Never Underestimate The Influence Of Addiction

Substance and alcohol abuse is one of the main challenges modern societies face thanks to increased drug supply and easy accessibility. Various research studies have been conducted to determine the influence of drugs on mental functions and what drives addictions. Awareness campaigns, and drug education programs have also been integrated into the regular school curriculum. While these attempts are effective in various ways, they still have a long way to go in the battle against drug and alcohol abuse.

According to recent studies, most people who end up becoming addicts often fail to acknowledge the influences of drug cravings and addiction. Future addicts who simply try out a drug for fun, despite knowing its addiction potential, are never fully informed about the nature of drug cravings. What’s more, the dose is usually controlled in the beginning as users experiment with different drugs. By underestimating the influence of addiction, they continue to use addictive substances not realizing that they are becoming dependent on the drugs.

The risk of underestimating addiction

Although there are several warning signs of addiction, informed drug users will still continue to feed their habit. Addiction can be very subtle and gradual so most people oversight its influences. This is why it is important to seek professional assistance if you suspect one of your friends or family is addicted. You can visit a treatment center to learn more about substance addiction and available recovery programs. Many drug abusers never take time to contemplate their addiction or what they would give up to satisfy a craving. New users simply assume they are in control and therefore refuse to fully acknowledge the influence drug craving has on their behavior. Unfortunately, it is this nonchalance that leads to addiction. Some of the risks of underestimating addiction influences include;

  • Addiction unawareness – you will not be able to tell when you are becoming addicted to a substance. Since you believe to be in control, it is also highly unlikely that you will take time to research the abused substance, its addiction potential and warning signs.
  • Addiction denial – you will not be able to admit that you are an addict. Most addicts become defensive or even aggressive when confronted with the fact that they are no longer in control of the vice. They also don’t like taking advice about stopping their habit.
  • Dose increment – underestimating the influence of addiction can make one blind to the changes they are undergoing. As one settles into a routine of using, it becomes the new norm and the body quickly learns to take in higher doses of the same substance. “Upping the dose” is one of the greatest risks of underestimating addiction. Taking larger volumes of addictive substances will only speed up the addiction process. It can also make detoxification and rehabilitation a daunting and discomforting process.
  • Relapse – many drug addicts leave rehabilitation centers thinking they got rid of the problem only to relapse a few weeks later when cravings reappear. This is why ongoing support and outpatient programs are recommended for long term addiction treatment/rehabilitation.

Drug addiction is not a light matter. Many addicts will to quit their drug use in vain. Successful rehabilitation calls for trained professionals who can provide medical help and assistance through the detox and withdrawal phases. Substance abusers also require supportive friends and families who are well educated about the nature of addiction and cravings. It is only after acknowledging the powerful influences of addiction that you will be able to accept its impact in your life, and seek professional help.

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