86 Phobias: Who Knew There Were So Many?
A phobia is an irrational fear of something that does not actually pose a serious enough threat. Some phobias have some rationale behind them e.g. fear of snakes, while others have no rationale at all e.g. fear of noise.
Being exposed to the fearful situation usually causes the person to have a panic attack, characterized by anxiety, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and an extreme desire to flee the situation.
With proper treatment some phobias can be dealt with. But, some people will have the phobia for life. Here is a list of 86 phobias:
Phobia Name | Fear Of… | |
Ablutophobia | washing | |
Achluophobia | darkness | |
Acousticophobia | noise | |
Acrophobia | heights | |
Aeroacrophobia | open high places | |
Agoraphobia | open spaces | |
Aichmophobia | needles/pointed objects | |
Ailurophobia | cats | |
Altophobia | heights | |
Androphobia | men | |
Anthropophobia | people | |
Aphenphosmphobia | being touched | |
Arachnephobia | spiders | |
Atychiphobia | failure | |
Aviophobia | flying | |
Bacillophobia | microbes | |
Bacteriophobia | bacteria | |
Catoptrophobia | mirrors | |
Cenophobia | new things | |
Ceraunophobia | thunder/lightning | |
Chiraptophobia | being touched | |
Claustrophobia | confined spaces | |
Enochlophobia | crowds | |
Entomophobia | insects | |
Gamophobia | marriage | |
Glossophobia | speaking in public | |
Haphephobia | being touched | |
Heliophobia | the sun | |
Hemophobia | blood | |
Herpetophobia | reptiles | |
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia | long words | |
Homophobia | homosexuality | |
Hydrophobia | water | |
Hypsiphobia | height | |
Insectophobia | insects | |
Keraunophobia | thunder and lightning | |
Microbiophobia | microbes | |
Misophobia | being contaminated with dirt or germs | |
Mottephobia | moths | |
Musophobia | mice | |
Myctophobia | darkness | |
Myrmecophobia | ants | |
Noctiphobia | the night | |
Numerophobia | numbers | |
Nyctophobia | the dark/night | |
Ochlophobia | crowds/mobs | |
Ombrophobia | rain or of being rained on | |
Ophidiophobia | snakes | |
Ornithophobia | birds | |
Panophobia | everything | |
Papaphobia | the Pope | |
Parasitophobia | parasites | |
Pathophobia | disease | |
Pediculophobia | lice | |
Phasmophobia | ghosts | |
Phengophobia | sunshine | |
Phobophobia | phobias | |
Photophobia | light | |
Phonophobia | noise | |
Pluviophobia | rain | |
Potamophobia | running water | |
Psychrophobia | cold | |
Pteromerhanophobia | flying | |
Ranidaphobia | frogs | |
Rupophobia | dirt | |
Satanophobia | Satan | |
Sciophobia | shadows | |
Scoleciphobia | worms | |
Scolionophobia | school | |
Scotophobia | darkness | |
Sexophobia | the opposite sex | |
Snakephobia | snakes | |
Social Phobia | being evaluated | |
Sociophobia | society | |
Somniphobia | sleep | |
Spheksophobia | wasps | |
Suriphobia | mice | |
Tachophobia | speed | |
Taeniophobia | tapeworms | |
Taphephobia | being buried alive | |
Testophobia | taking tests | |
Thalassophobia | the sea | |
Thanatophobia | death or dying | |
Triskaidekaphobia | the number 13 | |
Tropophobia | making changes | |
Verminophobia | germs |
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