How To Color-Coordinate What You Wear & Why

Sometimes we have a garment or even a whole bunch of clothes that are very cool but we can never seem to find anything that goes with them or they won't go with anything you have. This is a key skill in choosing what to wear, if you can't coordinate then it's going to look bad. Here's a quick guide of how to avoid this issue.

Think About Your Style: What Is Available
No matter what else is going on in the world of fashion you will have your own leanings and your own style. But this personal taste is always going to be constrained by what is available in the shops at any one given time. So your natural style is going to be curtailed or influenced by the trends of the day in this way as this is what is available.

Are Certain Colors In Style
Are certain colors in style? The answer is almost certainly yes and this can fluctuate by year but also by season. So any attempt to color-coordinate needs to be framed in this way. If you are determined to go with your color schemes no matter what the fashion trends are then why not consider having your clothes custom-made.

How To Use Accessories To Compliment Main Garments
Sometimes it's the subtle touches that really make an outfit stand out, maybe a scarf or hat, or even something as simple as neck-wear on a man, if your preferred color is olive green then get a tie in that color rather than a jacket.

Do You Go Your Own Way?
How bold should you be in your fashion statements? As everyone is individual then why not allow that to come through in your clothing choices. It's a common issue to be going around the usual suspects in terms of chain clothes shops and seeing slight variations on the same theme. You don't need to be constricted by this though as there are plenty of alternative ways to shop for fashion, form 2nd hand stores, to independent boutique stores, if you are determined enough you can find your own look.

Can Understatement Be A Statement?
Up until this point we have considered going bold and bright and looking at individual colors. But in terms of colors is there much to be said for going understated? There are so many shades of apparently dull colors such as browns and grays that can look striking in their own ways as well.

What About Practical Clothes?
There are also plenty of times when we need to wear practical clothes, for example, when working out or outdoor gear and it's important to look good then too. I would always recommend coordinating by color but also by brand as well. There's nothing worse than having a mixed bag of colors and brands in your sports gear, practically it shouldn't affect performance but I always feel better when everything matches and surely this can only help.

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