5 Things to keep in mind while moving to a new office space in Oakland

Moving to a new office space is just as difficult a process as shifting to a new home. As moving to a new home requires a lot of pre-planning and monitoring of the things that eventually will lead to a hassle-free move. There are ample things that need to be addressed while shifting to a new office space. It doesn't matter what the size of the company is, an office relocation requires a lot of hard work and work put together to make it a successful one. You must be wondering, why is it so difficult to move to new office space? As we all know, moving in itself is a strenuous process that involves a lot of work. Be it packing, hiring a moving company, deciding the size of a truck, unpacking, etc, you've got a lot to plan and decide. Is it easy to relocate an entire team of employees? Well, the answer is no, moving to new office space is nowhere close to easy. Planning and organisations are the key points that should be considered while planning an office move. So, here we are helping you with the tips and tricks to have a smooth office move. Also, are you planning a quick visit or a relocation to Oakland? Visit the Oakland Movers website and know insight into the beauty of Oakland. Let's quickly dive into the 5 points to keep in mind while planning to move to a new office space.
• Start the planning process as early as possible
Doing things at the last minute is what you do not have to do. Try to plan things as early as possible. Make a list of all the things that need to be addressed, for example, who will do what, how will the things be done, distributing the responsibility otherwise the process can be way too daunting for everyone, stress-free is to be well organized before the day of the move. So prepare yourself, make a moving budget, financial blueprint, check your moving checklist, and make a timeline for every activity. Don't leave anything for the last minute. We can't say how many weeks or even months it can take to make a proper plan of action. So don't be late and start early to have a street dress journey. And don't forget to have a proper plan or financial blueprint of your move- making a moving budget is an essential part of the process.
• Appoint a move specialist
Even if you've planned and divided things, it's important to have someone who will take follow up on every step. The person will help in facilitating the progress of the move to a new office space. You can look for someone who has good years of experience in commercial relocations. Usually, the best person for this work is an administrative assistant but you can also hit someone well-versed with business or commercial moving or relocation.
• Research before hiring a moving company
It is always recommended that you should look for quotes from at least 3 moving companies before you finally book someone, although the office move gets a bit expensive we will say that you should even look for more than that. If you have the budget of hiring a proper moving company then they will take care of each and everything from packing to unpacking; each part of the move. Ask for recommendations from people who have been using their services for a long time now, they are the ones who can give you the best advice. Also, you can use your friends and family for their advice if in case they have been using services, they are the ones who will tell you the truth. Make sure that you hire a moving company that has a good track record, in jobs like these things shouldn't be done over the calls. Call representatives of each shortlisted moving company and discuss things face to face. Any moving company that you hire should be licensed. A genuine moving company with good experience and knowledge will never let anything go wrong. You can easily rely on them for your moving journey.
• Everyone should pack their desk
If you're hiring professional movers still make sure that everyone does their work; by packing their desk. Don't put everything on the movers. It's better to give the entire team heads up to when all the things should be packed and try to encourage them to do it before time. Getting things done on time is a necessary thing. It is also necessary to get the desk in order that you might as well give your team a couple of hours' time so that they can organise those things.
• Update your address everywhere
When you are moving to a new office space it is important to update your new address in all your documents and business cards so that there is no confusion later on. Your business card letterhead, envelope, return labels, etc. should be updated with the new address as soon as you know it so that important documents and things do not get misplaced. It is also important to update your clients as well especially if they are regular shippers and keep sending stuff to you. This change in address should be done from before you move to your new place.
• Put correct labels on boxes
When you are moving to your new workspace and you're moving your stuff, it is very important to label all your boxes and it is more important to label them correctly. Labelling the boxes correctly will ensure that your things do not get misplaced and you know where what stuff is. It will also save a lot of time not only in packing the stuff but also looking for stuff when you need them urgently. Also, the task of labelling the box should be done meticulously so that things do not get mixed up with each other.
Therefore, as much work as it is to move to new office space, planning all the things from beforehand saves a lot of time and makes the process a lot easier.
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