4 Tips for Writing a Movie Review like a Pro

It may seem like that writing a movie review is something that everyone can do, but that is not the case. Sharing your opinion of the movie is one thing but approaching a movie critically and reviewing it with constructive criticism is an entirely different thing. If you are a cinephile and want to write movie reviews for your local newspaper, magazine, or your own blog, then this article is for you. Below I have mentioned a few tips that will assist you in writing a movie review like a pro. Let’s take a look at them:

Presentation Matter

Before we get to the actual writing part, you must know that the presentation of your review also matters a lot. If you are emailing it to a newspaper, a magazine, or an online website, then you need to catch the eye of the editor at first glance. You should write your review using simple and readable text. For formatting, use Times New Roman with 12-14 font size. Give a proper and catchy title and divide your review into paragraphs. You will also need to add a high-quality image from the movie. If the image is in JPG, you can convert jpg to pdf by browsing over to this link, and later you can merge it with the PDF of your review to create your file.

Watch the Movie Twice

If it is convenient, then you must watch the movie twice. If you have questions about the plot or story, the chances are half of them will be answered on second viewing. When you already know how the movie is going to end, you will view it in a different perspective, and you will catch a lot of things that you missed on first viewing. You also don’t want to embarrass yourself by complaining about a plotline that you missed on first viewing, so it is always better to watch it more than once.

Constructive Criticism

If your criticism is not constructive, then no one is going to enjoy reading your review. If you think the movie is bad, then you need to explain why. For example, don’t just say that a certain actor didn’t do justice to their character. Define the traits of that character first and then compare the actor’s performance with it to justify your criticism. You should also not let your personal like and dislike come in the way of your judgment. The more constructive the criticism is, the more it will be appreciated by the readers.

Avoid Spoilers

If the movie has been released quite recently and you want to write a review to help people decide whether they should watch it or not, then you should avoid spoilers. Suppose you are revealing a plot twist or a crucial scene of the movie to a reader who hasn’t seen it yet. Not only will it take them out of the review, but it will ruin their movie experience as well. That is why it is highly recommended that you avoid spoilers in your review. On the other hand, if you want to discuss the spoilers, then you must add a warning at the beginning of your review.

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