Top Tips For Preparing A Disaster Survival Kit

No one wants to think that they may get caught up in a disaster situation where access to necessities isn't possible one day. But these things come out of nowhere sometimes, and being prepared makes dealing with the aftermath easier. So, in much the same way you keep a breakdown kit in your car, having a disaster survival kit is an insurance policy against the unforeseen. And the good news is you’ve come to the right place for advice on what to include in your disaster survival kit.
Food And Water
Food and drink are essential to life, so a ready supply of non-perishable food and water is vital to any survival kit. As well as bottles of water, consider including a filtration device or purification tablets for making water potable, as bottles are a finite source. Including seeds and gardening tools will allow you to grow fresh food if food supplies get cut off long-term. Most emergency events won't come to this, though, and having plenty of canned and dried goods will suffice until supply lines are re-established.
Staying Connected
Keep in contact with the rest of the world by packing a self-powering radio, allowing you to hear news broadcasts without worrying about battery life. A portable generator will provide enough electricity to run essential devices and lighting and cooking facilities. If fuel to run a generator is a concern, opt for a solar power version that will allow you to use freely available sunlight to provide energy. Keep charging cables and spare batteries to hand for devices like cell phones so that you can maintain contact with the outside world.
Warmth And Shelter
Basic shelter and staying warm can become surprisingly hard to achieve after a natural disaster, so having these in your survival kit is a must. Silver space blankets are perfect as they are lightweight, waterproof, and cheap to buy. Take them with you on hiking trips in case of an accident, and include plenty in your survival kit. Add a tent to your supplies so that you can shelter from inclement conditions if necessary.
First Aid
Chances are, if you find yourself in a survival situation, someone will require first aid sooner rather than later, and medical help may not be immediately available. Add a comprehensive first aid kit to your supplies and learn how to use it by taking a first aid course. Besides basics like plasters and bandages, include items such as sterilizing tablets, pain relief medication, and sunscreen. If it's impossible to have prescription medications required by anyone in your group, include a list so people can source them correctly.
If you can, have two disaster survival kits, one at your home and another elsewhere, so that if one gets destroyed, there's a backup. Keeping copies of important documents is also a good idea. But otherwise, including non-perishable food, clean water, shelter, and first aid supplies will see you building a robust disaster survival kit.
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