the access to the rest of Europe...all too good to pass up.


    • Thank you so much for your comment! I am feeling the pain of realizing my homeland has changed, and not for the better. Having recently returned to texas after 4 years in Switzerland, I no longer feel proud to be an American. I want to live almost anywhere but here. International Living bombarded me with too-good-to-be-true shiny offers. Thanks for saving me the $17 and sparing me another disappointment

      • Good for you I came to that realization about 8 years ago, my plan is a European country.

  45. We've been living in Penang, Malaysia for the last 6 years, and we've never had a bad day. People are friendly, but you don't get targeted as a tourist. You have the best of East and West here, everyone speaks English, most of the signage is in English, crime rate is low and it's a multi-cultural society, meaning they all celebrate holidays of the religions of Christian, Bhuddist and Muslim, with very little conflic between the various races.

    Best of all, living here is really cheap, with great restaurants, food courts and street stalls everywhere you look.

    They give you a 90 day visa on entry. It used to be easy to cross to Singapore or Thailand to extend, and return same day, but they are clamping down on this practice. They offer a 10 year visa called "Malaysia, My Second Home" (MM2H)
    Google it if you are interested. It's easy to get if you have a government pension, or can put around $40k on fixed deposit.

  46. Julia and Randy,
    We have been living in Penang, Malaysia for the last six years. It ticks all you boxes and more Randy. The climate is warm all year, the cost of living is oughly about one third of US or Australian pricing, renting is cheap, crime rate is low, no need for medical insurance because doctors and dentists are cheap, the air is clean and people are friendly. It is a multi-cultural society and you won't be targeted as a tourist.As an old British colony, almost everyone speaks English and most signage is also in English. Bahasa Malay is a simple language to learn if you want to, but most expats don't. There is a large expat community. Our apartment is in Miami Green on the north side of the island, overlooking the straights of Malacca.

    There are a lot of Brits living here and Aussies, but not many Americans. They tend not to stray from their own continent for some reason. You can get a 90 day visa on entry, and just leave for a while every three months. You can also apply for a 10 year visa, where you can come and go as you please. It's called "Malaysia My Second Home". google it for more info.

    • Nice post Kanan, I enjoyed reading about your experience, thanks for sharing your experience! I was specifically doing a search on reviews for International Living and your post was very valuable. Thanks!!


    • Thanks! I was considering Mexico but worried that the cost of living is actually much higher than touted by the likes of International Living. I didn't know that English was widely spoken in Malaysia!

    • I'm considering this as one of my options for retirement. Looking forward to going there for a visit within a few years. Any information you have in regards to living there would be helpful but sounds like a great place! Thanks, Kanan!

      • Julia,
        I should be clear that I'm writing specifically about Penang. Although it is quite a bit more expensive than the mainland, I wouldn't consider anywhere else, except maybe Kuala Lumpur if you like big cities, or Malacca, cute but a bit too small for my liking. Penang has a strong middle class (mainly Chinese), and they are served with a plethora of great restaurants and cafes, bars etc., as opposed to other countries like Thailand where cafes and restaurants are predominantly targeting tourists.

    • Thank you for your helpful comments on living in Penang. I am fed up with the politics in America, have traveled extensively, want to become an ex-pat. I am a retired 77 year old female who will be alone. I am heat/weather sensitive, don’t want a monsoon Season either.Allergic to mosquito bites & insecticides.
      I live in Tigard, OR & wonder about flights from Portland to Penang. I want to be near good, healthy food - restaurants & cultural events, quality TV, good phone reception. I have been thinking of Canada, New Zealand & Australia, using my passport & their country requirements. Renting, not buying. I am currently a subscriber to Live & Invest overseas for 3 years, have been to their conference in LasVegas. I subscribed to International Living for 3 years & attended 2 of their conferences. I have visited Portugal with L& I preferred real estate rep. Prices 2 years ago with them were very high, not as requested. Algarve too hot. I love Europe, but prefer the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. I subscribe to an Italian real estate (free) company that caters to American buyers, with weekly comprehensive photos & information. I love the high Italian Lake area, out of Milan. Very expensive, of course. They can help with renting before buying, but of course, current properties probably would be gone after a 3 month try before you buy, which I wouldn’t do anyway. I have health issues & Italy isn’t the best for that! Dreaming of that perfect place @. an affordable price! Yikes! Our world is huge, with much to explore. I am waiting for many borders to open to Americans, safe ways to get there! A like mind travel companion, possible roommate would be another big wish. Helpful responses welcome & appreciated. Reluctant to give my e-mail address for privacy reasons, so hopefully, only honest, sincere people will respond. I am cautious, well educated, financially independent, not a racist, empathetic/respectful of all faiths based on inclusiveness & love of all sentient beings, including a love of our planet & a personal commitment to help protect it.

      • Hi Mary! I’m not sure when you wrote this but I’m responding in Sept. of 2024. I live in Happy Valley, OR so not too far from you. I would love to connect with you and talk more. My hairdresser recently relocated over by Bridgeport so I’m in that area at least once a month and my daughter lives down in the NW 23rd area so I’m downtown quite a bit so if you ever want to meet up for coffee or such? I’m recently single after 30+ years and have been looking and researching areas to travel to and possibly live abroad. I am younger but would describe myself as an old soul and most of my friends are significantly older than me. From your description, it sounds like we may have a lot in common. I am financially independent as well, however, I am always looking for business opportunities, investments, etc that spark my interest or passion. I have 2 grown children who live in the PDX area (not with me), with great jobs and fully support themselves and with whom I’m quite proud of. I live mostly in Happy Valley but also have a condo on Nye Beach in Newport and Hammock Beach in Palm Coast, FL. My public email is Looking forward to chatting with you!

  47. International Living Magazine changed my life for the better. I sold my house in LA, moved to Tamarindo, bought a property 3 times the size for quarter of the cost.

    They are very marketing heavy but if you enjoy the stories of people who have moved overseas like I do then they're a great company to be a customer of.

  48. INTERNATIONAL LIVING I paid a subscription fee and now have to pay additional fees to actually receive the information I thought I had paid for I hope they will not put their dirty hands into my account to renew the subscription
    How do I cancel this as they refuse to respond to my emails

    • Dear Sir/Madam,

      If you would like to reach out and I can check that your subscription was indeed corrected please visit the customer service area of the website

      Or the number you can call is 1800-681-2402 .

      I look forward to hearing from you.

      Customer Service Manager
      International Living

    • The best way to cancel any subscription etc.. is to contact your credit card company and lodge an complain ( contesting a withdrawal) . Usually credit card companies Like Visa, Master AMEX will credit your card with the argued amount and will follow up with the other party as why the did the withdraw from your card and this will stop (usually ,unless they can prove that they have authority from you to continue. If the withdrawal is from your saving or cheque account contact your bank they should be able to block / stop next withdrawal.

  49. I thought the International Living site was awesome until I started reading some of the articles. One writer suggested that notions of Columbia being a dangerous country were outdated. Columbia is ranked 15th most dangerous country in the world. That is irresponsible and immoral. Another suggested I could make a living as a writer in a developing country writing 12 letters per year at $6000 per letter.

    • lists 4 Ciities in the United States as most dangerous in the World. Only two from Colombia make the list.

  50. Does anybody have CURRENT info on Bali, Indonesia? For what I know, most expats I used to know left Bali because the crime has increased and locals have become supposedly really money hungry and estern food very expensive. - Any positives on Bali these days?

    • My girlfriends brother lived there with his family but it becoming more violent and is a mostly Muslim country they were getting more and more restricted and finally began to feel unsafe and moved back to the states as did her Dad and his wife

    • Hi. I'm in Bali now researching places here for long term rental. Bali is still safe however precautions are necessary. Perhaps rent in a family compound or small guesthouse- like place. I plan on staying 5-6 months a year then returning to Australia for 3 months then living in Thailand for 3 months a year. Rents here are around AUD 300-500 a month for a little one bedroom cottage with no cooking facilities but with air con and perhaps a community pool. Sky's tge limit fir lycury spartnents at 1000 a week. Rents are comparable to Thailand and similar to Malaysia. My needs are basic so nothing luxurious. My friends own here in Candidasa in a resort area and have few complaints. I would rent for a few months in Sanur, Legian or Ubud and see what appeals. Just by walking around the small gangs or lanes I found many signs "for rent" everywhere. I don't EVER ride a motorcycle cycle. Bargain hard re rents. Good luck.

    • I live in Bali for part of the year and I can tell you that its without a doubt becoming expensive unless you're happy to eat on the street.
      I bought here around 11 years ago and prices have gone up.
      Renting a DECENT home is easy, BUT its 12 months UP-FRONT. Never monthly.
      Expect a minimum of $1000US a month for something decent.
      Its a Hindu island and there are a lot of Muslim families coming in from Java as the work prospects and money are better in Bali.
      Safety: I have never had a problem. The only caveat to this is sadly, drunken tourists. Pathetic.
      Its the old adage: you get what you pay for.

  51. So glad I Googled IL before succumbing to their daily advertising and found this site!

    I would rather join a forum or read a blog of actual expats and/or folks who are contemplating living abroad or have made the move.

    Any suggestions?

    • I used the info from the magazine to go to Ecuador I stayed for several months I loved it everything they wrote about was true, the people are lovely and friendly, food is delicious and cheap as were veggies and fruits! The realtors a lot of them are crooked and are not governed by law and there was no regard for the dogs that were everywhere but in a poor country I do understand why, they cannot afford to feed pets! So we should not judge!

  52. Also, how can I get these free emails to stop?

    • There is an unsubscribe link at the bottom. I just unsubscribed and hope it works.

  53. Well I'm not going. I'm from Minnesota, lived in California over 45 years and now I'm in Arizona.
    Every Country they email me about I check out for my number one concern. Animals. I just put in the Country and dogs and it turns out without fail they they are way behind in knowing about them and they treat their strays like crap.
    It's cheap here too and they love animals here unlike California. I wish it was more liberal but I still love it.

    • The one good thing I've got to say about Uruguay, after living there for about six years, is that they treat there animals well, especially the dogs. They like big dogs, they get plenty of meat as it's cheap and the locals eat a lot of it. The strays always look healthy and well fed. It's illegal for a vet to put an animal down unless it's in a really bad way.
      If you love dogs (as I do), perhaps you could consider going to one of these countries that treat dogs badly and start an animal shelter, and teach the locals to care. I met a German woman in Penang who did just that. She now has 200 acres with 600 dogs that she cares for, all funded with donated money... very inspiring!

      • Hi so how is life in Uraguay I am looking for the right place to retire to?

        • I wouldn't recommend it Jennifer. Everyday in Uruguay is a new challenge. We moved to Malaysia, and are much happier.

          Apart from other various challenges, Uruguay has gone from one of the cheapest to the most expensive countries in Latin America, mainly due to the mandated wage increases of 5% twice per year.

  54. Thanks so much for the information. You've just saved me $900 - the cost of ILF's conference on retiring overseas.

    • Hey Erica,

      Myself and my husband went to the Fast Track Retire Overseas conference in Phoenix last year. It was an unbelievable experience. I got to speak to so many experts who have gone through the entire process of moving overseas. They discussed the issues they encountered, what to expect, how to make friends and to ensure you rent before you decide to buy. That way you're able to decide if you like a neighborhood.

      Before I subscribed to International Living I went to visit a tax account, a lawyer and a real estate broker. Their consultant rates cost me $2300 collectively. The advice I got off vendors at the conference over a coffee was 100% times more helpful because those people actually live there. They had different lawyers from different countries to answer all questions directly.

      I'm moving to Costa Rica in 6 months and before myself and my husband leave we're going to their Atlanta conference to double check we have everything sorted.

      Our reasons for moving is healthcare and cost of living. My husband needs a warmer climate for his asthma.

      • Hello Janet,

        Why do you trust advice from people who were paid to persuade you to move overseas? And why do you think going to another conference presented by the same people is double checking their advice?


        • Sorry for interrupting your and Janet's conversation John but I'm one of their magazine subscribers.

          Yes, I do believe they do a fair bit of marketing (I get some annoying emails from them) but haven't all their writers actually moved overseas so they probably are the right type of people to learn from?

          I'm living in San Miguel De Allende at the moment and I couldn't be happier and I thought the conference was a great starting point.

          Janet, I'd have gone with a cheaper lawyer in the first place :)

  55. I asked the general office a simple question and they said that IL did not know! All I am looking for was previously published summary al state tax rates, special provisions/exemptions on retirement/investment income by State and other key tax/financial features. This info was in an article/seminar about which state to consider in the US from a tax financial fact basis.

    Hoping I can get a better answering.

  56. Don't retire to a place. Retire to the world. Every year, relocate to a place that is cheap THAT YEAR. Buy nothing (or buy used). Live as local as possible. When you decide that you've had enough, move on. There are over a hundred countries. Many, many choices. Even Australia was cheap, in 2000-ish. Britain will be cheap after Brexit.

    Move annually, live locally, and one can still retire very inexpensively overseas.

    My mind lives on the Internet, so my body can live anywhere. Why not live where it's cheap? ;-)

    • Hi Bill

      Great information - I like the way you think - the world is too big & there are many places to experience before I die - wanderlust calls !

      I had a subscription to IL about 20 years ago & enjoyed reading about the places that were initially off my radar. Not being of retirement age back then I would only dream of one day relocating. Now I find there are many places I want to explore so I like your idea of relocating to a new place each year.

    • Brilliant idea!

    • Well I love what you said so that’s what I’ve decided to do I will be a roving express retiree I love traveling I love different cultures and so I will get to enjoy every little bit of it so thanks for that I really appreciate it it’s nice to know there are other people that think like me

      • Like many people I will choose to be a roving retiree. For the past 20 years we have spent 3 to 4 months travelling overseas both in Asia and Europe in particular. Now we are both retired we can look forward to spending time at home, Gold Coast Australia then 6 months Asia/Europe. I am a subscriber to the magazine and the postcards and find the articles interesting and a breath of fresh air away from the hum drum that has become Australia. However, I still want to come back and catch up with friends and my lifestyle but not full time living. Therefore I find the information given helpful but there are many expats to contact for details if you want verification.
        However, my main problem is what to do with my house for the 6 months, maybe plus whilst I am away? I just cant wait to embark on this plan. During our travels we have come across many places we would like to spend time in but it has to be warm.
        I have only one complaint re the marketing of a product (which I have never bought) is the length of the spiel selling the product?

        • Hi Janne,
          I agree wholeheartedly with your comments... I too am aiming to spend say 6 months living overseas and 6 months back here in Australia... that way getting the best of both worlds. I would like to be a "roving retiree" and find Australia very hum-drum at times but still want to keep my base here in Queensland.
          I agree also on the never-ending and long-winded spiel of IL's marketing emails !!
          I was contemplating attending IL's conference next year in Bangkok but probably won't as I believe it is a little expensive.

  57. IL just deducted $49 from my account without my permission. I needed that money to pay a bill. Now their customer service number is conveniently not working, and I have been on habitual hold for a half hour. Not expecting anyone to answer. This is a scam and I am furious. DON'T DO IT FOLKS!!!

    • Hey Julia,

      Same thing happened to me. They deducted $49 out of my account but it was my own fault. I got 5 free issues and was auto billed for a year subscription on the 6th issue. I complained and got a most of my money back. They charged me for 2 issues which was fair enough.

      Contact them here - The guy Niall was very helpful.

      I've since gone back and signed up again though cause I really enjoyed the content haha.

  58. Just from the standpoint of the publication - it is a horrible magazine. After reading it for just a few months, it is obvious that the articles are all written by just a handful of people - probably all sitting in a shabby office in suburbia, USA. Every article has the same tone, everything is rosy and cheap. The magazine is just a front to sell their expensive retirement seminars and other publications. And apparently those are just a steppingstone to their real-estate connections. Save your money and your time - there is plenty of information on the internet but take all information with a grain of salt.

    • I disagree they handle their business fairly and I gleaned good advice I actually followed it and had an awesome experience!

  59. Dear All,
    Thanks for saving my small nest egg. Really I am grateful to you all for the wonderful feedback on IL. I was about to subscribe. Now I will unsubscribe from their regular bait emails.

  60. We were sucked in by International Living way back in 2007. We discovered that their main product is Real Estate. They joint venture with developers, organize a seminar in that country and take you on a real estate tour to sell you over priced properties... not the cheap ones they advertise in the promotional material.

    The information they offered on Uruguay was outdated and incorrect, and cost us dearly

    • Hi Kanan,
      Can you elaborate more as to what happened in Uruguay?
      I am from Uruguay but live in NJ. Just wondering what has actually cost you dearly. My father retired, purchased an apartment in Pocitos around the same time in 2007 for approximately $50K and a parking space for another $7K. He sold it in 2014 for approximately $150K.
      I thought that was a decent investment. He's now in his 80's and I get him Airbnb when traveling to Uruguay for two months at a time.

  61. I am really getting ready to GO, somewhere, soon. Probably within a year or two. Any positive or factual information would be more than appreciated. Any and all links would be awesome. Mom of three grown children, 24, 22. 18. Recently divorced after 26+ years of marriage. I just want to live my life beautifully.
    Too bad my ex turned out to be such a downer. Brand new life, excited for new adventures and relationships. 48 going on 18! Thanks for all the info.

    • Let me know if you get any useful information on retirement abroad! I'm 61 and divorced with kids 21 & 25. Dying to explore the world and protect my modest investments!

      • I am heading to Belize in February for 3 weeks - part pleasure and part looking at real estate and/or rentals.

        I am so tired of the snow and the cold and want to see if living abroad is the way to go.

        I am divorced as well with children 20 and 25 and I am exploring the world!

        • I visited Belize 2 years ago with the same intention. Stayed on Ambergris Caye. Beautiful place... especially the north half of the island. However, was too remote for me... about a 90 minute boat ride from Belize City, where I wouldn't consider living as it's mostly impoverished — although the people were very friendly. The only meat we could find outside the restaurants was frozen. Would probably be expensive and inconvenient to get the things we're accustomed to in the states.

      • Hi Sally, I've just got back from New Zealand what an amazing country stunning beauty friendly people, fresh air,and not overcrowded the food is great in this mad crazy world we live in today we are all looking for an escape I would say look no further,go for a holiday you won't be disappointed in particular the South Island,I found a Beautiful City called Nelson,where the cost of living is not cheap but compatible with Australia John

        • They have a problem with stray dogs along with every country. Except United States.

    • I'm getting ready to do the same. My son wants me to move abroad but I'm single and nervous about it. I glance through the IL stuff just to open myself to different ideas. I wouldn't attend a conference unless I get solid recommendations. It sounds like they're mixed. Health care and crime is my biggest concern, naturally. I'd like to talk to more people who are doing it. Would this be a good place to start u think?

      • Dale you have to decide how you want to live within your budget, in Cotacachi Equador you can live on less than $800 per month if you get a studio or one bedroom, food is cheap in the fresh market if you like fruits and veggies you will be in heaven, seafood is good but meat is tough and not good, all the homes windows are protected with iron grids for protection from robbers and most homes have steel doors, it is a poor country but the people are really happy, there are lots of expats. Which I did not like too much. Restaurant are very affordable and you can get a three course meal from $2.50. If you want American food from the supermarkets it would cost a lot. Taxis are $1.25 in and around town and buses are .25 cents. Cool springlike weather all year no need for ac or heat.

        Now the bad no violent crime but much petty crime, lots of people have been robbed recently moreso because expats flaunt their money so iPhone and iPad, computers are often stolen, when they break into your home, if you use the bus never give your bag to anyone who offers to put it somewhere for you they will steal anything they can find in your bag. Also tipping is now expected everywhere thanks to the US expats. No noise ordinance they will have concerts that go all night, incessant noise, stray dogs and their crap all over the streets. Now you have a better can go to other towns where you get less of the bad but will cost more for an apartment. Hope this helps.

      • Hi Dale, where does your son recommend you retire to abroad? I’m considering it as well but have some of your same concerns especially since I’m a single woman. I’m not as concerned if it were some countries in the EU or similar.

  62. We too, bought a subscription to IL when it was on sale. Reading it every month has helped clarify 1. that we want to go somewhere other than the states; 2. that we want to keep our paid-for home here; 3. that we want to rent, not buy, and 4. narrowed down the places we want to VISIT while deciding exactly where to live. Since we've made the decision NOT to buy property, much what we read is useless to us. But we know that, and so we haven't been sucked into the hype these companies (IL and LAIO) try to push.

    • They're not just about real estate, they do have a publication for real estate buyers though. International Living have been really great to us on their insider forums. We want to know a question, they've gone out and found it for us. Even their free 'Ask the Experts' area was an unbelievable resource for me and my husband.

      This is the question they answered for my husband.

      I will say that sometimes we ask too many questions and sometimes we get a reply with a link to an article about the topic but at least they point me us in the right direction.

  63. It sad to say but the information offered by International Living is often out of date and over exaggerated. The concept of providing international information is wonderful, if only the articles were true. The bottom line is they want to sell you something even if inaccurate. I purchased a condo in Salinas Ecuador and I have been travelling to Ecuador for 5 years. Some of the information is much older than 5 years. IL needs to step up their game and be real so people can make a informed decision.

    • So Brian, are you happy with your condo in Equador?

  64. Thanks for the warning everyone. I was thinking about accepting their introductory offer of a $4.95 book, but to be on the safe side I've now decided against it and unsubscribed from the free reports I was being bombarded with since first visiting their site.

    I have noted too that reports (postcards) from expat Aussies living overseas all seem to have either been edited or written by the same person (s) - well articulated and with lots of enticing descriptive wording. Makes you wonder!!

  65. I'm not surprised at all about this. Four years ago, my wife and I considered retirement in Ecuador after reading an International Living article saying a couple could live comfortably, including rent for a nice condo, utilities, groceries, a full time maid and great health insurance and healthcare, for $600 a month. Two years ago, they were saying $1,800 a month, not including healthcare or servants. The more we looked, the clearer it became that it was all as phony as a three dollar bill.

    • Well I was there last year one bedroom furnished condos were $250 per month so it s true you can live very cheaply I think you misunderstood what you read sorry!

  66. In the 90's I bought into IL's puffery about Roatan, Honduras. Came to found out the island was overhyped and a couple of crooked developers were very busy there. The people scowled at you for the most part, the dogs and cats were mistreated, it was full of realtors from Texas, there were machete robberies on the beach, and the natural environment was getting pretty trashed. I'm sure it was a good investment, and it was an interesting place (rather "third world" back then, and that was just fine) but it was not the paradise described by IL. The Bay Islands must have the worst sand flies on the planet. A friend was hauled off to jail (because a local didn't like him) and there were several murders and lots of robberies. However, good coconut bread and banana pancakes; shrimp & rice, Salva Vida beer, snorkeling and diving...but I digress. I think the key is, if you have money, the world's your oyster and you may select the best parts of it; if you don't, the statements about how great everything always is and how cheap--well--they're not true. Nothing's inexpensive anymore and poor people are toast. Fearing for the planet--don't believe the hype about Paradise.

  67. The cost of Health Care Insurance is astronomical.

    They fail to mention this and do not provide any information on Health Care Insurance.

  68. Retired MD expat traveler published in Mexico/SA IL is mostly revenue driven real estate investors many scammers. Be very careful always involve an attorney(abogado). In Costa Rica there are squatters laws you can lose 100% to ANYONE who camps on your property for 6 months. Best to travel locally in an area you like ALWAYS lease before you buy.

  69. Hi there,you mentioned realliable sources,,, Please send me the info.
    Thanks BillBill

    • Yes, where are these reliable sources. It seems no matter what you research you will get opposing opinions, just like some of the ones in here. Who knows what to believe? I was going to start out by moving to Florida and then spanning out with research from there. I did meet someone at my local Job Lot recently, who just came from Puerto Ricco, before the storm, and said he loved it there. Even in here and on other sites there can be people who are set up to reply to criticism, they are actually people who work for the magazine, or other publications. Why does it all have to be so difficult...where can we find reliable information?

  70. I have a subscription and I read and hear so much about Panama City. So I went last week and stayed in Panama City for a full week.

    Folks, please listen to me. Their economy is a complete house of cards that is built on money laundering. Skyscraper after skyscraper are practically empty. Read up on the numerous reports of shoddy construction. The landlords don't care whether you rent or not because that is not the purpose of the skyscrapers. Same thing with the malls. Albrook mall is just one of four malls and it has over 700(!) stores. Houston Galleria has 352 stores. It's impossible for the people of the country, much less the city, to support that many retail stores.

    By trade I am a criminal defense attorney. I can smell a money laundering business without seeing the books. It's common sense.

    Don't listen to the hype on Panama City. One day the winds will shift and so much of this economy is going to shambles because it's not real. Yes, there is quite a bit of commerce, but nowhere near enough to support the kind of buildings and stores and casinos that you see everywhere.

    The people of International Living should be ashamed for promoting this city. As people learn more from the Panama Papers, you will learn what I am saying is true.

    Do your due diligence on any country, but I would caution anyone to be very careful in investing in Panama.

    • Hi David, Thank you for your good advise. Panama is where, I read, Putin and Jackie Chan plus other celebs were caught in a money laundering scheme that was aired on Chanel 7 in Los Angeles, CA. I was married to a criminal layer until he passes (early for his age). It is hard to stay balanced in crim law but I am certainly grateful to know you are also keep keeping your ears and eyes open for the public. And, I was listening. JBS

    • Thank you for your truthful article. It was extremely helpful. I would like your opinion on other Expat locations.

      Thank you.

      Kindest Regards,


    • I am interested to invest in a Panama real estate (via a RETA members deal) but decided against it after reading your response. Is the money laundering still happening, I don't know which year your comment was posted - its 2021 now.

    • Hi! Thanks for your info on Panama City! Have you looked at/visited other countries you do like? Since I’m on the younger side (48) of most retiree’s, I’m always looking for business opportunities or investments where my money will stretch and last longer. And now being a single woman, I have a new concern about safety. Any info or opinions about other places would be greatly appreciated!

  71. I have had ITl for 2yrs now and have been fortunate not to be scamed
    Or cheated out of money . I have order books and cancelled and recevied
    My refund with 5 businesses days.

    I'm reading all there piece's on Costa Rica & Panama . I hope what I read
    Is true.

    • not true at all on Costa Rica. We traveled there early 2016 very third world, terrible roads. If you want to live in a gated community cut off from the locals then maybe you would like it

  72. Thank you everyone for your comments. I too was almost pulled in. People need a clearinghouse identifying internet thieves. How easy would that be? I I feel I am an intelligent person. And yet I have been suckered a number of times. Why do credit card companies even process charges made by these crooks? I would be very open to a policy whereby I am giving notice if a certain company is on the list. I guess it falls on the old adage, buyer beware.

    • Interesting to note that this international marketing of retirement destinations is so prolific worldwide. It's the same here in Australia where ILM does exactly the same saturation marketing via an already existing on-line financial advisory newsletter that is always claiming that "...the end of the world is nigh". In Australia, we do have a federal government service and website that is trying to do something about scams. This is the link:

      Obviously very Australian specific but most of these scammers are internationally present and located only God Knows Where.

  73. Once I subscribed, I was bombarded with "pay me, pay me, pay me" for more of this, and that, and this service, and that program, and this seminar, etc etc etc...

    To confirm the OPs comments, check out on any of the places on articles they send by email. I have found that the information IL provides is rather (very) suspect ... "I live for $1500 a month in a 2 bedroom condo" .... etc ... I suppose anyone can find a $500 2 bedroom dump to rent.

    Thanks for this www site ... I did call the number in the first reply and have cancelled my membership. I must say, the telephone people were very nice and advised of the amount that would be returned to my credit card. Lets see if that actually happens :-)

  74. Feeling mighty stupid as I've just paid the $17 and then moments later decided to look up reviews. I thought I did already but it was for one of their sub-publications and didn't find anything bad.
    Of course the first thing I find is complaints about scams. Damn I feel stupid for letting them snow me I into thinking this had value.
    I will call my credit card company and request that they block any further charges from this company if that is possible.

    • Hi

      You can try International Living magazine, as our guarantee is you reserve the right to cancel for a pro-rated refund at any time.

      Here are the details to contact us if you wish to cancel - you can call us Toll Free on 1800-681-2402 or Local/INTL on 443-353-4232. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8am to 8pm. [link removed by Infolific Staff]

      We look forward to hearing from you

      Kind regards,
      Customer Services International Living

    • Hi David, Years ago I subscribed to the rag. It was interesting and informative, in concept. (with not a grain, but a cup of salt) It gave me the seed to grow the thought of retiring overseas. In March we traveled to Panama and found things very welcoming. We did not stay in Panama City. Panama was not as cheap as I read, but it does have a lot going for it.

      Do your own research, the closer you get to the source the more accurate/less biased the information.

  75. About 3 weeks ago I received an email from International Living (IL) offering information about Ecuador, a country I've visited and am considering visiting again. I ordered their service offered using my credit card, which enabled me to access information on Ecuador on the IL Website.

    This was supposedly a "special" deal for just $7.00. I figured that even if I did not use it...well, it's not much of a loss...and if I did use it I might get a sense of the value of IL services are without a major cash outlay.

    A week later my credit card was charged an additional $140.00 for something else from IL. When I phoned IL to ask them to explain and remove this charge, they refused to explain it and just said I should have read the fine print in their offer. I told them that I have not yet accessed their computer to obtain any information, but they do not care.

    My credit card bill arrived a few days ago and I noticed the $147 in charges from IL. I phoned my credit card company to try to get them to help me get my money back, since I never even accessed IL's computers for the Ecuador data, nor any other services from IL. My credit card company said that in cases such as this, it is unlikely that customers will get their money back. Since then, I noticed a website called pissedconsumer that details many similar horror stories about IL.

    What I think IL is is a small group of people spread among about 10 to 20 countries. As Marios suggests, they write similar boilerplate articles about each country, touting the cheap housing and food, friendly natives, great weather, etc. Every place gets a glowing review, with few if any downsides. IL have ties to a few major real estate developers, which they will gladly steer you toward if you care to take one of their field trips. They have enough useful information to hook some suckers like me, but eventually you realize they are scam artists.

    • Sorry to hear about your situation Todd. It's unfortunate that IL is able to get away with such things. It would've been nice to hear that your credit card company reversed the charges. Of course, a reputable company would refund your money so the fact that IL won't speaks volumes.

  76. IL is a joke for the amount of money it cost to attend a seminar I could be traveling to these so-called retirement countries... If you do your research you can find a great place to retire on your own

  77. Its a sweet sweet dream really. Just take a vacation first and then you'll know.

    Most folks bail out when grandkids arrive or a health issue does.

    Find a place in the states....

    • I think you're right that most people bail. I think an extended vacation (say 3 months) is needed to get any sort of idea about how things are really going to be. A quick 2 week visit and you'll still be in the "honeymoon" phase where everything seems great.

  78. It pays to do your research. I almost got sucked in. You know the old saying, "if it sounds to good to be true".

    • Have you given up entirely on the idea or are you just setting realistic expectations? I'm in the second camp myself.

  79. I too got sucked in and subscribed to their magazine but when I informed them I no longer wanted any of there magazine or subscription services I still got charges for Ecuador Insider debited to my credit card. This resulted in me needing to cancel my card and as I was living overseas and travelling it cost A$100 to get a new cards and the inconvenience of having to change my new card details with all my honest service providers.

    I have now reported their actions to my bank as fraud. When you try to unsubscribe you can only use their forms which don't leave you with a copy of your email request. Cunning, sneaky bastards.

    I have been travelling through South America for nearly 2 years now and confirm a lot of what they say is bullshit!!!! :-) Don't subscribe is my advice.

    • Thanks for sharing your experience. It's always good to hear that others have experienced the same thing. Too bad about the charges though. Too bad also that IL hasn't chosen the path of providing real information. It's not like most of us would be dissuaded by honest, but useful information!

      • Is there a company out there that is legitmate to do the job that International Living claims they can do, but really can't do? I would be very interested in. Is there such an animal that exist out there other than International Living? Please Respond. Thank you, Marguerite Zeman,

    • Thank you for your input. I almost bite.

      • I have been reading this magazine for about five years and I believe in it I did take a six month trip to Ecuador and I absolutely loved it if I wanted to live cheaply I could on 500 a month but I spent a little bit more and I had a wonderful life I was able to eat out every night lunches for $1.99 for a five course lunch I rented a penthouse for 500 a month and I still only spend about 200 for all expenses for the whole month because everything was included in the rent power Internet and cable! So stop listening to people that have misunderstood! While I was there I found a lovely apartment furnished $250 a month including everything my bill if I wanted to live frugally would’ve been 400 a month. They don’t take care of the stray dogs but they take excellent care of their families which is different in the US People don’t take care of their families but take great care of the dogs

        You should have to consider the cost of living is cheap over there because it’s a poor country in poor countries people cannot afford to feed stray dogs!

        The best thing to do is go for a couple of months and judge for yourself!

        • Ok that’s your experience. Maybe tell Romeo where this apartment is located so they have the same chance to pay only $250 a month? Subscribing and going to conferences doesn’t produce this kind of information.

  80. Many years ago (1970's) when I was preparing to get my feet wet in Paris(as a tourist), I studied everything I could get my hands on, including a subscription to IL, then about a 2 sheet staples and folded edition. I couldn't figure out the one-color ink cycle. The publisher then was William Peddicord.

    Although I eventually dived in by going to visit my dear friend Arlene who lived mostly in Paris as well as in NJ -- who taught me the best of all things (how to use the Metro comfortably) -- receiving and reading IL made me feel I was ready, whether I was or not, or at least could manage.

    I need to visit my other home and review the mags to see if they were really relevant to my research or just that I knew so little that they seemed informed and informing.

    I do recall thinking that there was a good deal(or a bit too much) of advertising about the seminars and such even then. But there were also adverts that read more legitimately. (ITN is the best source for all data.) It seemed that the more general articles provided useful data although at a certain point there was a change when I posited that William died or retired and Kathleen (and the redoubtable Leif) took over. Then followed the morphing into more touting of opportunities in .... some Paris, not the UK, not Europe ... but eventually totally South/Central America in which I had no interest. Seminar after seminar followed broadsheet after broadsheet recommending seminars.

    In the end over the years since, a lot of Paris Real Estate was visited. In the 1990's I didn't buy as I didn't realize the advice I was getting from my new banking executive husband was based more in his own conservative position than in the needed boldness of finding and tying down a property, as is my business in the US.

    A fortune could have been made in buying ca. 1994 and selling when the market exploded. (The pressure of those from the Middle East snapping up every likely unit probably drove the prices to a point where as one of my French friends said, "But, of course, it is what all my friends must pay.)

    I doubt --although still watching the SeLoger's -- that the kind of place --not gussied up to an extreme extent -- that I really want 7ième or limite 15ième will ever, even in the current extreme "chute" of the prices, reach the price level I am willing to pay. Even the 7th floor 9MC chambres de bonne, not even two joined together, are still priced above 100,000E. As much as I might hope that my health and stamina might still be up to visiting, that is not my price point for what be provided. So I haven't lost but I haven't gained but it seems there must be a profit motive in publishing IL and IL&I.

    • What resource are you referring to as ITN?

  81. You are so right on this. At first I was really excited. Looking at lots of places to retire but they all seemed the same. Cheap real estate, cheap or no taxes, cheap food and friendly. I went to Ambergris Caye in Belize where all of the numbers they gave me were wrong. Taxi 3 times the amount quoted, food expensive (just like the states), real estate just like the states but the people were friendly. For a snorkeler I would need to own a boat to even really snorkel. On to Honduras. Expensive also. Forgot to tell you it rains a lot and everything in your house molds. People not friend, real estate high and lots of loops to jump thru etc. etc. If you have any real genuine articles, please let me know.


  82. I was intrigued with the several daily expat reviews and some had useful information on a given country. After the offers for the magazine got more and more attractive, I subscribed to a short trial subscription. It may be coincidence, but soon after, the daily blogs started 'shilling' for paid investment sevices :-(. I am already beseged with to much of this kind of investment hype and accordingly dropped the daily free blogs. I have yet to receive my first magazine, but based on others reviews, now anticipate being dissapointed...

    • What ended up working for me is taking the list of countries that IL mentions and then seeking out blogs from those that have made the move to those countries of interest. For example, some good blogs from folks that have moved to Ecuador include EddSaid and Ecuador George. Even those that are trying to make money via affiliate links are still providing valuable advice that is based on actual experience.

  83. Thanks I was just about the pull the trigger on a subscription ;) I looked around Costa Rica, but that ship has sailed from the $values I encountered looking at townhouses in Tamarindo.

  84. You mentioned that you were going to post regarding trustworthy sources for working or retiring overseas. Could you send me the links to your articles.
    Thanks so much!

    • Terri, I have been travelling extensively for the last 12 years.
      Choosing a country to retire to depends a lot on what you are looking for
      eg - cheap living
      - access to modern medicine
      - access to consumer items
      - not to be targeted as a foreigner
      - require residence visa or passport
      - access to western food
      - permitted to drive
      - able to buy property
      - religious preferences
      - attitude to women
      - centrally located in the world
      - access to cheap airfairs
      - proximity to your home country, or other Western country
      - level of integrity of locals
      - friendliness of loals
      - access to alcohol and tobacco
      - cheap alcohol (Number 1 concern for many expats)
      - Ease of obtaining entry visas
      - Not too hot or too cold
      - Beach living
      - Rural or jungle living

      The list goes on

      I suggest you write your own list of your ideal country and what exactly you are looking for, and your budget. The rest should be easy, I (or someone else here) may be able to help

      • Maybe you can help. I'm 62 in good health and looking to retire on social security and a small 401K. Also I must have a couple of meds. So I'm looking for a warm or hot location, cheap rental -house or apartment, reasonably safe and able to get medication. Also I only speak English but willing to learn another language. Any recommendations? There is so much confusing information on the internet.

        • Hi Randy, I’m in the same boat. I want to retire somewhere warm on a very modest income. I’m leaning heavily on Mexico. Cost of living is much cheaper than the US and lots of benefits. Close proximity to the US too.

        • Hi Randy and Julia. I'm fairly new to all this and have only recently started searching/gathering info for a year-round warm weather climate place for my wife and I to retire in. I need the warmth if only because I'm just sick-n-tired of the cold winters in NY. and the costly heating oil prices to pay monthly. My wife likes it cooler so I may wind up going by myself-:) Have no meds to be concerned with, just my nutritionals from the company I'm affiliated with. They don't ship out of the states yet. I'm on a small pension and SS but believe these will not be around within the next 5 years as the economy is slowly but surely nearing its death. A "Reset" is in the near future, I believe.

          IL's post cards have given me various places to consider, that I'd not have thought of before. I'm glad I stopped here because I was about to subscribe to their 6 month sub plan. Thanks to everyone that shared their issues with IL. I don't need to deal with crap like that. I was starting to believe what I was reading in their post cards although it did sound a bit repetitive and hype-y. The info. we need could probably be found on youtube or in a book store...maybe Amazon or elsewhere ( hurry though 'cause Amazon is just about everywhere-:)

        • Hi Randy and Julia! My father’s friend retired to Huatulco, Mexico and loves it! He said they have quite a few Canadian’s who have retired or are snow birds in Huatulco. He sings the praises of where’s he’s at and the affordability so I’m going to go down next month and check it out for myself.

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