Perfect Career Paths for Health & Fitness Enthusiasts
Work can really wear you down over the years. The constant demands of the corporate world, controlling or unfair bosses and never-ending last-minute deadlines can turn what should have been a beautiful life into stressful drudgery. For most people, going to a job you don't like each day is definitely not the way to live. Fortunately, there's hope. The saying “if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life” can be your ticket to a wonderful way of being. If you have been an active person all of your life, and have a deep interest in health and fitness, there are a number of careers that offer you the chance to do what you love.
Health and fitness are the key to living a long life, and to lowering the overall costs of illness to society. With increasing interest in well-being, and people living to a much older age, you'll find great career opportunities available in fitness clubs, residential spas, colleges or pro sports organizations and medical and physician centers too. The following are some great career path options if you’re really interested in making a living in this industry.
Why Getting a Get a Degree is Essential to Success in This Industry
Many health and fitness professions require that you get an undergraduate or advanced degree. You'll find a wide choice of degree programs, ranging from nutrition and exercise science, to sports and fitness administration, leisure facilities management, pre-dietetics, and athletic training. If you need help paying for your degree program, you should consider looking for scholarships for college online. You'll be able to find and apply for eligible scholarships that could pay for all or a part of your degree program.
Fitness Trainer
If you choose to become a fitness trainer as your career path, you'll be leading individuals in exercises and activities that range from strength training to cardiovascular work. It's likely that you'll also design and run your own classes. To help protect clients from strain or injury, you'll also provide guidance on the correct way to do each exercise.
Athletic Trainer
An athletic trainer typically works in a professional capacity as a key member of a sports team. They may be employed by a college or high school program, or may work for one of the pro sports franchises. As part of your duties, you'll be called on to help your athletes by diagnosing, treating, and working to prevent injuries. For this position, you'll typically find that the state requires a four-year degree and a passing grade on a national exam given by a governing association.
Engineer in Fitness Technology
Individuals with an interest in both fitness and leading-edge biomechanics technology might consider a career in fitness technology engineering. If you choose this career path, you'll be able to do research on how inventive new technologies can be used to help clients improve their fitness and health. A high aptitude for technology, along with an inventor's mind and creativity, will allow you to come up with game changing devices that can truly make a difference in the world.
Nutrition or Dietetics
A healthy diet can extend your life and provide the fuel needed to embark on a well-designed fitness program. With so many nutrition and diet myths circulating around collegiate and pro athletes will especially benefit from nutritional plans that specifically address their caloric, metabolic, and protein needs. For a career in nutrition or dietetics, you'll likely need a four-year degree and also will need to be licensed in certain states.
Physical Therapist
As a physical therapist, you will work with clients or patients and help them rehabilitate from common workout injuries or chronic conditions. Physical therapy is often employed as one of the first lines of defense, as it can often provide solutions and help improve health without the need for invasive surgery or addictive medications. The training program for physical therapists is quite intensive, and usually requires an undergraduate degree followed by a Doctor of Physical Therapy diploma. You'll also need to be licensed by your state.
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