Top 8 Tips To Speak Fluent English

English is a strange language. Over the last hundred years, it has beaten German as the language of Western commerce. English is also the de facto language of the Internet. Yes, as much as there are multiple languages on the Internet, the major content providers that we all know and subscribe to ultimately come from English-speaking countries. The technicalities of English, and all the various uses of terms and phrases, can be a bit dizzying. In the same way that Mandarin uses an infinite number of sounds in installations to elicit meaning, English uses context and unspoken understanding to elicit various meetings. Just take a look at quotation marks. Depending on how you use them, it can completely change the sentence. then you have your homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, and the like.

If you're looking to improve your English, whether it's for school, work or just to do it, here's some great and practical tips to get you on the right track.

Formal Instruction 

No matter what people tell you, learning anything difficult like a language needs to have its roots in instruction. For this reason, one to one English courses are an incredible way to give a foundation for learning the language. You'll learn the different kinds of English, and the various tones and binoculars to use in a given situation. One of the most challenging things to teach in English, is the appropriateness of vocabulary relative to the time and place you're at. Conversational English in a pub, may not be the same as communicating in a boardroom. Having this knowledge will equip you to be able to interact with the English-speaking world with the proper contexts and mores of those around.


The biggest source of any sort of communication mastery, is humor. In English, there's a thriving stand-up comedy scene. Whether it's American, Indian, British, or Asian, there's always going to be a standup comic presenting their version of humor. Now, you might not understand the humor, but it's important to see why others find it humorous as well. The word play, and emphasis on the sound of words and action, is more pronounced in comedy than anywhere else. Absorb it.

Music and Lyrics 

Reading something in English lacks the auditory flare and a little bit of substance. To really absorb the phonetics in the pace of language, listen to a song with the lyrics in front of you. Pick a Beatles song. The short, generally sweet, and uncomplicated lyrics that convey specific emotion. Plus, Ringo Starr's drumming makes the timing easy for anybody to understand. 


Everybody learns from impressions. In the same way that children figure out their personality by imitating their parents or the people around them, one can take scenes from movies and act them out. Mimicry is the best way to get anything in your head. We even have special neurons in your brain called mirror neurons that allow for us to communicate on the same wavelength as another. Take a scene from a movie, get yourself in character, and simply imitate. You can do this with friends. It's fun, gets the pressure off of having to be academic, and put you in the realm of levity.

Forums and Social Media 

Penpals may be a little bit outdated. Today we can use technology to reach anybody in the world. This can be especially easy thanks to social media. Join a forum or club online. Interact with people, be nice, and exchange information. On the Internet, there is very little pressure to respond immediately. Therefore, you can gather your thoughts and practice getting up to speed, until you are capable of giving that immediate response. You'll be surprised at the kind of traction that you make, when you personally dictate the pace of the conversation. This gives you the advantage in learning. You're never going to feel as if you're standing there, staring at somebody with no words coming to your head. Now, as much as that is a necessary part of learning a language, you can pad that impact by having conversations online.

One Idea at a Time 

When you're speaking in English, start simple. You don't have to be waxing poetic like Shakespeare on day one. But what you have to do is convey the idea. If you have an active listener, it is easy for one to list out a set of sentences, one at a time. Once you can do that, you can practice combining these notions together. The important part is that you give the necessary information for somebody to understand you. From that point you can build all the way up to the flowery words that express your emotions.

Expose Yourself to Advanced Material

One of the best things that you can do as a new English speaker, is to start with simple material, yet expose yourself to more advanced material. This takes time of course. So even if you are learning at a pace prescribed by a teacher, putting in that extra 15 to 30 minutes on advanced material will give you an idea of where you're going to be in a few short months. You may not pick up on everything, but it gives you conversational and communication goal posts. Not all of us are Lionel Messi or Michael Jordan. But that doesn't stop us from watching their highlights and admiring the way they played the game, while we enjoy ourselves at the park with friends. Same idea.

Have Patience 

Like everything you do, you need to have a little bit of patience. The way you learn anything, is the way you learn everything. Understand that, in the beginning, you're going to be pretty bad at something. If you've ever done martial arts, you'll never forget the first few (hundred) Times that you sparred with somebody better than you. Sports and martial arts are the language of physicality. If you've learned how to overcome that, you can definitely learn how to overcome the language of communication. 

The great Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi said: “once you see the way broadly, you will see it in all things.“ This means that once you develop your own personal methodology, everything becomes simple. It doesn't mean it'll become easy, but the path becomes less insurmountable. Follow these tips, put in the practice, and you'll be speaking like a statement in no time.

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