Modern Hiring Strategies That Can Help You Secure Talented Employees

Finding talented employees nowadays can be a challenge for companies of all sizes. Large companies have difficulty filtering out potential recruits, and smaller companies find it hard to even get noticed by job seekers. These two problems combined can make it extremely hard to develop hiring strategies to infuse your business with much-needed innovation.

But modern problems have modern solutions.

In this post, we're going to be covering some of the more practical and up-to-date strategies that companies use to hire talented employees.

Make good use of social media to grow your brand

Social media is one of the most diverse and flexible platforms to help you grow your brand. You can create a social media personality to attract audiences, you can use it to show off the content on your website, and you can even advertise in a traditional sense. However, one of the more unique ways to use platforms like Twitter and Facebook is for social media hiring. This is a method of hiring new staff that utilizes the full feature set of social media, but also allows you to gain a better understanding of the type of audience that follows you and if they're a good fit for your company and its culture.

The simplest way to recruit using social media is to make a post about it. You can simply write about the job, describe it in a few words, and watch the potential recruits come in. It'll take some time to filter out all the results, but you'll typically see applications that are far more qualified for working with your company because they already have some connection to you. Alternatively, you can point potential recruits to the recruitment page on your website for a small bonus to your search engine optimization.

While it's best to have a relatively long and detailed explanation of the role, you can actually get away with being vague about the type of person you're hiring. This encourages people to talk about their skills so that you have a chance to gauge how they can contribute to your business goals before you interview them.

Use outsourced services to help you screen employees

There are also services to help you find more qualified recruits. This is generally known as employment screening and is an efficient way to filter out many recruitment results. This is extremely handy for large corporations. It often produces a shortlist of potential candidates that are a good match for your business, allowing you to quickly inspect their qualifications and experience so you know how to line up an interview.

Although this might be fairly expensive for smaller companies, it's still a good choice if you have the budget to search for employees with very specific talents. It's very efficient if you're a large company and don't have time to personally screen recruits and should be the go-to method for hiring a qualified employee. For smaller businesses, it can save an equal amount of time especially if you're desperately trying to find new employees but are struggling to find the time to look for and interview potential recruits.

In short, consider using an external service to find new employees if you can't find the time to do so yourself.

Understand the ideal type of candidate that you're looking for

Lastly, make sure you're doing a good job of understanding who your ideal candidate is. You can start by imagining what their day-to-day role would look like, and then expand by identifying what important skills they'd need to work for you. You also have to remember that your job description needs to be succinct and explain everything carefully. This way, you'll have more qualified people applying to your job which makes it much easier to find talented individuals. You'll also have an opportunity to get people excited about working with your company which is important for drumming up interest and attracting hopeful graduates that are looking for a career path to chase.

However, it's understandable that the role you envision might not be the one that is eventually added to your workplace. Roles in the workplace always change and someone might eventually switch to doing something completely different because they have the skills to do it. This can create many employment complications, but it also paves the way for interesting opportunities where you can use these additional skills. Always leave room for role changes so that you're not pigeonholing yourself into a static employment structure. Keep things flexible and let your new recruits shine with their hidden skills.

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