Are Mobile Games Still Evolving and What are They Changing Into?

Games have always been a part of human nature. We like to compete, cooperate, and challenge our minds with different forms of games. Ever since the world started digitizing, they have been growing in popularity.

Since smartphones are so popular today and everyone has one, games that can be played on these devices have peaked. Traditional board games have changed and moved into the digital world, directly into our mobiles. 

These new digital technologies are driving innovations, and games are hitching a ride. Here is how. 

Innovation still drives the mobile gaming market!

At first, mobile games were simplified versions of typical video games. But over time, they found their place in the world of gamers and developed their market. The main reason for this is that mobile devices are capable of giving better hardware performances. 

Mobiles have been continuously improving ever since they came out. Let's look at a simple example to give you a better understanding. 

At first, mobile games were simple platformers that could be played using buttons. Today, we have full-blown 3D mobile games that are played on touchscreens. You can play FPS games, platformers, racing games, RPGs, and much more. 

Classic board game adaptations

Classic board games are probably the oldest type of games in the world. People played them thousands of years ago. However, they are now starting to grow in popularity even further. This is because the mobile gaming industry has adapted them and introduced them to the digital gaming environment. 

These games have been adapted for mobile devices. Some of them remain entirely genuine, while others have been changed and modernized with various features. On the other hand, since the industry realized that these games are still trendy, they decided to make new ones. 

A typical example of a brand new board game is Board Kings. Many thought that online gaming would completely irradiate board games, but it has revived them and made them more popular than ever. 

Gambling without gambling

This is another type of traditional game that moved onto mobile devices. Not only did they transition successfully, but they were also reinvented in a completely different way. The online gaming world has created gambling games that don't involve any actual gambling. 

Simply put, you can play various gambling games for their mechanics and fun features without having to worry about losing money. You might think that the stake was the main “thrill” of these games, but these new games have proven otherwise. 

They include virtual currencies that players use. With these currencies, they level up their profiles, open new game features, and much more. Do you want to play poker without real money? Check out Poker Heat

Casinos that don't take cash

This model of playing gambling games without putting any real money at stake was so popular that we now have entire casinos with hundreds of games played for free. 

Before, it was impossible to enter a casino and enjoy your favorite slots without paying. Today, this is as simple as pressing several buttons and entering an online casino. You can do all of this online via your mobile device at any time of the day. 

You don't have to worry about whether you have enough money or time to play, or if there are going to be annoying players around you. All online casinos are constantly available. You can play favorite games while commuting, at your lunch break, or when you come home from work. 

Bear in mind that not all casinos are free. If you want to learn more about how to find free options read this:

Mobile gaming accessories

Apart from the games themselves, the mobile gaming hardware industry has followed up with proper accessories. First of all, there are mobile devices specifically designed for gaming. They have large screens with high refresh rates, strong graphic cards, and excellent CPUs.

If you love playing consoles, then your preferred controller is a gamepad. No worries! There are hundreds of different mobile gamepads that you can attach to your phone and play. There is also a wide range of gaming headphones that have microphones so you can communicate with teammates while playing. 

Gaming requires a lot of juice, and modern phones can't hold the battery for long. Luckily, you can get portable power banks that are small and allow you to get the power you need to play for long periods. 


With all the consoles and PCs available today, you might think that mobile gaming wouldn't be able to compete. However, with constant innovation, this gaming niche was able to stand its ground and compete with far larger counterparts.

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