Setting Up Your Home Gym: Where to Start

Setting up a home gym is the perfect option for those who don’t want to spend excessive amounts of money on costly gym memberships. Having your workout equipment at home is also a fantastic way of keeping up with motivation levels as you don’t have to travel anywhere to sneak a quick workout in. In today’s article, we have a look at 5 essential steps to take if you’re planning on setting up your own home gym. Read on to find out more!
Gather Your Kit
Building the perfect home gym starts with gathering all the tools and gym equipment that you will need for your workouts. Realistically speaking, most people make use of only 10% of the equipment found in commercial gyms, so there is absolutely no need to spend top dollars on dozens of machines and equipment that will end up collecting dust.
As a general rule of thumb, you’ll probably want to invest in an inexpensive set of dumbbells, a kettlebell, resistance bands, an exercise mat, a jump rope and an exercise ball. For those who love running, you could even find an inexpensive treadmill online that will allow you to hit your fitness goals on a budget. Don’t forget to invest in a quality pair of trainers and some gymwear to ensure that your home workouts are as safe and effective as they can be!
Find The Right Space
Finding the right space in your home for your home gym can be tricky if you live in a small apartment or don't have any spare rooms to use. At the very least, the area you choose to double up as your home gym should have enough space for an exercise mat and offer enough room for you to comfortably perform exercises without injuring yourself or damaging walls/flooring. If you’re really tight for space, you could dedicate an unused corner of your living room or bedroom for your workout sessions. Your home gym doesn’t have to look high end — it simply needs to be functional and effective.
Create A Functional Storage Plan
Having a corner of your living room doubling up as a home gym is fine and dandy until you’re throwing a dinner party or having guests around. This is why it is important that you come up with a functional storage plan for those moments in which you’d rather keep the gym equipment out of sight. We recommend purchasing inexpensive storage containers that you can slide under your bed or couch — they’ll be able to contain most of your equipment (except the treadmill) and you’ll be able to store them all in one place for peace of mind.
Install A Full-Length Mirror
Unless you’re lucky enough to have a mirrored wall, chances are you’re going to have to purchase a full-length mirror for your home gym. No, this isn’t just to admire yourself after a hot and sweaty workout, but rather, the mirror serves as a means for you to check your form and ensure you are doing your exercises correctly. A mirror is also a great way of making your space look bigger which can be helpful for those who are in tiny city apartments where space is a luxury.
Keep It Clean And Safe
We don’t have to tell you the potential disasters that can happen when you have heavy weights laying around and no one is looking over you. Keeping your home gym clean and safe is of utmost priority in order to prevent accidents and injuries from occurring. We always recommend that you wipe down your space and equipment thoroughly after use, place equipment away in a safe space when not in use and of course, ensure that you have the appropriate footwear and mats to prevent falls. Additionally, no one wants to spend time in a dank or dirty space which is why keeping your gym clean and fresh is a great way to stay motivated!
Building your very own home gym is a fantastic way to get those workouts in the comforts of your own home. As an added bonus, you won’t be tied to yearly gym memberships that end up putting a strain on your bank account. We hope that this article has given you the motivation you need to get your home gym up and running!
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