Cardio-Cerebral Resuscitation (CCR): The New CPR?

You think CPR with breaths, in an unconscious person, is effective? You might want to think again. Ever since the beginning of CPR the belief has been that, along with compressions, breaths must be given to the victim in order for the rescue to be effective. The theory is that compressions pump the blood around while breaths oxygenate the blood via the lungs. However, some recent information contradicts this belief. Some recent studies have shown that blood is very oxygenated, even when the victim is unconscious, and blowing extra air into a victim is not only unnecessary but it can even be detrimental.

When doing CPR it takes several compressions to create enough pressure to start the blood flowing through the body. When the rescuer stops every 30 compressions to blow into the victim, during those couple of seconds, blood stops moving. And again, it takes several compressions to create enough pressure to get the blood circulating. So, stopping to blow air slows down circulation from CPR. This can severely decrease oxygen supply to the brain.

Another disadvantage of doing mouth to mouth, is that many people are extremely reluctant to blow into other people's mouths. Because of this there may be many potential rescuers that do not want to assist. Whereas, if they knew that they only need to do compressions they may be more likely to assist a victim.

In addition, more time can be saved by not checking for breathing, and by not worrying about air not going in, such as in cases of airway obstructions.

Keep in mind that the problem with knowledge about CPR is that there is no official scientific study. All knowledge is obtained through real life situations where people collapse and rescue attempts are made.

As of yet, none of the major agencies have adopted this technique, of compressions only. However, techniques are reviewed every 4-6 years and serious changes might take place next time this occurs.

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