Good Resolutions That Will Make Your Student Life More Beautiful and Valuable in the Long Term
Do you want a nicer and happier student life? Then get inspired by these resolutions and put your favorites at the top of your to-do list. With these small steps, your student life will become more valuable in the long term:

Resolution #1:
Start each day with a positive thought.
Resolution #2:
Get up 15 minutes earlier.
Resolution #3:
Eat something healthy for breakfast.
Resolution #4:
Set goals for your current semester.
Resolution #5:
Say “no” more often.
Resolution #6:
Only say “yes” out of conviction.
Resolution #7:
Think less about your grades.
Resolution #8:
Greet a stranger on the street every day.
Resolution #9:
Don't keep your friends waiting for you.
Resolution #10:
Work, read, or study while standing more often.
Resolution #11:
Never be late for class again.
Resolution #12:
Support your fellow students and encourage them.
Resolution #13:
Plan your new semester.
Resolution #14:
Drink two liters of water daily.
Resolution #15:
Call your parents and grandparents more often.
Resolution #16:
Start with your most important task first thing in the morning.
Resolution #17:
Read newspaper.
Resolution #18:
Watch less Netflix, AmazonPrime, and Co.
Resolution #19:
Read at least one new book a month that has nothing to do with your studies.
Resolution #20:
Walk short distances or ride a bike.
Resolution #21:
Go for a walk in a forest.
Resolution #22:
Join a political party.
Resolution #23:
Do you have friends or relatives whose opinions are honest but often uncomfortable for you? Hang out with these people more often.
Resolution #24:
Study for at least 15 minutes a day for each subject in your current semester.
Resolution #25:
In the canteen, choose the menu with regional or vegetarian ingredients more often.
Resolution #26:
Learn a new vocabulary of a foreign language every day.
Resolution #27:
Get help from an essay writing service when you really need it.
Resolution #28:
Ask a question in the lecture.
Resolution #29:
Say “thank you” more often.
Resolution #30:
Plan your next day the night before.
Resolution #31:
Write everything down and take more notes.
Resolution #32:
Delete all apps from your smartphone that you no longer need.
Resolution #33:
Listen better.
Resolution #34:
Throw away your television.
Resolution #35:
Declutter your closet and give away old stuff.
Resolution #36:
Ask yourself three times a day: “Is what I'm doing right now important and meaningful?”.
Resolution #37:
Fearless of the future.
Resolution #38:
Resolution #39:
Believe in your strength.
Resolution #40:
Forgive yourself one mistake every day.
Resolution #41:
Forgive your partner, your parents, or your friends for a mistake.
Resolution #42:
Keep a journal.
Resolution #43:
Attend an additional lecture – just out of interest.
Resolution #44:
Help a foreign student find their way around your university.
Resolution #45:
Sit at the table with strangers for lunch.
Resolution #46:
Turn off your smartphone during the lecture.
Resolution #47:
Email your favorite professor and ask her why she became a professor.
Resolution #48:
Thank the canteen staff.
Resolution #49:
Join your student body.
Resolution #50:
Ask your lecturer what they are currently reading and what they would recommend (besides the required reading).
Resolution #51:
Start a student blog and report on your student life.
Resolution #52:
Smile at yourself in the mirror every day.
Resolution #53:
sing in the shower
Resolution #54:
If you see the cleaners at your college, say hello to them.
Resolution #55:
Do something every day that you will be proud of tomorrow.
Resolution #56:
Choose a different route to college.
Resolution #57:
Browse the catalog of your university library for 15 minutes.
Resolution #58:
Resolution #59:
Get enough sleep.
Resolution #60:
Get outside for at least 30 minutes every day.
Resolution #61:
Cook more often and avoid fast food.
Resolution #62:
Use car-sharing or public transport.
Resolution #63:
Clean up your desk.
Resolution #64:
Create a study plan.
Resolution #65:
Plan your studies as best you can.
Resolution #66:
Don't get upset if your plans don't work out – learn from them and be flexible.
Resolution #67:
Change your most important passwords.
Resolution #68:
Buy a houseplant and take good care of it.
Resolution #69:
Take a dog from the shelter for a walk.
Resolution #70:
Donate blood.

Good intentions are nice. But I'm sure you know what the relationship between “nice” and “shitty” is.
Good intentions alone won't do you much good. They bring you nothing to be exact. They are just a few dreams and wishful thinking running through your head. Your resolutions are nothing more than the first small step in the right direction. But if you're serious about what you want, you need more.
Therefore, determine concrete goals and tangible measures for your favorite resolutions that you can implement quickly and easily. This is the only way you can make the leap from dream to reality and really get off to a good start in the new year. If you need help with that, I'd be happy to give you a hand.
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