How to change from glasses to contacts

For many of us with weak vision, we've come to terms with the fact we'll always need to wear glasses because contact lenses “just don't feel right.” It's a pretty common trend that you'll find, particularly amongst those who only came to wear glasses in later life. But if you can get over your preconceptions and misgivings about contact lenses, they can offer a more comfortable alternative to wearing glasses. You might even find that you never want to go back!

According to contact lenses specialists Lenstore: “Contact lenses can be daunting for those who haven't used them before, with the idea of putting something in your eyes. For many, touching their eyes is an off-putting concept.”

The benefits of contacts over glasses
According to Lenstore: “Contact lenses can actually feel a lot more natural than glasses and in some cases more comfortable for longer periods of time, particularly for those with higher prescriptions.” They're also arguably often easier to wear when playing sports or engaging in more active pastimes.

Given that they cover the entire surface of the eye they also provide a wider field of vision and won't fog up in cold weather. They will also never clash with what you're wearing and can even be designed with different colours so you can experiment with different “styles” of eyes.

There are, however, some notable drawbacks that will need to be overcome before you make the transition from glasses to contact lenses. For example, as they reduce the amount of oxygen getting to your eyes, they can lead to dry eyes if not taken out regularly and if they are not regularly cleaned, nasty infections can occur. That's why you need to go through a transition period.

Making the transition
The first thing to figure out when transitioning from glasses to contacts is the actual process of putting in your contacts. Wash your hands thoroughly and use the tip of your finger to apply, ensuring your hands are completely free of any debris. You'll also want to take it slowly, maybe only wearing your contacts for a few hours a day at first before it starts to feel more natural. Your contacts also need time to settle in, so to speak. Also, never get your left and right lenses mixed up as you could end up with serious eye strain.

If you're thinking about swapping to contact lenses, however, you should always speak to your optometrist and get professional advice, as they can help to allay many fears and concerns that might otherwise put you off. They should also be able to help find the perfect contact lenses for you that find the ideal balance between form and function.

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