Nine Reasons to Consider a Logistics Career
Without a doubt, logistics is one of the most important industries in today's modern world. If you were to remove resource distribution and its execution and planning, society as we know it would cease to function very quickly and chaos would ensue all around the world thanks to food shortages and other serious issues.
Today, every company uses logistics in some way or the other, even if a full-time logistics manager is not employed. A logistician's work begins with bringing the supplies and raw materials that are necessary to the efficient operation of a business or organization. Then, inbound logistics are used in conjunction with outbound logistics in order to distribute products or services when they are in demand.
If you are currently trying to decide on a career pathway or considering a change of career, the field of logistics certainly has a lot to offer. We've put together some of the top reasons to think about pursuing a career in logistics.
New Opportunities are Opening:
With the global economy rapidly expanding, the importance of logistics has increased significantly. Outsourcing has brought about several new challenges, but also many new opportunities in this field. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, estimates show that logistics jobs are likely to increase in number from 25% by 2020, compared to ten years ago. As a result, thousands of additional jobs have been and continue to be created in logistics.
There's a Career for Everyone:
Although logistics can often seem like an advanced or complicated job which requires an advanced degree such as this masters in logistics and supply chain management, this will usually depend on the facet of logistics that you enter. Warehouse workers, truck drivers and forklift operators, for example, are all part of the logistics team, but they are organized and directed by those in positions of higher powers such as middle level management and experienced logistics executives, who will have typically undergone advanced training and study. However, for those who would prefer not to go to school, there is often the option to work one's way up the career ladder.
Salaries are Higher Than Ever:
The average salary of a logistician was $53,000 in 2002 – today, the median salary of somebody working in this career is reaching over $70,000. In 2010, the salary distribution for the lowest 10% of earners was over $40,000, and highest earners were bringing in over $100,000 per year. And today, these figures have only grown.
The Government Can Provide Logistics Training:
Many people who enter a career in the logistics industry today will do so after serving in the U.S. military. In the armed forces, logistics operations are extremely important, and getting positions in logistics and supply chain management is rarely an issue for veterans. In addition, the amount of practical logistics experience that is provided by four or more years of military service is often enough for a veteran to be hired for a mid-level civilian logistics position.
There's Plenty of Opportunity for Advancement:
Due to the various facets and levels of the logistics industry, advancement and progression opportunities are readily available for those who are willing to go for them. And, the logistics industry tends to be one that promotes and trains lower-level employees to get them to higher-level positions, rather than employ new hires from the outside. If you are a hard-working, motivated and innovative individual who is willing to learn more, then you'll be glad to hear that promotions are commonplace.
You Can Start Your Career Anywhere:
Unlike certain careers where it's hard to get started without relocating to a specific region or area, careers in logistics can begin anywhere. Almost every company or organization will have a need for logistics workers and managers. However, if you're wanting to be in with the best chance of getting your new career in logistics off the ground, then it may be worth considering moving to an area that's known as a logistics hotspot such as Chicago and Los Angeles.
Step into the World of International Business:
Many individuals who start a career in logistics will find that they very quickly gain enough experience in the field of international business in order to develop a range of new skills or open up new opportunities for working abroad, working in a career that allows them to move across a range of countries, or relocating abroad permanently. In addition, this can open up opportunities to pick up several further skills; learning a second language, for example, can be much easier when you are working with people who speak it.
It's a Fast-Paced and Interesting Career:
For most people who work in a logistics or supply chain management career, the word boredom is simply not in their vocabulary when it comes to their job. Thanks to the sheer amount and variety of the work, the job is always interesting and there's always something new to do and learn. In addition, crossover regularly occurs when one facet is slow but another is moving quickly, allowing logistics professionals to move around and learn more about the industry as a whole, gaining new experiences and additional skills as they go along. And, companies that deal with logistics will typically work with a wide range of goods and materials that you will need to learn about and become familiar with.
Develop Strong Relationships:
Last but not least, logistics is a great choice of career for those who enjoy working with other people. People who work in logistics get to work with different people every day who are from a range of different backgrounds and walks of life, and many cite their coworkers as one of the greatest advantages of the job. Logistics can be a very demanding job, and therefore tends to attract people who are great team players, supportive of their colleagues, and take a great level of pride in their careers.
If you're looking for an exciting new career, logistics is an excellent choice with increasing opportunities, higher salaries, and exciting work prospects.
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