How Does CBD Helps with Anxiety?

What Is CBD?
Cannabidiol, also called CBD, is one of the dozens of chemical compounds, known as cannabinoids, that naturally exist in the cannabis (or marijuana) plant. While THC, the other famous component of the plant, acts as a psychoactive agent that gives people a ‘high', CBD does not have that effect, making it an attractive option for people who use for medical purposes.
What are its Effects on the Body and Mind?
Because of its CBD content, the cannabis plant has been commonly used as a natural remedy to treat several physical and mental conditions over history, across many cultures. Recently, and because of its therapeutic effects on the human body and mind, scientific and clinical researchers have been working harder than ever in efforts to uncover the secrets of this versatile chemical.
How Does It Work?
The human body naturally produces some cannabinoids on its own, that's why it already has two receptors for cannabinoids: CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors. Upon attaching to these receptors, all cannabinoids – including CBD – get to have a course of action and effect on the body.
While CB1 receptors are distributed throughout the whole body, the brain is a prime location for many of them. These get to directly modulate functions like coordination and movement; emotions and mood; thinking and memories; and appetite to name a few. CB1 are the receptors that receive THC, allowing it to have its famous effects.
CB2 receptors, on the other hand, can be found more throughout the immune system, affecting the functions like inflammation, pain, as well in some brain areas that are related to anxiety and panic disorders. In this regard, CBD anxiety research suggests that the compound offers a therapeutic “anxiolytic-like” effect. While some researchers are convinced that CBD acts by attaching only to CB2 receptors, others believe that it does not attach directly to either receptor. Instead, they have reason to believe that it directs the body to use more of its own cannabinoids. Either way, and while studies are still pouring in, CBD has been shown to affect the cannabinoid cycle within the body, putting its beneficial effects into action.
What Are the Anxiety-Related Disorders That It Promises to Ease?
Cannabidiol was found effective in the treatment and control of several anxiety and panic disorders. These include general anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among others.
In addition, studies are emerging to suggest that the compound may show promise in the treatment of opioid addiction. This support is achieved through the reduction of withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, mood-related disturbances, pain, and insomnia. On the other hand, CBD is also shown in initial studies to support the management of a number of psychiatric disorders accompanied by anxiety, as well as Alzheimer's disease.
New Crowd-Based Research Initiatives
In efforts to further enhance the ongoing studies tackling the therapeutic effects of Cannabidiol, a new crowd sourcing project aims to collect testimonials from real CBD users who are attempting to ease real conditions, to rate how effective it was for their situation. The site has an ambitious goal of gathering over 1 million real life field reports before the end of 2020.
How Safe is It?
Millions of people around the world report using this substance regularly, without experiencing any medical complications. Just like anything we use, studies are also working towards scientifically proving these reports, with many promising results.
Natural Remedy for Millions

The promise CBD holds for millions of anxiety sufferers around the world is not easy to ignore, especially that the conventional psychiatric medications have a long, persistent history of unpleasant side effects that, in many cases, lead to disruption of treatment and relapse. That's why researchers around the world are racing against time in their quest to uncover the anxiolytic secrets of this wondrous chemical.
As the general mood surrounding the cannabis plant gradually shifts towards the positive, the medical benefits of the CBD in the management of various physical and mental conditions continue to emerge. In addition to anxiety, Cannabidiol was also found helpful in the management of pain and inflammation; epileptic disorders like Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) and Dravet syndrome (DS); type 1 diabetes; neurodegeneration; neuronal injury; some forms of cancer; as well as reducing smoking.
Last but not least, it was also found useful in the fitness and wellness realm. With its various benefits offering relaxation; muscle pain relief; improved sleep; energy enhancement; as well as anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea effects, CBD is quickly gaining popularity as a vital part of many workout routines for health enthusiasts.
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