How To Look After Yourself When Working From Home

In response to the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), we have experienced a variety of changes in our lives, including some significant changes in how we work. A few of us have returned to our regular workplaces, but a large number of us continue to work from home or are phasing back in.

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Working from home has its perks for some of us (no more commuting! ), but it can also be a challenge for many others who may look forward to such a change.

Having feelings of stress, unmotivated, anxiety, and uncertainty is completely normal. Aside from the aforementioned concerns, many of us are also concerned about future career opportunities or the best way to balance work commitments with personal and family obligations.

Using these simple tips to make working from home easier, you will feel more productive and motivated while working from home, and take care of your mental health as well.

Create A Routine And Stick To It 

When you don't keep a schedule, it can be very difficult to find a balance between work and personal life and the boundaries between them can be blurred very easily.

Stay consistent with your usual sleeping schedule and working schedule, and try to stick to those if you can.

If you are going to rise at the same time, eat breakfast, and remove your pyjamas as soon as possible, you need to do it simultaneously. The best way to avoid being late to work is to schedule some “commute time” in your schedule, so when you arrive at work, you can read, exercise, or listen to music while you wait.

You must also remember that when you are done working for the day, you should stop working. Turn off your computer, stop checking your emails, and focus on your family. Getting to sleep at the same time every night is important at the end of the day.

Include A Dedicated Workspace In Your Home 

Getting peace and quiet is a lot easier if you're not around people (or from the TV if you're looking for a snack) or distracting things like the radio.

It is a good idea to gather all the things you think you need for your project – chargers, pens, paper, cameras, and so on – into one place before you start working, and it is a good idea to close the door. The fact that a work area can be designated even in a small or shared space is not a problem.

Furthermore, you should try to make yourself comfortable as much as possible. The truth is that in most circumstances, it is better to sit at a desk or table rather than on the couch, regardless of how tempting it may seem. 

It is unnecessary to purchase office furniture like an adjustable chair if you have other options such as cushions that can be attached to the chair, as well as a box that can be attached to the chair to serve as a footrest.

Remember To Take A Break 

The best way for you to manage your stress level and the state of your health is to make sure that you are making time to take breaks every now and then.

I recommend taking regular breaks from your desk, eating lunch, and taking screen breaks as often as you can. You will be able to get back into the mental state that you were in before you went on your break by doing this. A short break of less than a minute can boost your productivity by a great deal and you'll be able to really concentrate on your work.

When you have the opportunity to spend some time outside, consider doing so whenever possible. We cannot overstate the benefits of spending regular time in green spaces on our mental health.

If you find it difficult to get out for a run, do some walking, or even just take a bike ride, try setting aside some time for it.

Make Sure Stay Connected And Continue To Learn 

Even though it may be extremely convenient in a number of ways, working from home can also prove to be much more isolating than you anticipate. We often overlook the fact that keeping in touch with those you care about can be simple, especially if we assist both our own and their mental well-being.

If you are planning on scheduling video calls and phoning rather than emailing, you will be more likely to strike up a good rapport at work and outside of work as well. You may want to speak to your colleagues or manager about any issues you are facing while working from home. You should also remember that you are likely to share the same opinion as your colleagues. It would be helpful if you could find ways to help each other out during this time. It is imperative that you schedule in a digital coffee break or a weekly Friday get-together as an opportunity to socialise virtually.

One of the best ways you can be successful with working from home it makes sure you embrace the Future of work and continue to learn remotely. 

Create Boundaries 

While working at home, setting boundaries with your family members is essential to being able to stay mentally healthy.

Working from home provides you with more flexibility, so take advantage of that. In addition to this, it can also be a challenge if you have other distractions at home, like children, who may assume that you are on vacation and wish to spend time with you.

Discuss your needs with those closest to you, especially your family members. Let them know that you still need to do work and you need some quiet time in order to accomplish it; share your schedule with them as well.

Setting work boundaries is similarly important. The best time to switch off is when the workday is over, and you are enjoying time with your family at home. If you are working from home, it's easier to stay online, but try to switch off when your workday is over.

Think About The Long Term 

There is a possibility that you will continue to work from home in the upcoming months, so you might want to consider ways to make your working environment more efficient. Would it be possible to work in a room that has a window that lets a lot of light in? Or maybe a room that's warmer?

Explore your style of working in relation to the style of working of others. Do you know of another way to communicate online, or do you know of any new software you could use for that purpose?

In the future, you could even choose to work from home permanently, for instance, there have been many businesses that have made the switch to working from home and have seen many benefits, among them: 

  • Commuting is not necessary
  • A reduction in the cost of working
  • A greater amount of time for my family to spend together
  • Flexibility is more important than ever
  • A better balance between work and personal life
  • Increasing opportunities even on an international level

Remember To Be Kind To Yourself 

Remember, you will not feel like you are in a typical situation and this situation is quite unusual.

Please embrace the realization that you might not produce as much as you normally would and be kind to yourself. Be realistic in regards to what you can achieve given the circumstances, and when you are done, relax.

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