Depression in University Students: Causes and Statistics

Depression has turned into a growing issue in college students' life, being the biggest obstacle to academic success. But what are the causes of this mental health issue?
According to the latest Center for Collegiate Mental Health report, depression is considered to be the top problem that college students need some help with. Once they step into the campus, they have to deal with overwhelming stress and academic pressure. New people, new places, a new daily routine make their mind go crazy. Luckily, there are some writing services that aim to make students' life less challenging. So, they can pay someone to write papers for them, like experts from AdvancedWriters do, unless they get used to an academic rhythm.
In this article, you will find out more information about the common aspects of depression. Also, colleges and universities can get some better understanding of how to support the mental health of their students.
What Do the Numbers Say
According to the report issued by the American College Health Association, over 60% of students are reported to suffer from overwhelming anxiety during their college and university years. Meanwhile, over 40% feel depressed, experiencing the functionality problems.
In fact, 16 percent of college students say that depression influences their academic performance in a negative way. Depression tends to affect more and more young people, so that educational institutions should provide appropriate resources for their students in regard to this issue.
Most lifetime cases of mental health issues are indicated before the middle 20s. This happens because academic years are considered to be a stress-involving time in a student's life. Thus, there is a growing need for reliable, accessible mental health services on the campus.
What Are the Causes of this Issue
Particular biological, psychological, and environmental aspects determine the depressive symptoms in college and university students. Be familiar with these five common causes of academic depression.
- Difficulty transitioning: Adapting to a new environment or academic system can be really stressful. Human brains reach their full development in the late 20s. So, a young adult cannot be psychologically prepared for academic challenges. New surroundings, overwhelming studies, and wrong decisions made in the euphoria of freedom can push young people to the edge. Mitigation should start far before academic years. Students should visit the campus and talk to students, professors, or faculty representatives about what to expect and where to be careful.
- Stress and academic pressure: Student stressors can be taken in different ways, including notes, deadlines, academic assignments, and money. There's the problem of some students facing the realities of the modern world after living with parents. Young adults of an academic age might have been protected by their parents, so they haven't managed to develop the skills of taking challenges. In addition, if students enter the college or university with unaddressed mental health issues, they could find themselves challenged by the lack of a support system.
- Uncertainty and fear of the future: Depression gets even more intensive in unknowns. Without knowing what the future holds for you, a young adult is getting confused. Will there be a prestigious, well-paid job, a nice place to live, and a happy family to enjoy life? These are only some of the questions coming to students' minds. All in all, your people are suffering from the fear of unsuccessful moving to the adult world of multiple responsibilities. They concentrate on personal strengths to develop their negative thoughts about themselves and their inability to keep the future under control.
- Relationships with new people: Building social relationships in college, both platonic and romantic, is marked with various problems. Not all young adults have well-developed communication skills, so many of them fail to find a common language with their classmates or professors. Social media solves this problem partially, although it can hardly be called a possible solution to the problem. Building a reputation in a new environment is an important exam that must be taken by every newcomer. Unfortunately, not all young people manage to find their place in the college or university life. Those who don't succeed in this mission find themselves completely heartbroken. Those who succeed often become victims of their image that causes some mental health issues.
- Lifestyle changes: Physical activity levels and sleep quality are closely associated with the maintenance of mental health and the reduction of depressive symptoms. Continuous insomnia, poor appetite, and lack of physical activity can all boost the symptoms of depression. But college and university life, with its busy nights, endless parties, cramming sessions, and fast food make up some obstacles on the way to a healthy lifestyle. While the on-campus atmosphere often encourages nightlife, students who stick to the trend start demonstrating some high-risk behaviors. A sudden feeling of freedom and independence make young people overly excited, and they don't know when they should stop. By losing the sense of balance in life, they start feeling confused. Those students looking for help are offered some special support services. They are required for students to find the right direction.
Closing Note
Signs that a student is experiencing depression include pessimism, passiveness, disappointment, confusion, insomnia, lack of energy, anxiety, poor concentration, and suicidal thoughts, he can easily handle depression in college or university. Educational institutions should keep this mental illness under control. Students, teachers, and parents are to be aware of the possible risks, so they can pay attention to the physical and mental well-being of students.
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