7 Creative Gifts You Can Give to Card Gamers

For people that take any kind of card game seriously, you are probably sitting there thinking, what in the world is there to get as a gift for someone who's obsessed with cards? Think no more, because you'll be happy to know that there are actually quite a few options that are really cool and are bound to make your card loving friend super excited!
This is why we've made a list of 7 of the most creative gifts that you can give to that avid card gamer in your life.
Custom card sleeve
Your special friend will be really touched once they see that you actually took the time to get them something that shows you understand how they value their cards. There are card sleeves at https://www.yourplaymat.com/products/custom-card-sleeves that can be custom made to have your friend's favorite card character displayed on the front. This is a great gift because not only is it custom made, but it helps to keep all their cards in one place, so if they want to carry them around, they don't have to worry about losing them.
Books about card games
It doesn't matter what kind of card gaming your friend is into, you're more than likely to find a book that is specifically about it. Just have a good look online and you'll be pleasantly surprised to find that there are a lot of options when it comes to books about card games or trading. Usually there are stories behind these games, so it'll be a very thoughtful gift if you get a book that delves deep into the history of the characters or the game itself.
Framed cards
This is a great idea because it shows your friend that you understand the value of their cards. If you can get your hands on some of their favorite cards and have them all framed on a background that is within the same theme, this is a home run for you! It'll be even more special if you manage to get limited edition cards within the genre that they're interested in- it will mean that much more to them.
Customized card box
If you know your friend to have a ridiculous collection of cards, then it's a great and unique idea to have a custom made box to keep their cards in. You can have the general theme have illustrations about the cards that they love the most, and have it separated into compartments so that they can organize their cards accordingly. Try to get a vague idea of how many cards they have so that you can make the right size for them.

Limited edition cards
While these can be pricey at times, it certainly is worth the investment if it means that much to your card gaming buddy. They value them more than just images on a card, and there are quite a few limited edition options available across the board, no matter what kind of cards they're into. It's a good idea to go online and do a bit of research so you can have an idea of what kind of cards are available and also what the prices are like to see if it's within your budget.
Custom playmats
To play cards, it would be ideal to have a mat to play on regardless of where they are. If you get them a customized playmat then this is a great option to go for when thinking of a thoughtful gift. It's practical and it will really make your card collecting friend happy too.
You can also have a custom mousepad made with any character's theme put onto it. If you really want to go all out, you can have a couple made with different themes and characters to really express your love for this person and their appreciation for card gaming.
Using any of the suggestions mentioned here is bound to get you points with your card loving friend! To show that you understand and appreciate their passion and interest will really go a long way in showing them how much you care about them. There are plenty of ways for you to get creative for a card gaming person, and using the options provided here should push you in the right direction and give you a variety of choices for years to come for your card collecting buddy. All you have to do is just pay attention to the theme and the kind of cards that they're interested in.
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