6 Ways Technology is Improving healthcare

Technology is one of the most powerful weapons of the 21st century. Not only for e-commerce or entertainment but it has also contributed its bit to the health sector.

Effortless workflow is crucial for a pharmacy as customers are always in a hurry when they visit a pharmacy. The new developing systems are providing better resources to both its employees and customers. Here are 6 ways in which technology is improving pharmacy services.

1. Better E-Verification systems
It is the duty of every pharmacy to ensure that each of its customers receives the correct medication as per their prescriptions. In the old times, this used to be a lengthy process. The information was entered manually, the prescription was filled and then it was verified by the human workforce.

Modern technology has made this whole process very simple. A technology similar to PACS, which is used in hospitals is used. It involves digital images that make the verification process quite simple for the pharmacist.

These verification systems significantly minimize the chances of errors. Not to forget the quick work essentially boosts the overall efficiency of the pharmacy.

2. Pill Counters
The development of machines that can count individual doses is another great development. Such a device cross-checks that the technician’s count was precise.

The machine has been engineered in such a way that it ensures that the medicine provided and the pill count is accurate. In case there is any discrepancy in the medicine or its count, an error report is generated immediately.

3. Fighting off substance abuse
Drug addiction is one of the biggest concerns in the health care sector. These concerns are even more tense as they relate to prescription opiates. The use of data analytics in healthcare has significantly helped the government and health industry track the misuse of painkillers.

The excessive prescriptions for specific drugs are identified and reported by the system automatically. This alerts the pharmacy about their at-risk customers.

The EPCS- electronic prescribing of controlled substances is still not in full-fledged use. However, it is soon expected to be used by pharmacies all over the country.

4. Tele pharmacy services
The tele-pharmacy services are especially beneficial in remote and rural locations. Via tele pharmacy, the pharmacy services ventured on the worldwide net. This makes them accessible from any part of the world.

Even the people in remote areas can fill in their prescriptions. Their medicines are then easily mailed to their respective places. Tele pharmacy has also enabled them to consult any real pharmacist about their medications and health concerns.

Once you experience the ease of shopping for medicines online, you will never again want to step into the long queues.

5. EHR Analytics- Better customer service

Most of the hospitals in our country have already adopted the EHR, Electronic Health Record system. This system has proved to be a boon for the health care sector.

Pharmacists can track any patient’s medical history in order to obtain a clearer picture of their present health status. This data helps them in creating better wellness plans for the patient.

Hence, the EHR analytics system is very beneficial as it helps the pharmacy in providing better service to their customers.

6. Use of Analytics
Just like in any other business, a pharmacy also has competitors involved. They may be local, regional, or national. In such a case it is important for a pharmacy to discover the ways their customers are trying to reach them or the services that are earning star points. Another important question is what measures should they adopt to improve their brand.

In order to find out the answers to these questions, some pharmacies have started offering apps. These apps downloaded on smartphones, notify the patient when it’s time to take medicines. When your stock is running low, you can easily put up a refill request. Stats suggest that in 2016, 52% of hospitals were using three or more connected health technologies, globally.

Sure, these apps have come very handy for the patients, but they have also helped the pharmacies. They collect all the data from patients and help in providing better and customized services.

The new tech innovations are not only great at providing a helping hand but are also a weapon for competing in the commercial marketplace.

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