Do's and Don'ts When Helping Someone With Drug Addiction

There is no denying that drug addiction can have a negative impact, not just on the person struggling with it, but also for their close friends and loved ones. This is because drugs can affect their physical and psychological health, leading them to act in ways that they normally wouldn't, which often results in miscommunication and fall out. However, no matter what the symptoms are, you should always treat those struggling with addiction with caution, lest they shut down. If that happens, you won't be able to help them, so if you want to know how you can provide them with support, continue reading the following guide.
Don't Ignore the Problem
There is no point in beating around the bush and ignoring addiction signs. It's true that it's a very hard thing to accept, but making up excuses for the person struggling with drug addiction or ignoring signs of trouble will not help them. Instead, you'll have to show your friend or partner that you know what they're going through; this might even encourage them to open up to you and seek help. Not sharing the burden of addiction might make matters worse, and their health might deteriorate further. If you try to convince yourself that that person is just going through a rough patch and they need time to become better, then you're not helping them, especially if you already suspect that they're using you. Remember that ignoring the elephant in the room means that the person using will continue to struggle on their own.
Don't Force Them to Quit
Forcing someone to quit won't work, and the first thing that you'll do once you turn your back is use again. Sure, this can give you a temporary respite, and you might think that everything is back to normal, but in reality, that person will still be struggling. In fact, if you force them to stop, they might shut you out entirely and stop communicating with you.
Do Provide Them with Inspiration
If someone is struggling with addiction, they're probably going through tough times, so this is the best time to inspire them and make them see that there is a way out. One of the best ways to show them that they can battle their addiction and succeed is by using these inspiring quotes that can remind them that recovering is a long, arduous journey, but it is certainly worth it. Inspiring someone with a drug addiction will also help build their self-esteem, encourage them to continue fighting, and show them that there are many things worth living for, no matter how imperfect they are. It will also show them that you care about them and that you're willing to stay by their side no matter what, so use inspiring quotes and successful recovery stories to give the people you care about hope.

Do Help Them Create a Recovery Plan
After you've discussed the crux of the problem with that person, you can start helping them by creating a recovery plan. This is the first step toward recovery and it won't be easy, but it is the most important part of their journey. You can create an effective plan by making an accurate evaluation of their situation. Asking these questions might help you do this.
- When did that person start taking drugs?
- When did their behavior change?
- How can I reach out to them without receiving a negative reaction?
- Should I call the professional for advice?
After you obtain answers to these questions, you'll have a clear-cut idea of how to proceed next, and whether that person should go to a rehabilitation program or not. It's important to ensure that this is done with the person's full consent, or else the treatment might not be as successful as you want it to be. Involving them in the planning process can help them regain a sense of control over their life.
Do Learn about Addiction
In order to really understand what people with drug addiction are going through, you need to educate yourself on the matter, especially if you haven't been exposed to alcohol or drug addiction before. There are several reliable sources on the internet that you can browse. One of the best sources to get information from is the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Helping someone with drug addiction won't be easy and should be done with the utmost care and dedication, so do your research and make sure you are ready to support them on their journey. Remember that showing this person that you're not giving up on them will encourage them not to give up as well and seek treatment.
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