These New Technologies Are Revolutionizing The Fight Against Cancer

Cancer has always existed and it has forever been one of the most dreadful diseases on the planet. One of the reasons our life expectancy was a lot lower centuries ago was down to the fact we had no technology to fight cancer. People would simply die from this disease at a much higher rate – the good news is that we've come on leaps and bounds since then.

Technology advanced at rapid rates and we've reached a point where cancer is no longer a guaranteed death sentence. Experts in the field of oncology have worked tirelessly to bring us to this point, but they're far from done. The goal is to live in a world where cancer can be seen as another highly treatable disease that doesn't ruin lives and families.

Incredibly, this is looking more and more likely with the introduction of new technologies in the fight against cancer. Many concepts and ideas have been put forward or tested and these are the ones leading the line:

Artificial Intelligence

You can't mention any new tech developments without giving a nod to AI. It has uses across a broad spectrum of industries; from AI in content marketing to AI in the medical field. Regarding the fight against cancer, artificial intelligence is being used with machine learning to identify key risk factors in people.

Picking up on those with the biggest risk factors can help doctors make earlier diagnoses. It's a way of spotting cancer far sooner than ever before, which immediately increases the treatability rate. That's one of the key aspects of fighting this disease; it may never be preventable, but it is highly treatable and curable when caught early.

Cancer Treatment Injections

This is a revolutionary approach to cancer treatment spearheaded by the United Kingdom. Its National Health Service is beginning to use injections to treat cancer, as opposed to IV infusions. These injections enter the bloodstream and take seven minutes to work while more traditional treatments can take hours. It can lead to much faster treatment times for patients, which may enable more patients to be treated within a given timeframe.

Precision Medicine

Medical experts are experimenting with new technologies to provide precision oncology treatments to cancer patients. The idea is to move away from the traditional approach of using the same treatment methods for everyone – chemotherapy, radiation, etc. Instead, precision medicine centers around the concept that every tumor is different. It focuses on getting to know the exact genetic makeup of the tumor and fighting it from there.

It's still a concept in its infancy, but research into precision medicine for cancer suggests it could be the most effective treatment method yet. Tumors will be more precisely targeted, minimizing damage to healthy cells in the body and potentially reducing the side effects people see after going through cancer treatment.

While this horrible disease may leave us feeling like we're fighting a losing battle at times, the future is very bright. These technologies prove that strides are being taken towards a world where cancer is no longer a feared term.

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