How Can Leaders Engage Employees With The Code of Conduct Training

Business leaders put considerable forethought into establishing a core set of values and ethics for their specific company, one that suits their circumstances and fits with their particular industry.

Regarding code of conduct training for employees, the staff tends to find the paperwork relaying the information dull and the language difficult to translate. If you hope to inspire a team to abide by the rules of behavior, the training needs to be interactive and engaging with the vocabulary they can understand.

How can you improve the content surrounding your code of content to make the employee want to read what you've created and participate in a training session? Let's look at some tips to help you present a more staff-focused concept with your document.

How Can Business Leaders Engage Their Staff With Code Of Conduct Training

The code of conduct is among the most critical documents staff need to be apprised of. As the business leader, it's up to you to explicitly ensure this document expresses your company's values and ethics and outlines the expected behavior for each employee.

An accurately depicted document will help the employees to recognize the organization's image as one of trust, plus it will lead each member through dilemmas that test their ethical bounds.

Unfortunately, often a company will elicit the use of legalize or language that employees usually don't bother to try to decipher, instead, switching off during the training, going into “auto-pilot.” Go to for guidance on creating a more practical code of conduct and then check out some ways you can improve your document to avoid the “auto-pilot” scenario with more likelihood for staff interaction.

Take the time to freshen the context

No one wants to mull over legal mandates or verbiage relating to compliance. The idea is to create something that will engage the employee with the most relevant subject matter or behavior as the priority instead of using laws.

Anything most pertinent to the organization must be addressed, but the outline will have a standard template, if you will, from one company to the next of necessary things.

  1. The leadership message
  2. The code's purpose serving as the introduction
  3. Staff responsibilities
  4. The core principles and values for the business
  5. Guidelines should be provided for resources for additional details and a designated representative with whom staff can approach with questions or concerns

Readability is a must

Traditionally, the code of conduct for most businesses is challenging for staff to decipher the language, thereby rendering it dull when training is presented using the document as the guide since no one can follow it.

As a business leader hoping to engage your team, you will find it much more attractive to the staff if you develop a document using layman's terms so they can understand what you're telling them and remember the information.

The tone should be consistent with the company culture and the entire demographic since its purpose is to help the employee make the best ethical choices. When you're successful with the document, it will be concise and precise. Go here for details on how codes of ethics and conduct can assist with addressing crises.

The employee needs easy access

The code of conduct is meant to help employees when unsure of the proper behavior in a specific set of circumstances. That means the document needs to be readily available for that staff member when faced with the problem.

That way, they don't decide based on impulse because the answers couldn't be readily found when searching upon having an immediate need. The idea is to make the code accessible to each person from any location whenever they prefer to check it.

A simple link can be readily found on the “corporate intranet,” plus provide a print copy to the staff. Nowadays, you want to consider the possibility of a mobile version for optimum staff convenience. The code should offer tools for reporting and contact details for each department.

What is the feedback

This project is not merely a “one-and-done” solution. It will be something you fine-tune constantly. The recommendation is to assess employee feedback relating to the code roughly every two years in order to make it genuinely effective and engaging. You'll need to find out from the staff:

  1. What resonates the most
  2. Where each person still needs clarification
  3. Any questions that remain

Final Thought

Any training for staff needs to grab their attention, making them want to interact and participate. That's not necessarily the case with code of conduct training since most leaders indicate their employees find the document difficult to understand and the training tedious.

As the leader, you have the power to change that dynamic by simplifying the language in the document and creating a training environment where each employee feels included and eager to present their viewpoint.

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